Joseph A. Gallian, Morse Alumni Distinguished University Teaching Professor and Professor of Mathematics email: jgallian (at)

Education: B.A. Slippery Rock 1966, M.A. Kansas 1968, Ph.D. Notre Dame 1971.

Employment: Notre Dame 1971-72; U. Minnesota Duluth 1972-present.

Honors: AMS Fellow 2013; UMD Academy of Science and Engineering; Honorary Chief Editor--Discrete Mathematics Letters 2019-; MAA Mary P. Dolciani Award in 2019 for making a distinguished contribution to the mathematical education of K-16 students in the United States or Canada; subject of the documentary film "There Will Be An Answer" 2019; MAA Mathfest 2015 Chan Stannek Lecturer for Students; MAA Mathfest 2014 James R. C. Leitzel Lecturer; 2011; Evnin Lecture Princeton University 2010; UMD Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Research 2009-2010; MAA Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Distinguished Service to Mathematics Award; MAA President 2007-2008; 2003 CASE and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Minnesota Professor of the Year Award; 2002 CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research) Fellow Award (Recognizes CUR members who have demonstrated sustained excellence in research with undergraduates); Mathematical Assoc. of Amer. (MAA) Second Vice President 2002-2004; MAA Polya Lecturer 1999-2001; UMD College of Science and Engineering Anderson Scholar/Teacher Award, 2000; MAA Trevor Evans Award for Exposition, 1996; MAA Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching 1993; U. Minnesota System Continuing Education and Extension Distinguished Teaching Award 1991; U. Minnesota, Duluth Blehart Distinguished Teaching Award 1984; MAA Allendoerfer Award for Exposition 1977; U. Minnesota System Morse Award for Contributions to Undergraduate Education 1976 (All teaching awards listed are career awards chosen by faculty committees); named by a Duluth newspaper as among 100 Great Duluthians from the 20th century; the College Mathematics Journal published an interview of me and had my photo on the cover. See; June/July 2020 issue of MAA Focus had an article written by David Bressoud titled "In Appreciation of Joe Gallian.;" in MathSciNet citations ranked #1 in category MRC05C78; #14 in 05C; #31 in MRC05C45; #67 in MRC05C25. ResearchGate score higher than 99%.

Prizes won by REU students: Morgan Prize 17 winners (29 years in existence), 16 honorable mention; Schafer Prize 17 winners (32 years in existence), 11 runnerup.

Books: Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 10th ed, CRC Press 2021 (2000+ citations); For All Practical Purposes, W.H. Freeman, (coauthor), 500,000+ users, 10th ed., 2021; Principles and Practices of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, (coauthor), 1997; Proceedings of the Conference on Summer Undergraduate Mathematics Research Programs, Editor, American Mathematical Society, 2000; Proceedings of the Conference on Promoting Undergraduate Research in Mathematics (editor), American Mathematical Society, 2007; Mathematics and Sports, Mathematical Association of America, 2010

Articles: 100+, 9,950+ citations (journals include: J. Algebra, J. Combinatorial Theory, Electronic J. Combinatorics, Discrete Applied Math., Discrete Math., ACM Computing Surveys, J. Graph Theory, Math. Zeitschrift, Proceedings AMS, Notices AMS, Canadian J. Math., Amer. Math. Monthly, Math. Magazine, Math. Intelligencer, J. Chemical Ed., Inter. J. Applied Engineering, College Math. J., Math Horizons, Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry); Supervised over 355 papers written by undergraduate students published in mainstream journals

Films: Executive Producer of documentary "Hard Problems: The Road to the World's Toughest Math Contest," Co-PI of a grant to have the documentary film "Julia Robinson" syndicated on American Public Television.

Grants: Total: $7,203,303 49 years from National Science Foundation; 38 years from National Security Agency; three years from Jane Street Capital; two years from Minnesota Humanities Commission.

Invited Addresses: 25 at national meetings; 74 at MAA Section meetings; 32 named lectures (includes talks at MoMath, Princeton, Cornell, Brown, and Notre Dame) over 500 at colleges and universities (includes invited talks at U. Michigan, Northwestern, Duke, U. Wisconsin Madison, Michigan State, Purdue, UCSB, Williams, Harvey Mudd); 12 minicourses at national meetings; 27 Project NExT workshops.

Service: National coordinator for Mathematics Awareness Month 2003 and 2010; served on 51 MAA and 11 AMS committees (chair of 17); Co-director of Project NExT 1998--2012; Associate Editor Math. Mag. 1981-1985; Associate Editor Amer. Math. Monthly 1992-2007; Associate Editor MAA OnLine 1997-2020; advisory board Math Horizons 1993-2020; Council on Undergraduate Research Councilor 1989-1998; Director/co-director of five conferences; Chair, Mathematics and Computer Science Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research; member of editorial board for five journals; referee for 53 journals; reviewer for NSF and Research Council of Canada and the Australian Research Council; external evaluator for six departments.

Misc.: Articles about my work have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post (twice), Boston Globe, Newsweek, St. Louis Post Dispatch, New York Post, Minneapolis Star Tribune, St. Paul Pioneer Press, Winnipeg Free Press, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sentinel, Science News (four times), Chemistry & Engineering News, Denver Post, AOL News, ABC News (online),, Yahoo News, San Jose Mercury,, Calgary Herald, Nashua Sunday Telegraph, Fairmont Sentinel, Superior Evening Telegraph, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and in newspapers in Europe and India.

Selected Publications:
1. A dynamic survey of graph labeling, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, (2024) #DS6, 27th edition, 712 pages.
2. Hamiltonian cycles and paths in Cayley graphs and digraphs--a survey (with S. Curran), Discrete Math., 156 (1996) 1-18.
3. Error detection methods ACM Computing Surveys 28 (1996) 504-517.
4. Groups with anti-symmetric mappings (with M. Mullin), Archiv der Math., 65 (1995) 273-280.
5. The classification of minimal non-prime-power order groups (with D. Moulton), Archiv der Math. , 59 (1992) 521-524.
6. Harmonious groups (with R. Beals, P. Headley and D. Jungreis), J. Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 56 (1991) 223-238.
7. On the Hughes conjecture, Journal of Algebra, 34 (1975) 54-63.
8. The Hp-problem for groups with certain central factors cyclic, Proceeding Amer. Math. Soc., 42 (1974) 39-41.

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