Department of Mathematics
and Statistics
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Professors: Joseph A. Gallian, Richard F. Green,
Barry R. James (department head), Kang L. James, Zhuangyi Liu, Ronald R. Regal,
Harlan W. Stech
Associate Professors: Guihua Fei, Dalibor Froncek, John
R. Greene, Carmen M. Latterell, Kathryn E.Lenz
Robert L. McFarland, Bruce B.Peckham,
Steven A. Trogdon
Assistant Professors: Marshall Hampton,
Yongcheng Qi
Instructors: Anna C. Jacobson, Karl K. Kruppstadt,
Chad Pierson, Deanna L. Riley, Angela M. Sharp
Mathematics B.S.
Mathematics & Statistics
College of Science and Engineering
• Requirements for this program are current for Fall 2007 .
• Required credits to graduate with this degree: 120.
• Required credits within the major: 50.
• Degree: Bachelor of Science
Mathematics is fundamental to solving problems in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, business, engineering, and technology. The mathematics major prepares students for careers in business, industry, and government and for further studies in law or graduate school. Note that the Statistics and Actuarial Science BS is listed separately.
Honors Requirements: To graduate with department honors, a student must complete the program with an overall and department GPA of 3.50, satisfactorily complete a research project under the guidance of a department faculty member, and convey research results in a public presentation. |
General Requirements |
All students are required to complete general University and college requirements including writing and liberal education courses. For more information about this college's requirements, see Colleges and Schools on the Duluth Web site and the liberal education program.
Recommended freshman writing course(s) for this program: COMP 1120 - College Writing |
Program Requirements |
Requirements for the B.S. in mathematics include:
• Liberal education requirements.
• Minor or second major from another area of study.
• Advanced writing requirement: COMP 31xx.
Required Courses for the Program
Mathematics Core Courses (34 cr)
Take one of the following three Calculus I courses:
MATH 1290 - Calculus for the Natural Sciences, LE CAT2 (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1296 - Calculus I, LE CAT2 (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1596 - Honors: Calculus I, LE CAT2, H (5.0 cr)
Take one of the following two Calculus II courses:
MATH 1297 - Calculus II (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1597 - Honors: Calculus II, H (5.0 cr)
MATH 3280 - Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (4.0 cr)
MATH 3299 - Intermediate Analysis (3.0 cr)
MATH 3355 - Discrete Mathematics (4.0 cr)
MATH 3941 - Undergraduate Colloquium (1.0 cr)
MATH 4326 - Linear Algebra (3.0 cr)
STAT 3611 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4.0 cr)
Required from other departments:
CS 1511 - Computer Science I, LE CAT3 (5.0 cr)
Electives (16 cr)
Take 16 credits from the following:
· MATH 3xxx
· MATH 4xxx
· MATH 5xxx
· STAT 5xxx
Elective courses are subject to the following restrictions:
· MATH elective courses must be numbered at least MATH 3100.
· STAT elective courses must be numbered at least STAT 5000.
· At least 10 credits of MATH and/or STAT electives must be at the 4000 level or above.
· At least 6 credits of electives must have a MATH prefix and
be at the 4000 level or above.
· Only one credit of MATH 3120 may count toward the math major.
· MATH 4371 cannot be counted toward the major.
Double Major
A student with a second major may substitute courses from the Approved Nondepartmental List on a one elective MATH credit for two outside credits exchange basis for up to seven MATH elective credits. A student pursuing a second major in statistics and actuarial science cannot apply STAT courses as electives.
Approved Nondepartmental List (relevant only for Double Majors and Minors)
· BIOL 5807 - Mathematical Ecology (3.0 cr)
· CHE 4301 - Chemical Reaction Engineering (3.0 cr)
· CHE 4401 - Process Control (3.0 cr)
· CHE 4402 - Process Dynamics and Control (3.0 cr)
· CHEM 4641 - Physical Chemistry I (3.0 cr)
· CHEM 4642 - Physical Chemistry II (3.0 cr)
· CS 4511 - Computability and Complexity (4.0 cr)
· CS 4521 - Algorithms and Data Structures (4.0 cr)
· CS 5541 - Artificial Intelligence (4.0 cr)
· CS 5721 - Computer Graphics (4.0 cr)
· CS 5751 - Introduction to Machine Learning (4.0 cr)
· ECE 5151 - Digital Control System Design (3.0 cr)
· ECE 5741 - Digital Signal Processing (3.0 cr)
· ECE 5801 - Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (3.0 cr)
· ECE 5831 - Fuzzy Set Theory and Its Application (3.0 cr)
· GEOL 4240 - Physical Hydrogeology (3.0 cr)
· ME 4112 - Heat and Mass Transfer (3.0 cr)
· ME 4135 - Robotics and Controls (4.0 cr)
· PHYS 4001 - Classical Mechanics (4.0 cr)
· PHYS 4011 - Electromagnetic Theory (4.0 cr)
· PHYS 4021 - Quantum Physics II (4.0 cr)
· PHYS 4031 - Thermal and Statistical Physics (4.0 cr)
· PHYS 5052 - Computational Methods in Physics (3.0 cr)
· PHYS 5501 - Advanced Classical Mechanics (3.0 cr)
· PHYS 5541 - Fluid Dynamics (3.0 cr)
Program Areas of Emphasis |
Mathematics includes a wide variety of areas in which one can specialize.
Although no area of emphasis is required for the Math major, students are
encouraged to work with their advisors to develop a coherent major plan.
See the Department of Mathematics and Statistics web page for descriptions
of elective course groups
appropriate for emphases in Applied Analysis, Computational Mathematics,
Discrete Mathematics, Mathematics Education, or Theoretical Mathematics.
Links to various sample plans are also provided above.
Mathematics Minor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
College of Science and Engineering
• Requirements for this program are current for Fall 2007 .
• Required credits in this minor: 24.
The minor in mathematics is based on the completion of the traditional core of calculus, differential equations, and elementary linear algebra commonly required of undergraduate physical science, engineering, and mathematics degrees. Additional, more advanced, elective classes are required, as well. The minor in mathematics certifies a student's quantitative, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. |
Minor Requirements |
Required Courses for the Program
Core Courses (14 cr)
Take one of the following three Calculus I courses:
MATH 1290 - Calculus for the Natural Sciences, LE CAT2 (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1296 - Calculus I, LE CAT2 (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1596 - Honors: Calculus I, LE CAT2, H (5.0 cr)
Take one of the following two Calculus II courses:
MATH 1297 - Calculus II (5.0 cr)
or MATH 1597 - Honors: Calculus II, H (5.0 cr)
MATH 3280 - Differential Equations with Linear Algebra (4.0 cr)
Electives (10 cr)
Take 10 credits from the following:
· MATH 3xxx
· MATH 4xxx
· MATH 5xxx
· STAT 3xxx
· STAT 5xxx
Elective courses are subject to the following restrictions:
· MATH elective courses must be numbered at least 3100.
· STAT elective courses must be numbered at least 3000.
· STAT 3611 or STAT 3411 may be counted toward the major, but not both.
· Only one credit of MATH 3120 may count toward the math minor.