(Skip Page Index) Page Index:
- Abbreviations & Acronyms
- Accessibility Statements
- Accesskeys
- Assistive Technology
- Benefits
- Buttons
- Captcha
- Carousels
- Check Lists
- Cognitive Disabilities
- Color Accessibility
- Device Independence and and Graceful Degradation
- Definitions and Overviews
- E-Learning
- Flicker
- Focus
- Forms:
- Google Accessibility
- Google Litigation
- Higher Ed
- Keyboard Accessibility
- Language
- Law, Lawsuits, Policies
- Low Vision
- Mobile
- Multimedia:
- Open Source
- Personalization
- Posters & Infographics
- Button
- Relative Sizing
- Scripts
- Skip Links
- Social Media
- Structure
- Style Sheets
- Tables
- Testing, Checking, Validating
- Text Alternatives/Equivalents
- Text Links
- Text Only Versions
- Title Attributes
- Title Elements
- Tools (Accessibility)
- Tutorials and Handbooks
- Usability and Accessibility
- Vestibular Disabilites/Animation
- WCAG 2.X
- WCAG 3
- WordPress
- Writing
- Articles & Related Links
Abbreviations & Acronyms
- Abbreviations - Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 14 - Dey Alexander
- Abbreviations Can be Problematic - Martin Underhill
- Explain all Abbreviations to Your Users - Luke McGrath
- Define Abbreviations or Acronyms on their First Occurrence in Content - Denis Boudreau
- Don't Make Abbreviations and Acronyms a Puzzle for Readers to Solve - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Letters of Exclusion - Jeremy Keith
- Programmatically Associate Abbreviations with Their Definitions - Denis Boudreau
- Re: Help Please with Tagging Acronyms for Screenreaders - Léonie Watson
- Revisiting the abbr Element - Ire Aderinokun
- Using Acronyms Without First Expanding Them - Glenda Watson
Accessibility Statements
- Accessibility Statement - Accessibility Information Page - Mike Gifford
- Accessibility Statements Show Commitment to all Site Users - Lainey Feingold
- Difference Between the Accessibility Page and the Accessibility Statement (2024) - Tom Babinszki
- How to Create Accessibility Statements - Shadi Abou-Zahra
- Web Accessibility Statement: How to Write One [With Examples] (2024) - UsableNet
- What Accessibility Statements Are Really For (2024) - Jonathan Hassell
- Writing a Good Accessibility Statement - Gez Lemon
- Accesskey Replacement Proposal - Chaals McCathie Nevile, editor
- Access Keys - WebAIM Thread
- Firefox 2.0 and Access Keys - Gez Lemon
- Keyboard Accessibility - WebAIM
- Problems with Dynamically Assigned Accesskeys - Terrill Thompson
- Time to Revisit accesskey? - Leonie Watson
- User-Defined Access Keys - Gez Lemon
Assistive Technology
- Assistive Technology: a Video Tour of Accessibility - Jon Gibbins
- Assistive Technology Demonstrations - Vision Australia
- Alternative Web Browsing - Peter Bosher and Judy Brewer
- AT Is More Than Screen Readers (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Five Assistive Technologies You Should Be Aware Of (2024) - Nomensa
- Eye-tracking - WebAIM
- An Introduction to macOS Head Pointer - Eric Bailey
- Head Wand - WebAIM
- 5 Steps to Design Apps with Keyboard Accessibility in Mind - Francine Navarro
- A Brief Introduction to Keyboard Accessibility (2024) - Karl Groves
- Accessible Components: Keyboard Access (Video) - Rob Dodson
- Adaptive Keyboard - WebAIM
- Before Filing that Keyboard Bug… (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Basic Keyboard Shortcut Support for Focused Links (2024) - Eric W. Bailey
- Better Keyboard Navigation with Progressive Enhancement - Christian Heilmann
- Focus Management Still Matters - Sarah Higley
- I Used The Web For A Day With Just A Keyboard - Chris Ashton
- Introduction to Keyboard Accessibility - the Movie! - Bruce Lawson and Taylar Bouwmeester
- Improving the Keyboard Accessibility of Embedded CodePens - Manuel Matuzovic
- Keyboard Accessibility Myths and WCAG (2023) - Graeme Coleman
- Keyboard and Overflow - Adrian Roselli
- Keyboard-Only Focus Styles - Chris Coyier
- Keyboard-Only Navigation for Improved Accessibility - Marieke McCloskey
- Keyboard-Only Scrolling Areas - Adrian Roselli
- Keyboard Shortcuts Need Modifier Keys - Hidde de Vries
- Keyboard Support Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Keyboard Testing: The A11y Enhancement to Your Definition of Done - Mark Steadman
- Should WCAG.NEXT Require All Functionality Operable With a Mouse/Pointer (in Addition to Keyboard) - David MacDonald
- Some Tips for Keyboard Support on Native Mobile Applications (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Successful Teams Ensure 100% of their Members Understand Keyboard Accessibility - Jennie Delisi
- Take the #NoMouse Challenge - Terrill Thompson, et al.
- Taking the Keyboard Navigation Red Pill - Denis Boudreau
- The Difference Between Keyboard and Screen Reader Navigation - Léonie Watson
- The Myth of the Keyboard-Only User - Joseph C. Dolson
- The Pointerless Web (Video) - Nicholas Zakas
- Test Keyboard Accessibility using the Firefox Accessibility Inspector (Video) - Youri Wims
- Understanding SC 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Using Keyboard-Only Navigation, for Web Accessibility - Joseph C. Dolson
- Mouth stick - WebAIM
- Browsing with Screen Magnification - Henny Swan
- How to Make your Site Accessible for Screen Magnifiers - Daniel Göransson
- How to Make Your Website Accessible to People Who Use a Screen Magnifier - Frederik Creemers
- Screen Magnification - AbilityNet
- A Screen Reader User's Weird Tricks to Make Accessible Websites. Number Four Will Shock You! (2023) - Bruce Lawson
- A Tale of Two Rooms: Understanding Screen Reader Navigation - Ryan Jones
- Apple's New Feature a Step Towards Digital Apartheid - Hampus Sethfors
- 'Are You Afraid of the Dark?': a Sighted Person's Adventures With the Screen Reader Experience - Meagan H. Houle
- Blaming Screen Readers Red Flag × 5 - Adrian Roselli
- Browsing With a Desktop Screen Reader - Henny Swan
- Finding the Way: Screen Reader Strategies - Abby Kingman
- Demo of ChromeVox Screen Reader (Video) - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Designing for Screen Reader Compatibility - WebAIM
- How Screen Readers Read Special Characters: An Update - Sophie Ragas
- How A Screen Reader User Accesses The Web: A Smashing Video - Bruce Lawson
- I Used the Web for A Day Using a Screen Reader - Chris Ashton
- Introduction to Desktop Screen Readers - the Movie! - Bruce Lawson and Taylar Bouwmeester
- JAWS (only) NO MORE (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- JAWS Wide Open - Steve Faulkner
- Not All Screen Reader Users Are Blind - Adrian Roselli
- Not All Screen Reader Users Are Blind (2023) - Martin Underhill
- Reference: SRs and Extended Characters - Adrian Roselli
Screen Reader Detection
- Accessibility Events - Mat Marquis
- Dear Screen Reader Useres, Since Web developers Can't Automatically Detect If You're Using A Screen Reader, Why Don't You Just Hand That Data Over, The Apple Edition - Amanda Rush
