Structure NATSRL belongs to the Swenson College of Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota Duluth. The current NATSRL structure includes the Director, Research Advisory Panel (RAP) and NATSRL Advisory Board. The NATSRL director develops and manages the NATSRL program in conjunction with the RAP and NATSRL Advisory Board. The RAP consists of the ITS-related engineers from the local partnership agencies including the Minnesota Department of Transportation, St. Louis County, and the City of Duluth. The main function of the RAP, which meets quarterly, includes the identification of the research needs and facilitation of the NATSRL research activities by providing data. Further, the RAP Members actively participate in the proposal review process. The NATSRL Advisory Board sets the NATSRL direction and approves the new proposals for funding. The current board members include the high ranking decision makers from the local partnership agencies.