Phys 2022 - Classical Physics
Syllabus (pdf) Homework (pdf)
Matlab scripts
- HW solutions are on a Google Drive for Phys 2022.
- Three copies of the Matlab book by Pratap are in MWAH 395. Two of them are an earlier edition, but the relevant corresponding sections of assigned reading are starred in the table of contents.
- Test #1 Monday Oct. 3.
- Videos for Vibrations and Waves at MIT.
- Test #2 Monday Nov. 7. You may bring 15 equations of your choosing with you.
- Simulations from
Normal Modes,
Waves on a String,
Fourier Wave Builder.
- Making Guitars with a Physics Mind
- 2-D vibrations / Chladni patterns Square plate
Circular plate
- Additional reading resources on traveling waves, interference, and diffraction:
Chapters 15, 16, 35, and 36 of the General Physics text, Young/Freedman University Physics
or the free OpenStax physics text (volume 1): traveling waves and interference see chapter 16, and volume 3, chapters 3-4 for interference and diffraction of light.
- Matter waves and Bucky ball diffraction here and
- Final Exam: Tuesday, Dec. 13, 10 am. You may bring 25 equations of your choosing. While comprehensive, there will be some emphasis on material covered since the last exam. Additional notes from Friday's last class: I will provide some trig identities; you should not be surprised to see something from the "uncollected problems" handed out in the last week (and also found at the end of the homework pdf).