- Detecting Screen Readers - No - Dennis Lembree
- Detecting Screen Readers in Analytics - Heather Burns
- Don't Override Screen Reader Pronunciation - Adrian Roselli
- On Detecting Assistive Technology - Joe Dolson
- On Screen Reader Detection - Adrian Roselli
- Screen Readers and Drag-and-Drop, Part 1 - Darin Senneff
- Screen Reader Users and the Tab Key (2024) - Martin Underhill
- Thoughts on Screen Reader Detection - Leonie Watson
- Why Screen Reader Detection on the Web is a Bad Thing - Marco Zehe
- Screen Readers Lack Emphasis - Steve Faulkner
- Screen Readers Support for Text Level HTML Semantics (2023) - Steve Faulkner
- Screen Readers on Touchscreen Devices - Katie Sherwin
display: none and Invisible
- CSS in Action: Invisible Content Just for Screen Reader Users - WebAIM
- Hiding Content for Screen Readers - Jared Smith
- Hiding Content for Screen Reader Users - Mike Cherim
- Hiding Content Responsibly - Chris Coyier
- HTML5 Accessibility Chops: hidden and aria-hidden - Steve Faulkner
- Screen Readers and display:none - Gez Lemon
- See No Evil: Hidden Content and Accessibility - Paul Hebert
- How Screen Readers Read Special Characters: An Update (2024) - Sophie Ragas
- Influence of Valid Code on Screen Readers - Joe Clark
- Learning From Screen Readers - Jon Whiting
- Seven Screen Reader Usability Tips - Trenton Moss
- Screen Readers, ARIA and HTML5 (Too Much Information) - Leonie Watson
- Screen Readers By Joe Clark
- Screen Reader Simulation - WebAIM
- Screen-Reader Usability Study - Joe Clark
- Screen Reader User Survey #10 Results (2024) - Jared Smith
- My WebAIM 10th SR User Survey Takeaways (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Using the WebAIM Million and User Surveys to Inform Accessibility Efforts (Video) (2024) - Jared Smith
- Screen Reading Eff Eff Conf (2024) - Remy Sharp
- Semantics to Screen Readers - Melanie Richards
- Stop Giving Control Hints to Screen Readers - Adrian Roselli
- The DOM and Screen Readers - Gez Lemon
- The Hidden History of Screen Readers - Sheon Han
- The Resurgence of ZoomText and Window-Eyes - Jared Smith
- Understanding How JAWS Reads Text - Steve Faulkner
- Understanding Screen Reader Interaction Modes - Leonie Watson
- Views From a Screen Reader User - Mike Cherim
- WebAIM Screen Reader User Survey #6 Results - WebAIM
- What is a Screen Reader? - Daniel Göransson
- Why Don't Screen Readers Always Read What's on the Screen? Part 1 - Punctuation and Typographic Symbols - Paul Bohman
- Why Would a Screen Reader User Have a Braille Display? - Bruce Lawson
- Assistive Tech Switch Device (Video) - Rob Dodson
- Assistive Technologies - The Switch - Hampus Sethfors
- I Used Switch Control for a Day - Hampus Sethfors
- Single-Switch Access - WebAIM
- Firefox and OS X's VoiceOver ... Reading the Magic 8 Ball - Aaron Leventhal
- VoiceOver iOS HTML4, HTML5, & WAI-ARIA Accessibility Support - Paul J. Adam
- Which VoiceOver? (2025) - Adrian Roselli
Benefits (Why accessibility?)
- 3 Great Reasons to Make Your Website Accessible - Armando Roggio
- 5 Hidden Risks of Your Inaccessible Website - Deque Systems
- 7 Tactics That Benefit Both Accessibility and SEO - Matthew Luken
- 7 Things You Should Know About IT Accessibility - Terrill Thompson and the EDUCAUSE IT Accessibility Constituent Group
- Accessibility and SEO - Cooper Hollmaier
- Accessibility: How Many Disabled Web Users Are There? - Joseph C. Dolson
- Accessibility is Good for the Planet - Olivier Nourry
- Commercial Benefits of Accessibility - sebstefanov
- Convincing Companies to Do UX and Accessibility (Video) - Jakob Nielsen
- Design Like We Give a Damn! Accessibility @W3C - Steve Faulkner
- How Do You Get Your Client to Pay For Accessibility? - Gez Lemon
- How SEO has Made the Web More Accessible for Everyone - Jon Henshaw
- How Can Accessibility Improve Your Conversion Rate Optimization Efforts? (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- How To Sell Accessibility - Trenton Moss
- Intro To Why Accessibility is Important for Good SEO - Matthew Luken
- Optimizing for Accessibility + SEO: Site & Page Structure Overlaps - Laura Lippay
- Perspectives on Web Accessibility - W3C
- Resources for Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization - The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- Selfish Accessibility - Harbour Front HK - Adrian Roselli
- SEO and Accessibility Are Symbiotic - Matthew Luken
- The Business Case for Digital Accessibility - W3C
- The Business Case for Accessibility - Greg Williams
- The Real Added Costs of Accessibility - Joe Dolson
- The Unseen Benefits of Accessibility - Christian Heilmann
- To Hell with the Business Case (2023) - Matt May
- Understanding the Impact of Accessibility - Glenda Sims
- Using SEO, User Experience & Accessibility to Improve Search Results - Kim Krause Berg
- Web Accessibility and SEO - Jared Smith
- Web Accessibility Perspectives: Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone - Web Accessibility Initiative
- What You Should Know About Accessibility + SEO, Part I: An Intro - Laura Lippay
- Why Accessibility? Because It's Our Job! - James Edwards
- Why Bother With Accessibility? - Laura Kalbag
- Why Make a Web Site Accessible? - Laura Carlson
- Who is Affected by the Accessibility of Web Sites? - Laura Carlson
- Will Accessibility Become Increasingly Important for SEO? - David Oltean
- Accessible Icon Buttons - Sara Soueidan
- Accessibility Options for Floating Action Buttons (2024) - Danny Payne
- At GOV.UK We Avoid Disabling Buttons (2023) - Joe Lanman
- Building Inclusive Toggle Buttons - Heydon Pickering
- Buttons and Links - Common Misconceptions (2024) - Clive Loseby
- Buttons and the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon - Manuel Matuzović
- Button State and Accessibility - Chris Ferdinandi
- Close Buttons - Manuel Matuzović
- Designing Button Focus States for Better Usability - Elizabeth Schafer
- Disabled Buttons Suck - Hampus Sethfors
- Disclosure-Button Custom Control - Steve Faulkner
- Do You Need an Icon Only Button Without Screwing Up the Accessibility? - Chris Coyier
- How to Find the Accessible Name of a Button With Google Chrome (2024) - By Erik Kroes
- Images as the First Thing in a Button or Link (2024) - Martin Underhill
- It's Not Really About the Button... - Scott O'Hara
- Just Use a (Native HTML) Button - Steve Faulkner
- Links VS Buttons: A Perennial Problem - Sathish Kumar
- Links vs. Buttons in Modern Web Applications - Marcy Sutton
- Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers (2024) - Alexander Muzenhardt
- Multi-Function Button - Adrian Roselli
- Proper Use of Buttons and Links - Dennis Lembree
- Create a Semantic 'breakout' Button to Make an Entire Element Clickable - Andy Bell
- Should I Use a Button or a Link? - Ashlee M Boyer
- When Going Somewhere Does a Thing: On Links and Buttons - Kilian Valkhof
- When Is A Button Not A Button? - Vadim Makeev
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart).
