Example pre-test questionnaire.
Please answer the following questions.
General Information
Are you:
- UMD student.
- Prospective student.
- UMD faculty.
- UMD staff.
- Alumni.
- Male.
- Female.
- Under 18.
- 18-24.
- 24-48.
- 48-65.
- Over 65.
- ________________________________
Highest education:
- Less than high school.
- High school degree.
- Bachelors degree.
- Masters degree.
- Doctorate.
Computer usage.
Experience using a computer:
- Less than one month.
- 1-6 months.
- 6 months-2 years.
- Over 2 years.
Frequency of using the computer:
- Daily.
- Weekly.
- Monthly.
- Never.
Web usage.
- Less than one month.
- 1-6 months.
- 6 months-2 years.
- Over 2 years.
Frequency of using the web:
- Daily.
- Weekly.
- Monthly.
- Never.
Hours a day spent using the web:
- Less than one hour.
- 1-2 hours.
- 2-4 hours.
- 4-6 hours.
- 6-8 hours.
- 8 or more hours.
- Netscape, version: _________
- Microsoft Internet Explorer, version: ______
- Other: __________________________
UMD web site usage.
Frequency of using the UMD web site:
- Daily.
- Weekly.
- Monthly.
- Never.
Hours a day spent using the UMD web site:
- Less than one hour.
- 1-2 hours.
- 2-4 hours.
- 4-6 hours.
- 6-8 hours.
- 8 or more hours.
When you visit the UMD web site, where do you typically start?
- The University of Minnesota Systemwide home page.
- The UMD home page.
- The MyOneStop portal.
- Another UMD web site: ______________________