Dance Lighting Book Project
Mark Harvey
January 2011

Lighting Designers

Adolphe Appia

Ronald L. Bates

Nicola Cernovich

Revelations Video, Al Crawford, Lighting Director <>

Celebrating 50 Years - NY Times <>

Aaron Copp

David Covey

Beverly Emmons

Brackley Frayer

Christina Giannelli

Herrick Goldman

Arch Lauterer

Adolphe Linnebach


Optically simple lensless system for projecting a shape from a gel or glass slide etc. onto a set or cloth. The slide is placed in the front runners of the projector which is a floodlight (with a point source lamp, and no reflector). Often used for shadow effects or simple scenic projection. The projector was developed in Germany by Adolphe Linnebach (1876-1963) in 1916 at the Court Theater, Dresden. In order to get a sharp image, the lamp filament should be as small and as bright as possible, with adjustment to move it towards and away from the slide. A high intensity low voltage lamp is often used for this purpose.

Hermann Markard

How to reach Ann Hutchison Guest

Stanley McCandless

Tharon Musser

Jean Rosenthal

Tom Skelton

Mark Stanley, NYC Ballet

Chenault Spence

Clifton Taylor

Jennifer Tipton

United Scenic Artists

Dance Companies

American Ballet Theatre Archives

American Dance Festival


2008 Performance Schedule

Ballet Russe

Video of "Les Sylphides" rehearsal for the June 1928 outdoor festival 'Fetes de Narcisses' in Montreux, Switzerland

New York City Ballet Archives

Pennsylvania Ballet Archives

San Francisco Ballet Archives


Dance Database

The Bauhaus

Walter Gropius
Oskar Schlemmer
Lazlo Moholy-Nagy

Modern Dance Pioneers

Alvin Ailey

Revisiting 'Revelations' <>

George Balanchine

Merce Cunningham

Emile Jacques-Dalcroze

Ruth St. Denis

NYPL Photostream

Loie Fuller

Martha Graham

Hanya Holms
"Finding a Place for Hanya Holm"

Doris Humphrey

Kurt Jooss

The Green Table
Lighting Design: Hermann Markard
Recreated by Kevin Dreyer

Jose Limon

Heinz Poll

Dana Reitz

Charles Wiedman

Mary Wigman



Performer Generated Electricity
New York Times Article

General History of Stage Lighting