- A Sliding Alternative to CAPTCHA? - Luke Wroblewski
- AI is Making CAPTCHA Increasingly Cruel For Disabled Users - Robin Christopherson
- Accessibility of CAPTCHA - Gez Lemon
- Accessibility of Visual and Auditory Captchas - Web In Sight
- Auditory Captchas Web Survey - University of Washington
- Beyond CAPTCHA: No Bots Allowed! - James Edwards
- Can CAPTCHAs Be Made Accessible? - Crista Earl
- CAPTCHA Is Still Most Problematic Issue on the Web (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- CAPTCHA - Inaccessible to Everyone - Gian Wild
- CAPTCHA Wide Review Draft Published - Janina Sajka
- Captchas and Other Gotchas: Make Sure Your Secure Website is Accessible (Video) (2024) - AmyJune Hineline
- CAPTCHAs Shown to Yet Again Impede Accessibility - Media Access Australia
- Captchas Suck - Hampus Sethfors
- Do CAPTCHAs Block Spam or Your Readers? - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- For Review: Updated Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA - Michael Cooper
- Google CAPTCHAs Nearly Blocked Me from Completing Work - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Google's No Captcha Shows Some Progress - Dennis Lembree
- Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA - Scott Hollier, Janina Sajka, and Michael Cooper, Editors
- Inaccessibility of Visually-Oriented Anti-Robot Tests Problems and Alternatives - Matt May
- Not The Blog Post I Was Going To Write Today - John Foliot
- Prove You're Not A Bot: reCAPTCHA version 3 - John Sweet
- Provide a Text Alternative Describing the Purpose of the CAPTCHA - Denis Boudreau
- Provide Alternate Audio CAPTCHAs to Support Visual CAPTCHA Tasks - Denis Boudreau
- Providing a text alternative that describes the purpose of the CAPTCHA - W3C
- reCAPTCHA Accessibility reVISTED - Terrill Thompson
- ReCAPTCHA Reboot - Adrian Roselli
- Revised "Inaccessibility of CAPTCHA" Draft for Review - Janina Sajka
- Rock Bottom for Captcha, White House - Dennis E. Lembree
- The Captcha Conundrum - Accessible Alternatives - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Definitive Guide to CAPTCHA Accessibility - Holistic Accessibility
- Updated CAPTCHA Note Published - Janina Sajka
- A Step-By-Step Guide To Building Accessible Carousels - Sonja Weckenmann
- Auto-Forwarding Carousels and Accordions Annoy Users and Reduce Visibility - Jakob Nielsen
- Carousels and ARIA Tabs - Dennis Lembree
- Navigating the Accessibility Challenges of LinkedIn Carousels (2024) - Naomi Saines and Tess Hutley
- Don't Use Automatic Image Sliders or Carousels, Ignore the Fad - Brad Frost
- Should I Use A Carousel? - Jared Smith
- The Unbearable Inaccessibility of Slideshows - Gian Wild
Check Lists
- Accessibility Checklist - Benjy Stanton
- Accessibility Checklist - The Washington Post
- Accessibility Checklist - Webflow
- Accessibility Checklist to Design Products That People Will Love… and Use - Nadiya Abrosimova
- Accessibility Guidelines - Vox Media
- Checklist - A11Y Project
- Accessibility Not-Checklist Beta - Intopia
- [DRAFT] FAST Checklist - W3C Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group
- Inclusive Web Design Checklist - Heydon Pickering
- IT Accessibility Checklist - Terrill Thompson
- WCAG 2.0 Checklist - Paul J Adam
- WCAG 2.0 Checklist - WebAIM
- WCAG Cheat Sheets - Dennis Lembree
- Web Accessibility Cheat Sheet - Carlo Gino Catapang
- Web Accessibility Checklist - A11Y Project
- Web Accessibility Checklist - Bruce Lawson
- Web Accessibility Checklist - Julian Salas
Cognitive Disabilities
- A Conceptual Framework for Accessibility Tools to Benefit Users with Cognitive Disabilities - WebAIM and Shane Anderson
- AccessU 2020: Efficient & Effective Design, Conserving Cognitive Energy - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Adding A Dyslexia-Friendly Mode To A Website - John C Barstow
- An Introductory Guide to Understanding Cognitive Disabilities - Glenda Sims and Jennie Delisi
- Be A Digital Ally: Designing Content and User Experiences for Optimal Cognitive Function (Video) (2025) - Knowbility
- Beyond WCAG: Losing Spoons Online - LE Silveus McNamara
- Bridging the Digital Divide for People with Intellectual Disability: Roundtable Report - Good Things Foundation Australia
- Busting The Dyslexia Myth (Video) - Alessia Nicotra and Bruno Maag
- Chunking
- Cognitive Accessibility 101 - Part 1: What is Cognitive Accessibility - Jamie Knight
- Cognitive Accessibility 103 - Jamie Knight
- Cognitive Accessibility and Machine Learning (Video) - Lisa Seeman and Joshue O'Connor
- Cognitive Accessibility Design Patterns - New User Interface - W3C Web Accessibility Initiative.
- Cognitive Accessibility Roadmap and Gap Analysis - Lisa Seeman and Michael Cooper, Editors
- Cognitive Accessibility User Research - Lisa Seeman and Michael Cooper, Editors
- Cognitive Accessibility Survey - Jared Smith
- Cognitive Accessibility (Video) - Jamie Knight & Lion
- Cognitive Disabilities Part 1 - WebAIM
- Cognitive Disabilities Part 2 - Cyndi Rowland
- Cognitive Overlords (Video) - Alex Tait
- Dementia and Inclusive Digital Design (Video) - Lily Williams and Mark Walker
- Designing a Dementia-Friendly Website - Laurence Ivil and Paul Myles
- Designing for Cognitive Accessibility: Where to Begin - Glenda Sims
- Designing for Cognitive Differences - Brandon Gregory
- Designing for Dyslexia - Stephanie Asmus
- Designing for People with Cognitive Disabilities and Everyone Else (Video) - Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- Developing sites for users with Cognitive disabilities and learning difficulties - Roger Hudson, Russ Weakley, and Peter Firminger
- Digital Serenity: How to Reduce User Stress (Video) (2024) - Malin Hammarberg and Sara Kjellstrand
- Dyslexia Friendly Style Guide - The British Dyslexia Association
- Evaluating Cognitive Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Evaluating Cognitive Web Accessibility with WAVE - WebAIM
- Icons, Symbols and Cognitive Disabilities - Christopher Phillips
- Introduction to Cognitive Disability and Accessibility Testing - Ricky Onsman
- Lower-Literacy Users - Jakob Nielsen
- Accessibility and Me: Dealing with Dyslexia -
- Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities - Lisa Seeman-Horwitz, Rachael Bradley Montgomery, Steve Lee, and Ruoxi Ran, Editors
- Making Digital Spaces More Inclusive for People With ADHD, Autism, and Dyslexia (2025) - Charlii Parker New!
- Making the Web Accessible: A Focus on Cognitive Disabilities (2024) - Melissa Morse
- Navigating Dyscalculia: Designing With Empathy in Mind (2025) - Faye Gardner
- Neurodiversity and UX: Essential Resources for Cognitive Accessibility (2024) - Stéphanie Walter
- Overview of WebAIM Cognitive Research - WebAIM
- Project Dyslexie - Christian Boer
- Redesigning for Cognitive Ease (Video) (2024) - Alyssa Panetta
- The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative + Cognitive Accessibility (Video) - Steve Lee
- Tips on Designing Inclusively for Cognitive Disabilities - Blayne Phillips
- Understanding the "Why" Around Neurodivergent Inclusive Web Design (Video) (2024) - Owen Niblock
- Web Accessibility for Cognitive Disabilities and Learning Difficulties - Ian Pouncey
- What's Reading Like if You're Dyslexic - A Website Provides Insights - Media Access Australia
- Writing Government Information for People with Cognitive Disabilities (Video) - Jonathan Katz
Color: Accessibility
Definitions and Overviews
- Accessibility - W3C Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG)
- Accessibility is Not a Feature - Ethan Marcotte
- Accessibility is Not What You Think - Paul Boag
- Accessibility Terms Defined - Jaclyn Leduc
- Accessibility (Web) - Laura Carlson
- Constructing a POUR Website - WebAIM
- Essential Components of Web Accessibility - W3C
- Understanding Web Accessibility - Shawn Lawton Henry
- Universality and Accessibility - Gez Lemon
- Web Accessibility: Essential for Some, Useful for All - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Web Accessibility: Definitions and Acronyms - Megh Plunkett
- Web Accessibility vs. Usability - Garenne Bigby
- What is Web Accessibility? - Laura Carlson
Device Independence and Graceful Degradation
- Click Versus Activate - Gregory J. Rosmaita
