University of Minnesota Duluth

VRPN and Unreal

Authors: Jonathan Beaulieu

Published: May 25, 2016

VRPN and Unreal

The VRPN Plugin

This is a quick overview of how to get started working with VRPN in an Unreal project. I will give you a walk through and give some detail that may specific to the UMD SIVE lab. This tutorial assumes that you have already compiled VRPN

First you will need to head over to Reutlingen University VR Lab’s website to grab their VRPN Plugin for Unreal. The download can be found at the bottom of the page or at this link

After unzipping copy the VrpnPlugin folder into your Plugins folder inside your Unreal Project. If it does not exist create it.

You can try to recompile and run however I got some errors. I had to make a couple of changes to get it compiling

Remove: worldScale = scale;
 Add:    worldScale = GetActorScale3D();
Remove: #include "VrpnDelegate.generated.h"

Using the Plugin

So now you should have an Unreal Project with the VRPN Plugin compiling.

To use the plugin you can create a new character blueprint or use an existing character blueprint.

This event gives three different outputs. The are named “Pos 1”, “Pos” and “Rot”. Pos 1 is the channel you should probably do a switch statement on this to excute different code for each channel. Pos and Rot are the value that are received from the VRPN server. For the SIVE lab’s system we just have the position value. Below is an example of how to use the event in blueprints.

Blueprint Example

Note: When using trackers make sure to restart the talking of the VRPN otherwise the tracker number will be stay as the most recently used tracker. This can mess up the data.

Note: When using VRPN in combination with the Oculus you must align the axis using the mouse.


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