HuCl 3035
Instructor: J. Gallian
Week 4, Unit 3

I'm Looking from Down Beat by Pete Welding

"I'm Looking Through You" related to an article by John Gabree called "The Beatles in Perspective". That article really hit a nerve with the author, for the Rolling Stones were given the upper hand when compared to the Beatles contributions to social change.

Pete Welding was definitely a "Beatles fan", as his writing would attest. I would have to agree with his statement about ho' the Beatles music was more sophisticated and not sweetness and light, as Gabree suggests. The music of the Beatles was said to appeal to both the naive and sophisticated listener, and I would agree strongly with that statement. I remember the initial introduction of Beatles music into our house versus the music of the middle period. The latter was enjoyed by myself - (at the ripe age of nine), my brother - (at sixteen), and my mother - (at forty-six!).

The thing that I found most interesting regarding the transition that the Beatles had made with their music during the middle period was how receptive the fans were to the change. If they had developed a total scheme, I don't think they could have pulled it off the way it turned out to be. The artistic expression was the catalyst, and luckily for the group, their timing and natural abilities again helped them to succeed to a great extend Paul's quote at the end of the article summed it all up when he said "we either had to adapt and try new things or go potty", how true!