- Graceful Degradation - Daniel R. Tobias
- A Guide for Creating and Buying Accessible Online Training within Your Organization's Training Program - Kevin Gumienny
- AccessForAll Meta-data Specification (ISO/IEC 24751) - Innovation Adoption Learning (ISM)
- Accessible Online Learning Community Group - W3C
- Don't Overlook Accessibility in E-Learning - Alex Moore
- Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-Study GOALS - National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE) and WebAIM
- Inovation Adoption Learning (ISM) Consortium AccessForAll Meta-data Specification - Inovation Adoption Learning (ISM) Consortium
- Online Accessibility a Faculty Duty - Lauren Ingeno
- Personalisation Is Key To Draft E-Learning Standard - Tristan Parker
- The Barrierfree Learning Environment - Barrier Free
- Tips for Creating Accessible eLearning Resources - Adrienne Gross
- Web Accessibility 3.0: Learning From The Past, Planning For The Future - Brian Kelly and Liddy Nevile
- Do Your Flashing Ads Cause Seizures? - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Don't Let Any Element Flash More Than Three Times Per Second - Denis Boudreau
- Epilepsy and Digital Accessibility - Jen Hurst
- Photosensitive Epilepsy - Gez Lemon
- A Guide to Designing Accessible, WCAG-Compliant Focus Indicators - Sara Soueidan
- Avoid Triggering Unexpected Context Changes on Keyboard Focus - Denis Boudreau
- Beautiful Accessibility with Floating Focus - Chris Coyier
- Buttons, Links, and Focus - Martin Underhill
- Common Accessibility Issue: Moving to a Page Section Without Shifting Keyboard Focus - Christian Heilmann
- Designing Button Focus States for Better Usability - Elizabeth Schafer
- Dialog Focus in Screen Readers - Adrian Roselli
- Focus Management and Inert - Eric Bailey
- Focus Management Still Matters - Sarah Higley
- Focus Rings - @amfaulty
- Focus Ring! (Video) - Rob Dodson
- Focusing on Focus - Rakina Zata Amni
- Give Your Site Some Focus! Tips for Designing Useful and Usable
- How to Check What Item is in Focus When Accessibility Testing - Giovani Camara
- Focus Indicators - Caitlin Geie
- Managing Focus for Accessibility - Rob Dodson
- Stop Removing Focus - Todd Libby
- The :focus-visible Trick - Chris Coyier
- Two Different Kinds of "Focusable" UI Elements (2024) - Eric Eggert
- Use CSS to Change the Presentation of Elements on Keyboard Focus - Denis Boudreau
- Visually Highlight Interface Components When They Receive Focus - Denis Boudreau
- What is Focus? (Video) - Rob Dodson
- Where did the Focus Go? - Amber Wilson
- Where to Put Focus When Deleting a Thing (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- 10 Takeaways from Building Accessible Forms - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- A Beginner's Complete Guide to Form Accessibility: The 5 Things Accessible Forms Needs and How to Fix Common Errors - Whitney Lewis
- Accessible Forms - Script Raccoon
- Accessible Forms for Deaf People? - Sveta
- Accessible Web Forms (Video) - Oliver Emberton
- Accessibility Fail Friday: 1 for YES and 0 for NO (2024) - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- Accessibility Lessons: Dealing with a Large Amount of Form Inputs - Andy Sellick
- Avoid Messages Under Fields - Adrian Roselli
- Avoid Read-only Controls (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Anatomy of Accessible Forms: Errors of the ways - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Anatomy of Creating Accessible Forms: Is This Field 'Required?' - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Anatomy of Creating Accessible Forms: Practice the Best - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Avoid Default Field Validation - Adrian Roselli
- Benefits of a Single Text Field Versus Multiple Text Fields - Michiel 'Zoë' Bijl
- Brief Note on Buttons, Enter, and Space - Adrian Roselli
- Check-All / Expand-All Controls (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Collecting Dates in an Accessible Way - Graham Armfield
- Contextual Form Errors and ARIA (2023) - Marcus Herrmann
- Create Accessible Forms - Hamsa Harcourt
- Create Custom Keyboard Accessible Checkboxes - Lindsey Kopacz
- Create Custom Keyboard Accessible Radio Buttons - Lindsey Kopacz
- Creating Accessible Forms - WebAIM
- Custom Control Accessible Development Checklist - Steve Faulkner and David MacDonald, editors
- Deep Dive Into Accessible Notifications (Video) - Russ Weakley
- Do Not Rely on Asterisks Alone to Define Required Fields - Denis Boudreau
- Doing What's Required: Indicating Mandatory Fields in an Accessible Way (2024) - David Swallow
- Don't Disable Form Controls (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Exposing Field Errors - Adrian Roselli.
- Brief Note on Disclosures in Fieldsets (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Fieldsets, Legends and Screen Readers - Steve Faulkner
- Fieldsets, Legends and Screen Readers Again - Steve Faulkner
- FIELDSET - Form Control Group
- The Problem With Nested Fieldsets and How to Avoid Them - Adam Silver
- Form Accessibility: A Practical Guide - Jimmy Somsanith
- Forms and Interaction - Joe Clark
- Form Accessibility and Usability Beyond the Basics (2023) - Whitney Lewis
- Form Errors Screen Readers Can Access - Greg Genovese
- Form Help Without Popups - Gez Lemon
- Forms Usability
- Foundations: Labelling Text Fields With Input and Label (2024) - Demelza Feltham
- Foundations: Form Validation and Error Messages (2024) - Demelza Feltham
- Help Your Users Fill Out Forms Before They Need You - Luke McGrath
- How to Create Truly Accessible Forms With Caroline Jarrett (Video) (2024) - Caroline Jarrett
- Inclusive Forms: Anatomy of a (fictional) GOV.UK Service (Video) - Oliver Byford
Inclusive Inputs - Oscar Braunert
- Don't Meddle with User Input - Martin Underhill
- Indicate Required Form Controls Using the Required Attribute - Denis Boudreau
- Accessible Text Labels For All - Sara Soueidan
- Advanced Form Labeling - Jared Smith
- Assume the Position-A Labelling Story - Ian Lloyd
- Decoding Label and Name for Accessibility - WebAIM
- Errant for Attributes Screw with label Behaviour - Steve Faulkner
- First Steps to an Accessible Website (Part 6), Programmatically Labeled Forms - Jeff Singleton
- HTML5 Accessibility Chops - Form Control Labeling - Steve Faulkner
- Inaccessible Label-Wrapped Form Inputs - Mike Cherim
- Keep Your Labels Clean - Scott O'Hara
- LABEL - Form Field Label
- Label Positioning - Gez Lemon
- Labeled With Love - Aaron Gustafson
- Labelling Forms, Images and Links - Screen Reader Compatibility - Mark Rogers
- Labeling the Point: Scenarios of Label Misuse in WCAG - David Swallow
- Labels Required - Maggie Wachs
- "<label>" for Search Field - Web Aim Thread
- Meaningful labels Using ARIA - Or Not. - Suzy Naschansky
- Missing Form Label - Site Search Example - Jay Pope
- Make Your Forms Accessible to All: A Checklist for Web & Mobile Apps (2024) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- My Priority of Methods for Labeling a Control - Adrian Roselli
- Short Note on Labelling Text Fields in Native iOS Applications - Graeme Coleman
- Short Update on Multiple Labels For - Steve Faulkner
- Should Form Labels Be Wrapped or Separate? (2024) - James Edwards
- Techniques for Labeling Standard HTML Form Controls - Sailesh Panchang
- Unlabelled Search Fields - Jeremy Keith
- Why WCAG's H65 Technique is Invalid and Abused to Allow Disappearing Placeholders Over Visible Labels - Paul J. Adam
- Describe Groups of Form Controls Using the Legend Element - Denis Boudreau
- Let Your Users Check and Change Their Submissions - Luke McGrath
- Material Design Text Fields Are Badly Designed - Adam Silver
- Negative Impacts of Withholding Form Labels - Lindsey Kopacz
- Notes on Applying Multiple Labels for a Control Using the Label Element - Steve Faulkner
- OPTGROUP - Option Group - htmlhelp
- Prettier Accessible Forms - Nick Rigby
- Provide ALT attributes on Images Used as Submit Buttons - Denis Boudreau
- Provide Text Descriptions to Identify Required Fields Left Blank - Denis Boudreau
- Re: Mandatory Fields - Russ Weakley
- Reversed Exclusion - Jimmy Freiding
- Reset and Cancel Buttons - Jakob Nielsen
