Week 9, Unit 3


I think it is really great that thirty years after this group has been disbanded, that there is still such large popularity of them. Not only that, but many of these articles deal with events that are currently happening with the remaining three members today. The foremost issue on every Beatles fan mind seems to be that of the release of the Anthology and all the extra packages like soundtracks, etc. that accompany it. I think this is probably one of the most exciting times to be a fan of the Beatles.

With the release of the Anthology everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon. Although this publication has been in existence for a number of years, I think it probably has increased its readership over the last year. The demand for new and old memorabilia of Beatles items seems to have skyrocketed. I have a store in Milwaukee, WI that I like to go to to purchase "new" Beatles vinyl. The owner of the store is an avid Beatles collector and really knows the market for Beatles merchandise. He told me when I was in his store a few weeks ago that he can hardly keep up with the demand for people buying Beatles records. Last time I was in the store, he had a huge pile of records for sale. This time that same pile was about half as high. People are not selling the items they own and are buying up what is out for sale in the stores.

This magazine is great to look through and keep "up-to-date" with what's going on with the Beatles. The popularity of this group is phenomenal. When a group is this popular twenty-five years after it broke up, it is a safe assumption that they will go down in the history books as a change. I am glad that there is such a large population of Beatles fans who still band together to share their experiences and listen to the music that has been such a large part of my life for as long as I can remember.