Craig Stroupe | Associate Professor of Information Design | Department of Writng Studies | 1201 Ordean Court # 420 | University of Minnesota Duluth | Duluth, MN 55812 | 218-726-6249 | fax 218-726-6882 |

Feedback and Evaluation

The checklist attached to your project is meant to provide you with an overview of the project's strengths and weaknesses. Any markings and symbols on written work is keyed to the handout Key to Response Symbols.

This feedback is intended to begin a conversation about your work, rather than being the last word.

This conversation should be focused on what you can learn from the project, rather than on the process of evaluation or the grade. The questions to ask should concern what you can do in the future to improve your work.

If you would like to discuss your work with me, please email me and identify specific criteria you'd like to focus on in such a conversation. I can email back or we can arrange to meet.

If you are interested in revising the project, please see the page on the Collaborative Revision Process, which will be guided by a formal written agreement with specific deadlines.