- <select> Your Poison - Sarah Higley
- <select> Your Poison Part 2: Test All the Things - Sarah Higley
- Sentence Forms (not Mad Libs) - Adrian Roselli
- Spam-Free Accessible Forms - Jared Smith
- Support for Marking Radio Buttons Required, Invalid - Adrian Roselli
- Structuring Accessible Forms (Video) - Rachele DiTullio
- Switch Component: Checkbox - Scott O'Hara
Tab Index
- Don't Use Tabindex Greater than 0 - Adrian Roselli
- Staying Positive About Tabindex - Joe Clark
- Tabindex: It Rarely Pays to be Positive - Scott O'Hara
- Using the tabindex Attribute - Leonie Watson
- When Should You Invite tabindex to the Accessibility Party? - Glenda Sims
- Tips for Keeping Forms Accessible - MikeCherim
- The Accessibility of Styled Form Controls - Scott O'Hara
- The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: Best Practices (2024) - Uday Shetty
The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: The Problem with Placeholders - Raghavendra Peri
- The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: Required Form Fields - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- The Anatomy of Accessible Forms: Best Practices - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Trouble Tabbing To Tabs and Cheeky Checking Checkboxes - Scott O'Hara
- Under-Engineered Multi-Selects - Adrian Roselli
- Usable and Accessible Form Validation and Error Recovery - Jared Smith
- Use a Button with Select Elements to Perform an Action - Denis Boudreau
- Using aria-describedby to Provide Helpful Form Hints - Leonie Watson
Validation (Form)
- Accessible Client-side Form Validation with HTML5 - Paul J. Adam
- Accessible Client-side Form Validation with HTML5, WAI-ARIA, and the jQuery Validation Plugin - Paul J. Adam
- Use the title Element to Notify Users of Required Fields Left Blank - Denis Boudreau
- Using Aria-Invalid for Error Indication - Sailesh Panchang
- Writing Accessible Form Messages (2023) - Ricky Onsman
Google Accessibility
(also see Google Litigation)
- Google Announces Seismic Change to Docs - George Joeckel
- Google Apps Accessibility - North Carolina State University
- Google Docs Switches to Canvas Rendering, Sidelining the DOM - Richard MacManus
- Google Launches Sign Language Interpreter App For Hangouts, Adds Accessibility Features To Gmail, Drive And Chrome - Frederic Lardinois
- Making Accessible Documents - the Movie! - Bruce Lawson
- More Google and Afterthought Accessibility - Adrian Roselli
Higher Ed
- 7 Things You Should Know About Accessibility Policy - EDUCAUSE
- A Comparison of Learning Management System Accessibility - Hadi Rangin
- A Personal Look at Accessibility in Higher Education (Video) - Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-study (GOALS)
- Accreditation and Web Accessibility - Why Should Accreditors Care? - The National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Accessibility Courses: Self-Paced Courses for Educators (2024) - Teach Access
- Accessibility Compliance in Higher Education - Eric Grzymkowski
- Assessing Your Institution's Web Accessibility Efforts: Part 1 - Cyndi Rowland
- Assessing Your Institution's Web Accessibility Efforts: Part 2 - Jon Whiting
- Digital Accessibility - Developments in 2018 - Teresa L. Jakubowski
- Digital Accessibility Law and Regulation: Current Status and What to Do About It - Jarret Cummings
- Evaluating Web Accessibility Efforts-A Guide for Accreditation Review Teams - National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Framework for Universal Design in Higher Education - Sofia Enamorado
- IT Accessibility Risk Statements and Evidence - IT Accessibility Constituent Group
- GOALS Blueprint for Institutional Web Accessibility - National Center on Disability and Access to Education
- GOALS Web Accessibility Cost Case Study - National Center on Disability and Access to Education
- Identifying Web Accessibility Issues - The National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Integrate Accessibility Into Teaching Practices, Says Field Expert - Headstar
- Guidelines for Evaluating Evidence for Indicator #1: Institutional Vision and Leadership Commitment - The National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Looking to the Work of Others as You Create Your Institution's Web Accessibility Policy - National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Making Accessibility Simpler in Higher Education and Beyond! - Matthew Deeprose
- Making Real Progress in Digital Accessibility in Higher Education - David Sloan
- OCR Short Webinar on Online Education and Website Accessibility (Video) - U.S. Department of Education
- Online Accessibility a Faculty Duty - Lauren Ingeno
- Panel: Digital Accessibility in Higher Education (Video) (2025) - Mark Nichols, Eudora Struble, and Al Nemec
- Predictors of Postsecondary Web Accessibility, 2012 to 2022 (2024) - Terrill Thompson, Dan Comden, Scott Ferguson, Dustine Bowker, Sheryl Burgstahler, Jared Smith, and Elizabeth Moore
- Presentation Template - Making the Case for Web Accessibility - Jonathan Chetwynd
- Reporting on Your Web Accessibility Findings: It Can Be Easy Using the GOALS Tool - National Center on Disability and Access to Education (NCDAE)
- Study Ranks Accessibility of Top Learning Management Systems - Dian Schaffhauser
- The Digital Courseware Accessibility Problem - Lindsay McKenzie
- Two US Government Agencies Address Online Accessibility in Higher Education: Are Regulations Next? - Lainey Feingold
- Views of a Faculty Member - Accessibility From Where I Stand - Kimberly Snow
- Web Accessibility and Accreditation - A Blueprint for Regional Agencies - Belle Wheelan
- Welcome to Future of Web Accessibility Based on Predictors (Video) (2024) - Terrill Thompson, Jared Smith, Rob and Carr
- Predictors of Postsecondary Web Accessibility, 2012 to 2022 (PowerPoint Slides) (2024) - Terrill Thompson and Jared Smith
Keyboard Accessibility
- 3 Simple Tips to Improve Keyboard Accessibility - Lindsey Kopacz
- Create a Logical Tabbing Order Through Links, Form Controls and Objects - Denis Boudreau
- Keyboard Accessible Video - Earth, Wind & Fire Accessibility PSA
- Keyboard support (Video) - TetraLogical
- UX Improvements For Keyboard Accessibility - Vitaly Friedman
Why Keyboard Usability Is More Important Than You Think - David Sloan and Sarah Horton
- Designing Better Keyboard Experiences - David Sloan and Sarah Horton
- Why is the Tab Key SO Important for Web Accessibility? - Keyboard Interaction Explained (Video) - Eric Eggert
- A Plain Language Guide: How to Write Inclusive Digital Content in 2024 (2024) - Peggy McGregor
- Accessible Language Pickers: a11y meets i18n/l10n - Terrill Thompson
- Creating Inclusive Websites with Plain Language (Video) (2025) - Jay Brite and Jackie Pysarchuk Jay Brite and Jackie Pysarchuk's Slides (PDF)
- Document and Content Language - WebAIM
- Don't Write for Professors (or, How Educated are Your Users?) - Luke McGrath
- Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility - Ashley Bischoff
- Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility (Video) - Ashley Bischoff
- Easy Language - Plain Language - Easy Language Plus (PDF) - Christiane Maaß
- Help Your Users with Unusual and Confusing Pronunciations - Luke McGrath
- Inclusivity, Gestalt Principles, and Plain Language in Document Design - Jennifer Turner and Jessica Schomberg
- Language Codes - Joe Clark
- Language of Parts -Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 12 - Dey Alexander
- Natural Language Interface Accessibility User Requirements - Call For Review - Joshue O Connor
- Plain English - Content Design London
- Plain Language and Accessibility (2024) - Minnesota IT Services Communications
- Plain Language Writing - An Essential Part of Accessibility - Andrew Pulrang
- Present Definitions of Words or Phrases Using Definition Lists - Denis Boudreau
- ProPublica Experiments with Ultra-accessible Plain Language in Stories About People with Disabilities - Sarah Scire
- Understanding SC 3.1.1 Language of Page - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Up Your Writing with Plain Language - Ashley Bischoff
- Use Positive Language (2024) - Ellen Liebert, Laura Biray, Liz Thomas
- Why use the language attribute?
