October 2012
I-V Measurements and Half Wave and Full Wave Bridge Rectifiers
Ø Use laboratory measurements to extract key diode model
parameters including IS ,n (also called h or N in SPICE) from the I-V measurements of the
Ø Modify the default (Dbreak) SPICE diode model
to reflect your measurements and compare and also compare with the 1N4002 model in SPICE. All specifications except the PRV (PIV)
should be similar between the 1N4001 (PRV=50 volts) and 1N4002 (PRV=100 volts).
Ø Implement designs of the half wave rectifier and full
wave bridge rectifier circuits and measure time domain characteristics and the
transfer characteristics of each.
Ø Measure and compute ripple voltage as a percentage and
as an rms value.
You can use both the soft-keys on the oscilloscope or the multimeter
Ø Compare individual diode results and circuit results
using SPICE simulations.
Simulate the circuit shown in Figure 4.1. Obtain the I-V characteristic
curve for both the 1N4002 and
default Dbreak model in SPICE over a range at least of -0.1 to 0.8 volts
and find the current value
for each when vD = 0.7
volts without the capacitor. For
this, it might be useful to use a DC
voltage sweep in conjunction with a VDC source. In addition,
you will need to change the x-axis
value to be the voltage across the diode (v+ - v-) under Plot_Axis Settings…_Axis Variable…-
Examine the
model characteristics for each the 1N4002 and the Dbreak
in PSPICE®, which can be
found by
selecting the device and then Edit_Model…_Edit
Instance Model (Text)…
For Figure 4.1, plot the input and output voltages, VS
and VO, for each of the three capacitor values
that you will be using in lab (see component
list) and an input of a 10 VPP (Volts Peak-to-Peak) 100 Hz sinusoid. Use the
1N4002 for the diode in the circuit.
Ø 1N4001 Diodes (Use 1N4002 diode model in SPICE as well
as the generic “Dbreak” model)
Ø 3.3 kW resistors
Ø 0.1 mF, 1mF, and 10mF capacitors
I-V Characteristics and Diode Model
Parameter Extraction
Figure 4.1
Half-Wave Rectifier
Write and run a SPICE program for the
circuit of Figure 4.1 without the capacitor. Construct the circuit. Use two
digital multimeters (one to measure ID and
another to measure VD). Pay attention to the diode orientation. The
banded side is the cathode end. Change
the supply voltage VS to adjust ID to the desired current
setting, then measure VD. Take enough readings to accurately define
the diode characteristic. You should
measure out to ID
values to a few mA. Record your results in a data table in both
your laboratory notebook and in your laboratory report. Consider the equation which approximates to when the diode is
forward biased. To facilitate graphing
over a number of orders of magnitude we obtain,
From this equation, determine and fit a
straight line (linear regression) to your plotted I-V semi-log graph. Your
equation will be in the form
y = mx + b
Use these data to modify the default diode
(D) model in your SPICE program.
Virtually all
calculators have the linear regression (least squares linear fit)
built-in. Be sure you use this modified
default Dbreak model for simulating the laboratory
results as well as the 1N4002 model.
Half-Wave Rectifier
Again, using Figure 4.1 without the
capacitor, input Vs as a 10 volt peak-to-peak 100 Hz sinusoid. Observe and plot Vo(t) and the transfer characteristic, Vo vs Vs. Compare your results with what would be
expected for an ideal diode.
Now use all three values of C to
illustrate the change in the
ripple voltage by measuring
Vo(t). Use the ”Measure” menu on the
oscilloscope to measure the rms voltage of the output using dc and ac coupling. Explain the differences in these measurements and explain what these
measurements are illustrating. Use your
diode model and check your lab measurements using SPICE. Observe that ripple voltage is defined as
either the (DV/Vpeak) x 100% or as(Vrms or as Vrms of the output voltage/Vpeak
)x 100%. Watch your polarity on the
electrolytic capacitors you may use.
Also, since electrolytic capacitors have a broad tolerance, their values
must be checked on the impedance bridge to obtain accurate results. I will demonstrate the operation.
Diode-Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier
Figure 4.2 Diode-Bridge Full-Wave Rectifier
VS source
replaced by the transformer as shown in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3 Floating Input Circuit
Construct the circuit shown in Figure 4.2.
Input Vs as a 10 volt peak-to-peak 100 Hz sinusoid. Observe and plot Vo(t) and the transfer characteristic, Vo vs Vs. Compare your results with what would be
expected for an ideal diode bridge.
Explain why this circuit would function as an “absolute value” function
Now use the three values of C to
illustrate and measure the change in ripple voltages by measuring Vo(t). Use the ”Measure” menu on the oscilloscope to measure the rms
voltage of the output using dc and ac coupling.
Explain the differences in these measurements and explain what these
measurements are illustrating. Use your
diode model and check your lab measurements using SPICE.
Compare your full-wave rectifier results
with the half-wave rectifier circuits.
*Note that to provide a floating input
from the signal generator which has one side grounded ,
we will use a transformer as shown in Figure 4.3. Do not monitor the input of
the bridge with the oscilloscope because you will automatically ground (that is
short circuit) one side of the circuit. Monitor the input on the signal
generator side of the circuit. (Brown and blue transformer
primary winding). Also observe
how this floating input is modeled in SPICE.
(An added historical note: The background is a photo of a “cat whisker”
diode used as an AM radio detector in the 1905-1920 era of early radio before
the widespread use of vacuum tubes. A
sharp springy wire (cat whisker) formed a pressure junction with a galena
crystal. Galena is PbS (lead sulfide) and has a bandgap
of about 0.4 eV.
Of course, the underlying physics
was unknown at the time. Primitive but
it did work-sort of. A reincarnation of
this was used in World War II in what is called a foxhole radio. The junction for detection of strong AM radio
signals was a sharp wire contacting a “blue edge razor blade to form a
junction. The “bluing process on the
single edge razor blade creates a difference in the work functions between the wire and
the metal razor which results in a rectifying junction.)
In reference to power supplies