If you are already registered, you simply need to go to your polling place and bring a picture ID. To find your polling place in Minnesota, go to the following link and enter your address. For students living on the UMD campus in the UMD dorms, your polling place is the Kirby Ballroom on campus. For students from Wisconsin, contact the city, county or town clerk in your area to find your polling place.
For both Minnesota and Wisconsin, you may register at your polling place on the day of the election. You will need to bring a state picture ID (e.g., a drivers license) showing your address.
If you are living at an address that is not shown on your ID (e.g., you are living in the dorm but haven't changed your drivers license address), you may still register to vote in the precinct corresponding to your current address, but you will need to bring extra documentation. In Minnesota, you should bring a UMD fee statement that includes your present address, this along with your picture ID will allow you to register. In Wisconsin, you should bring something such as a piece of mail that has been delivered that shows your current address (in addition to your picture ID). If you are unable to meet these requirements, contact the city, county or town clerk in your area and they can help you.
To request an absentee ballot, you should contact the city, county or town clerk in your hometown area and they will send you an application. You may also be able to get an absentee ballot immediately by going to the City or Town hall in your precinct. Contact your city, county or town clerk to find out.
In Duluth, the city clerk's number is 723-3340. In Superior, the city clerk's number is 394-0383. To find the number of other clerk offices, go to this page and enter your city and state or zip code, then press the Set button. On the following page, enter either "city" or "town" or "county" (whichever is appropriate) followed by "clerk" as your search term. Then click the button Search.