- Writing in Plain Language (2024) - The University of Michigan
Law, Lawsuits, Policies
21st Century Communications & Video
Accessibility Act
- 21st Century Communications and Video - National Association of the Deaf
- CVAA for Fostering Innovation and Change - Sarah Horton
- Headaches with FCC Reporting on Captioning Problems Per CVAA (2024) - Meryl K. Evans
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Section 504 vs. Section 508 - Wayne Dick
- U.S. Department of Education Announces Intent to Strengthen and Protect Rights for Students with Disabilities by Amending Regulations Implementing Section 504 - U.S. Department of Education
- Disability Community Briefing: What You Can Do to Stop the Attack on Section 504 (2025) - Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF)
- HHS New Section 504 Requires WCAG 2.1 A/AA Compliance (2024) - Ken Nakata
508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM-HE) Act
- H.R.6122 - AIM HEA Act
- Accessible Instructional Materials Bill Introduced with Higher Ed., Disability, Publishing, and Tech Groups' Support - Jarret Cummings
- Accessible Instructional Materials Bill Reintroduced, Again - Lindsay McKenzie
- Section 508 Compliance: What You Need to Know (2025) - Michael Beck
- The Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM HE) Act (H.R. 6122) (PDF) - The National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
- Revised Section 508 Standards Now in Effect - Michael Gower
- Strengthening Digital Accessibility and the Management of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (2023) - Shalanda D. Young, U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- OMB Issues Digital Accessibility Guidelines, Tells Agencies to Set Up Public Feedback Mechanism (2023) - Justin Doubleday
- What is Section 508 and Why Does It Matter? - Allen Hoffman
Accessible Instructional Materials in Higher Education (AIM-HE) Act
- AccessiBe
- AccessiBe Lawsuit Claims AI Web Accessibility Software Can't Ensure ADA Compliance as Advertised (2024) - Kelly Mehorter
- FTC Catches Up to #accessiBe (2025) - By Adrian Roselli
- FTC Order Requires Online Marketer to Pay $1 Million for Deceptive Claims that its AI Product Could Make Websites Compliant with Accessibility Guidelines (2025) - Federal Trade Commission
- FTC Orders AI Accessibility Startup accessiBe to Pay $1M for Misleading Advertising (2025) - Kyle Wiggers
- New Class Action Lawsuit against AccessiBe Overlay Company Sued for Breach of Contract, Breach of the Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing +++ (2024) - Lainey Feingold
- Amazon
- Blind Woman Files Employment Discrimination Suit against - National Federation of the Blind
- Informal Complaint Alleging Violation of the Commission's Internet Protocol Closed Captioning Rules by, Inc. (PDF) (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
American Cancer Society
- American Cancer Society Information in Braille, Large Print, Audio Formats and Accessible On-Line - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- American Cancer Society Accessible Web and Alternative Formats Press Release - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- American Cancer Society Accessible Website and Alternative Formats Agreement - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
America Online (AOL)America Online Complaint
- AOL Progress Report - Marc Maurer
Alameda County
- Crucial Decision Validates Fraud Whistleblower Suit - Kristopher Nelson
Americans with Disabilties Act (ADA)
- ADA Title II and the University of Minnesota (UMN) (Video) (2024) - Patricia Izek, Khaled Musa, Shane Nackerud, and Luke Kudryashov
- ADA Title II: Top 20 Questions Answered (2025) - Glenda Sims
- ADA Title II: Urgent Digital Accessibility Requirements for US State and Local Governments and Their Third-Party Vendors (2024) - Glenda Sims
- ADA Title II Revisions: What You Need To Know with Ken Nakata (Video) (2024) - 3Play Media
- ADA Title II and You (Video) (2024) - Keith Hays and Khaled Musa
- ADA Title II Updates: What to Know about the DOJ's New Rule (2024) - Jon Avila
- ADA Update: Title II's Final Rule Clarifies Captioning and Audio Description in Higher Education (2024) - Elisa Lewis
- Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web & Mobile Application Accessibility Rule (Video) (2025) - U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
- Colleges Must Fix Millions of Web Pages. It's About Damn Time. (2024) - Ashlee M. Boyer
- Eight Key Takeaways From the DOJ's New Web and Mobile Accessibility Rule for Public Entities (2024) - Jessie Weber
- Federal Digital Accessibility Disappearance on Trump Day One - Eve Hill
- Higher Ed and the Revised Title II Requirements (Video) (2024) - Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) at Georgia Tech
- How Can Public Colleges Prepare for ADA Digital Accessibility Requirements? - (2024) Kara Arundel
- How to Comply with DOJ's Seemingly Impossible Web Accessibility Regulation (2024) - Ken Nakata
- How You Can Prepare for the New ADA Title II Deadline With Glenda Sims (Video) (2024) - Glenda Sims.
- Landmark Disability Law Now Applies To Life Online (2024) - Lily Jamali
- Legal Update: January 2025 (2025) - Ken Nakata
- Letter to Vendors Regarding New Accessibility Rules (2025) - The University of Oregon
- Navigating the New Web Accessibility Ruling in the U.S. - Caro Sotillo Silva
- New DOJ Title II Web Accessibility Guidance (2025) - Ken Nakata
- Revised ADA Title II in the Library (Video) (2024) - Big Ten Academic Alliance
- State and Local Governments: First Steps Toward Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web and Mobile Application Accessibility Rule (2025) - U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
- States Can Make Digital Accessibility Easier for Municipalities (Part 3) - (2024) Ken Nakata
- The ADA Now Has Regulations for Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps (2024) - David Sloan
- The ADA Now Has Regulations for Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps (2024) - David Sloan
- The First Title II Web Accessibility Case After DOJ's Rule is from Louisiana? (2025) - Ken Nakata
- New Digital Accessibility Regs: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How (Video) (2024) - Judith Risch
- Update to ADA's Title II (2024) - Jay Wyant
- U.S. Department of Justice Accessibility Rule Announcement for State and Local Governments (2024) - Thomas Logan
- Web Accessibility and the Second Trump Administration (2024) - Ken Nakata
- WebAIM's Roadmap to Meeting the ADA Title II Requirements (2024) - WebAIM
- Why State and Local Governments are Failing at Digital Accessibility (2025) - Ken Nakata
- A New Class Action Lawsuit has been Filed Against Apple on Behalf of those that are Legally Blind or Visually Impaired - Jack Purcher
- Apple Sued Over Claims Website is Inaccessible to Visually Impaired Users - Malcolm Owen
- Lawsuit Claims Apple's Website is Inaccessible for Visually Impaired Users - Tristan Parker
- Arizona State University
Atlantic Cape Community College
- Atlantic Cape Community College Consent Decree (PDF)
- National Federation of the Blind and Two Blind Students Resolve Complaint Against Atlantic Cape Community College - National Federation of the Blind
- ACCC Press Release (PDF) - Dan Goldstein and Trevor Coe
Automatic Data Processing (APD)
- Industry Leading HR and Payroll Company, ADP, Sued for Discrimination Against Blind Employees - Disability Rights Advocates
- Australia Releases Digital Experience Policy (2024) - Andrew Arch
Bank of America
- Bank of America Announces New Initiative for Accessible Mortgage Documents - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Bank of America Credit Card Rewards Website Agreement - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Bellingham
- BarBri
- Blind Students Sue BarBri, Demand Equal Access to Bar Prep Services - Washington Lawyers' Committee
- Blind Law Students File Suit Against Dallas Bar Exam Prep Company - Natalie Posgate
- BarBri, Inc Settles Over Claims of Discrimination - Amanda Griffin
- BarBri Settles Lawsuit Over Blind Access to Online Bar Review Components - Tyler Roberts
- Blind Employee Sues Beacon Health Options - National Federation of the Blind
Blick Art Materials
- Companies are Losing Web Cases: Spend Money on Web Access, not Lawyers - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Memorandum And Order On Defendant's Motion To Dismiss Blick Case (PDF) - Jack B. Weistein, Senior United States District Judge
- New York Court Chides Other Approaches to Web Accessibility - Alexis Kramer
- What the Blick Art Materials Case Means for Corporate Website Accessibility - Patrick Loftus
- Brilliant Home Technology
- Burnet County
- Burger King
- California State Auditor Report Number: 2014-131 (June 2, 2015) -
- Community College District Won't Take Disability Case to Supreme Court Following Protests - Colleen Shalby
- Disability Rights are at Risk, and You Can Help! (Video) - Paul Grossman
- Blind Students Fight for Accessible College Classes with Roy Payan and Carolyn Jones (Podcast) - Anne Vasquez
- California Pays 66 Million Dollars for an Inaccessible Website. Lawsuit Follows - Lainey Feingold
CBD Firms
- CBD Firms Facing Lawsuits Over Website Accessibility - Hemp Industry Daily
Canadian Government
- Judgment: Jodhan v. Canada (Attorney General), 2010 FC 1197, [2011] 2 F.C.R. 355 (PDF)
- Blind Woman Challenges Government Web Access - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News
- Blind Woman Says Federal Websites Discriminate Against the Visually Impaired - Laurie Monsebraaten
- Canadian Government Loses Milestone Web Access Case - Tristan Parker
- Capella University/WebCT (La Marca v. Capella University)
- Justice Department Applies ADA Title III to Carnival's Cruise Ships, Website, and Mobile App in a Landmark Settlement - Seyfarth Shaw LLP
- Claire's, Carnival Hit With Blind Access Suits Over Websites - Carolina Bolado
- Settlement Agreement Between the United States of America and Carnival Corporation (PDF)
- Cedar Rapids, Iowa Settlement Agreement
Charles Schwab
- Charles Schwab Website Accessibility Press Release - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Charles Schwab Web Accessibility Agreement - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Champaign County, Illinois Settlement Agreement
- Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
- Chanhassen
- Chaves County, New Mexico Settlement Agreement
- Coles
- Colgate University
Colorado Bag & Baggage
- California Court Grants Summary Judgment in Website Accessibility Case - Gonzalo E. Mon and Crystal N. Skelton
- Conair Website For CuisinArt Is Sued For Excluding Visual Impaired Settlement Mulled - Matthew Russell Lee
Dallas Cowboys
- Paguada v. Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops, L.P. -
- Davidson Academy of Nevada
- Denny's Announces Digital Accessibility Initiative - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- DeKalb, Illinois, Settlement Agreement
- Dell
Department of Justice
- Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities (Federal Register) (2024) - U.S. Department of Justice.
- Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability; Accessibility of Web Information and Services of State and Local Government Entities (PDF) (2024) - U.S. Department of Justice
- Fact Sheet: New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Governments - U.S. Department of Justice.
- Justice Department to Publish Final Rule to Strengthen Web and Mobile App Access for People with Disabilities (2024) - U.S. Department of Justice
- DOJ Issues FINAL Title II Web Accessibility Rule By Ken Nakata.
- Discord Digital Accessibility Settlement Agreement - Lainey Feingold
- A Big Win for Accessibility Advocates in Domino's Decision - Elisa Edelberg
- ACB Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Decline Appeal on Domino's v. Robles Case - American Council of the Blind
- A Blind Man Couldn't Order Pizza from Domino's. The Company Wants the Supreme Court to Say Websites Don't have to be Accessible - Tucker Higgins
- Accessibility is Part of the Job - Ben Buchanan
- Accessibility, the Future, and Why Domino's Matters - Kate Cox
- Another Big Win in the Domino's Pizza Accessibility Saga - Lainey Feingold
- Big Win for Web Accessibility in Domino's Pizza Case - Lainey Feingold
- Countdown To Showdown: Domino's Supreme Error And Why Businesses Should Do The Opposite - Gina Bhawalkar and David Truog
- Court Finds Domino's Pizza Violated the ADA by Having an Inaccessible Website and Orders WCAG Compliance - Minh N. Vu
- Do Protections for People with Disabilities Apply Online? Domino's Asks High Court - Robert Barnes
- Domino's Accessibility Lawsuit Update - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- Domino's Delivers a Dilemma to the Supreme Court: A Website Accessibility Case That Could Impact Thousands of Companies - Jeff John Roberts
- Domino's Files Petition for US Supreme Court Review of Unfavorable Website Access Decision - Minh N. Vu and Kristina M. Launey
- Domino's: Ninth Circuit Hears Web Accessibility Appeal Argument - Kristina M. Launey
- Domino's Petition to the US Supreme Court (PDF)
- Domino's Pizza app Must be Accessible to Blind People - BBC News
- Domino's Pizza, LLC, Applicant V. Guillermo Robles Extension Application (PDF) - Domino
- Domino's Pizza v. Guillermo Robles, No. 18-1539 - Jack McElaney
- Domino's Supreme Court Decision Spotlights Online Web Accessibility - Pymnts
- Domino's Takes ADA Lawsuit Over Website Accessibility to the Supreme Court - Melissa Berdine
- Domino's To Ask Supreme Court To Consider Whether ADA Website/Mobile App Accessibility Lawsuits Violate Due Process - Minh N. Vu
- Domino's Wants to Slice Away at the Americans With Disabilities Act - Richard Supple
- Dominoes in the Ninth Circuit - Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart
- Federal Appellate Courts Ring In the New Year by Taking Up Website and Mobile Application Accessibility - Shira M. Blank
- Federal District Court Judge Rules that Domino's Violated Title III of the (ADA) - Marissa Sapega
- Federal Website Access Lawsuit Numbers Increase 7 Percent in 2019, With Possible Bump from Supreme Court Denial of Cert in Domino's - Kristina M. Launey and Minh N. Vu
- How Domino's Could Topple the Accessible Web - Part 1: Public Accommodations - Ben Myers
- Lawsuits: Domino's, Playboy Websites Aren't Accessible to Blind Users - Frank Witsil
- Ninth Circuit Ruling Bolsters ADA Website Accessibility Suits - R. Andrew Arculin et al.
- Order List: 589 U.S. [Regarding Domino's] (PDF) - U.S. Supreme Court
- Retailers Ask Supreme Court for Clarity in ADA Website Claims - Marianne Wilson
- Supreme Court allows blind people to sue retailers if their websites are not accessible - David G. Savage
- Supreme Court and ADA Web Accessibility Prediction: We'll Pass - Jason Taylor
- Supreme Court Declines to Review Ninth Circuit Decision in Robles v. Domino's, Exposing Businesses to More Website Accessibility Lawsuits
- Kristina Launey and John Egan - Supreme Court Denies Petition to Hear Domino's Accessibility Case - Bureau of Internet Accessibility, Inc.
- Supreme Court Hands Victory to Blind Man who Sued Domino's Over Site Accessibility - Tucker Higgins
- Supreme Court Won't Hear Domino's Pizza Website Access Dispute - Alexis Kramer
- Uhl and Bose: Domino's Effect: SCOTUS Skips Clarifying ADA Web Access - Nate Uhl and Sid Bose
- Understanding Domino's v Robles - George Mauer
- U.S. Supreme Court Passes on Domino's Case: Commenters Misunderstand - Lainey Feingold
- U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Domino's Appeal in Blind Man's lawsuit Over Website Accessibility - Greg Stohr
- U.S. Supreme Court Won't Hear The Domino's Case (Hooray!) - Lainey Feingold
- Wow, Domino's Put a Whole Lot of Effort Into Fighting Disability Rights - Naomi LaChance
Duke University
- National Federation of the Blind Sues Duke University - National Federation of the Blind
Dunkin' Donuts
- Eleventh Circuit Dunks on Businesses With Websites - Jennifer Rusie and David Raizman
- Dennis Haynes versus Dunkin' Donuts (PDF) - US Court Of Appeals for 11th Circuit
- Dunkin' Donuts Gets Burned by ADA Decision - Jesse M. Brody
Education Department
- DeVos' Inspector General to Audit Dismissals of Civil Rights Complaints - Annie Waldman
- Ed Department Reconsidering Previously Settled Disability Complaints - Hannah Lang
- Ed Department Reopening Hundreds Of Disability-Related Complaints - Courtney Perkes
- In Seeking to Decrease 'Burden' of Complaints, Education Department is Closing 'Meritorious' Civil Rights Cases, Federal Lawsuit Says - Mark Keierleber
- Elon Among Dozens of Universities Sued Over Website Accessibility - Joseph Navin and Erin Martin
Everglades College
- Florida Court Dismisses Website Accessibility Case, Clarifying 'Nexus' Requirement For Stating A Claim Under The ADA - John W. Egan & Marlin Duro
- Price v. Everglades College, Inc. By United States District Court, Florida, Orlando Division
- E*Trade Digital Accessibility Settlement Agreement - The Office of Lainey Feingold
- The ADA Lawsuit Settlement Involving an Accessibility Overlay - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- This Company Tapped AI for Its Website-and Landed in Court - Tom Simonite
- Featured Presentation: Digital Accessibility Legal Update: US (2025) - Lainey Feingold New!
- Fallon, Nevada Settlement Agreement
- FedEx Ground Sued by EEOC, NAD for ADA Violation - Emily Griffin
- Feds Prod Universities to Address Website Accessibility Complaints - Lindsay McKenzie
Finlandia University
- Letter of Disposition to Rev. Dr. Philip Johnson President Finlandia University (PDF) - Office for Civil Rights
- Resolution Agreement Finlandia University (PDF) - Office for Civil Rights
Florida State University
- $150,000 Settlement Reached in Blind Florida State Students' E-Learning Suit - Marc Parry
- Blind Florida State U. Students Sue Over E-Learning Systems - Jie Jenny Zou
- Court Opinion: NAD and Eddie Sierra vs State Of Florida, Florida State University et al. (PDF) - US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- Florida State University Resolves Litigation with Students - National Federation of the Blind
- Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Florida State University - Department of Justice
- Settlement Agreement Between The United States Of America And Florida State University Dj No. 205-17-13 - ADA
- Fordham University
- Galveston County, Texas Settlement Agreement
George Washington University
- Department of Education Fnds GW Websites Inaccessible for the Visually Impaired - Leah Potter
- GW Continues to Address Website Accessibility as ED Deadline Nears - Shannon Mallard
- GW Meets Department Of Education's Standards For Website Accessibility - Michelle Vassilev
- GW Pushes First Federal Deadline to Improve Online Accessibility - Leah Potter
General Nutrition Corporation (GNC)
- This Week in Accessibility: Gomez v. GNC - Sheri Byrne-Haber
General Services Administration (GSA)
- U.S. General Services Administration Settles Suit Alleging Inaccessibility of Its Website for Contractors - Kristina M. Launey and Minh Vu
- Glossier
Google Litigation
(also see Google Accessibility)
- Adoption of Google Apps Program Discriminates Against the Blind - National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville
- As Schools Shift to Google Apps, Blind Students Object - Mark Jaycox
- Colleges Discriminate Against the Blind With Google Apps, Advocates Say - Marc Parry
- CU-Boulder Student Seeks Accessibility Through Federal Complaint - Sarah Kuta
- DOJ letter to CU-Boulder - Matt Sebastian
- Google - Web Accessibility is NOT Just for Blind - Svetlana Kouznetsova
- Google Apps Accessibility and Barriers - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Google Has Not Met Accessibility Standards - Giacomo Bologna
- National Federation of the Blind (NFB) Asks Department of Justice to Investigate Schools Across the Country - NFB
- Report on the Accessibility of Google Apps Webinar Hosted by Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI) and presented by Greg Kraus and Scott Williams
- Moving Ahead on ADA Technology Issues - University of Colorado
- Granite School District
- Explanation of Terms of of the NFB's Agreement With Greyhound (PDF) - National Federation of the Blind (NFB)
- Guam Department of Education
Hallandale Beach, Florida
- Court Says Website Access Case for Deaf May Proceed - National Association of the Deaf
Haro Bicycle
- Haro Bicycle and Plaintiff Agree to Settle Class-action Lawsuit over Website - Bicycle Retailer
- Complaint Against Harvard (PDF) (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- Harvard University Class Action Claims Website Inaccessible to Visually Impaired, Blind - Jessy Edwards
- Deaf Advocates Sue Harvard, MIT For Better Webcast Captions - Kurt Orzeck
- Four-Year Court Battle Between Deaf Advocates and Harvard Over Closed Captioning of Videos Proceeds to Discovery With Some Limitations - Kristina M. Launey & Minh N. Vu
- Harvard and MIT Face Lawsuit for Lack of Online Captioning - Dian Schaffhauser
- Harvard and M.I.T. Are Sued Over Failing to Caption Online Courses - Tamar Lewin
- Legal Battle Over Captioning Continues - Lindsay McKenzie
- New Developments in Ongoing Website Accessibility Litigation - Elizabeth J. Rho-Ng, Cathie L. Fields, Sharon J. Ormond
- Overview of NAD v. Harvard and NAD v. MIT Lawsuits - Jaclyn Leduc
- United States Reaches Settlement with Provider of Massive Open Online Courses to Make its Content Accessible to the Disabled - Department of Justice
H&R Block
- Consent Decree - National Federation of the Blind et al and the United States of America vs H&R Block (PDF) - ADA
- National Federation of the Blind and Two Blind Taxpayers File Suit Against H&R Block - National Federation of the Blind
- NFB and H&R Block Announce Agreement Assuring Accessibility - Global Accessibility News
- Proposed Outcomes For NFB Versus H&R Block - Chris Hofstader
- USDOJ Seeks to Intervene in Lawsuit Alleging H&R Block's Tax Preparation Website is Inaccessible to Persons with Disabilities - Global Accessibility News
Hobby Lobby
- Hobby Lobby Court Order (PDF) - United States District Court Central District of California
- Plaintiffs Score Another Victory in a Website Accessibility Lawsuit - Minh Vu
Homeland Security
- Attorney Sues Department of Homeland Security - Deque Systems
Holy Cross
- Holy Cross Settles Lawsuit Over Website Accessibility for Blind Users - Scott O'Connell
- Eleventh Circuit Doesn't Give a Hoot About Prior Settlement Agreements - Jennifer S. Rusie
HSBC Card Services
- New York Attorney General Announces Comprehensive Web Access Settlement - Lainey Feingold
- Hotel Accessibility Class Action Lawsuit (2024) - Thomas Logan and Thomas Logan
- Hulu
- The NAD and Hulu Reach Agreement - Hulu (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
Humboldt County
- Humboldt County, California Consent Decree (PDF) - United States District Court Northern District of California
- Hy-Vee
- Accessibility Lawsuit Filed Against JetBlue Airways - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Curing the JetBlues - Derek Featherstone
- Court to Hear Argument in JetBlue Accessibility Case - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Court Rules in Favor of JetBlue - Airline Websites and Kiosks Not Covered by State Law - The Office of Lainey Feingold
- JetBlue Court Ruling Appealed - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Proposed Regulations Address Airline Websites and Kiosks - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
Joint Dear Colleague Letter on the Online
Accessibility of Colleges, Universities, and Other Postsecondary Institutions (PDF) - Justice Department and the Department
of Education
- Section 508 and New 'Dear Colleagues Letter' - Ken Nakata
- Juneau School District
- Justice Department Secures Agreements with Texas Counties to Ensure Election Website Accessibility for People with Disabilities (2024) - U.S. Department of Justice
- As Summer Approaches, the SDNY Once Again Provides Hope for Businesses Exhausted by Repeated Website Accessibility Lawsuits - Joshua A. Stein and Shira M. Blank
Los Angeles Community College District
- $240,000.00 Jury Verdict in Blind Students' Accessibility Lawsuit Against Community College - Lainey Feingold
- Disability Leaders Call on Los Angeles Community College District to Abandon Reckless Petition to Supreme Court in Accessible Education Case - Disability Rights California
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (Los Angeles Community College District) - US District Court Central District of California
- National Federation of the Blind and Two Blind Students File Suit Against Los Angeles Community College District - The National Federation of the Blind
- Permanent Induction and Final Judgement (Los Angeles Community College District Case) (Note this is an untagged PDF) - US District Court Central District of California
Louisiana Tech University
- Justice Department Settles with Louisiana Tech University Over Inaccessible Course Materials - Department of Justice
- Louisiana Tech U. Settles With U.S. Over Claims That It Violated Disabilities Act - Nick DeSantis
- Settlement Agreement Between The United States Of America, Louisiana Tech University, And The Board Of Supervisors For The University Of Louisiana System Under The Americans With Disabilities Act DJ #204-33-116 - ADA
Law School Admissions Council (LSAC)
- Law School Admission Council Settlement Agreement
- Blind Students Sue Over Online Law School Applications - Adrian Roselli
- Blind Students Sue Law Schools Over Online Applications - Sophia Li
- LSAC Inaccessible Web Lawsuit - Cynthia Waddell
Los Angeles Community College District
National Federation of the Blind and Two Blind Students File Suit Against Los Angeles Community College District - The National Federation of the Blind
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (via - United States District Court, C.D. California
- Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law (via - United States District Court, C.D. California
- Federal Court Rules in Favor of Blind Students - National Federation of the Blind (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- LSAT to be Made More Accessible for Visually Impaired Students After Lawsuit - Kalysa To
- Permanent Induction and Final Judgement (untagged PDF)
- Roy Payan, Portia Mason, the National Federation of The Blind, Inc., and the National Federation of The Blind Of California, Inc., Plaintiffs, versus Los Angeles Community College District, Defendant - United States District Court, C.D. California
- OSD Student Leverages ADA Lawsuit Win To Demand Change - Joshua Letona
National Federation of the Blind and Two Blind Students File Suit Against Los Angeles Community College District - The National Federation of the Blind
- Lumpkin County, Georgia Settlement Agreement
- Madison County, New York Settlement Agreement
Massachusetts Eye and Ear
- Agreement Between Mass. Eye and Ear and Bay State Council of the Blind - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Landmark Agreements Establish New Model For Online Accessibility in Higher Education And Business - National Association of the Deaf
- MIT to Caption Online Videos after Discrimination Lawsuit - Alanna Durkin Richer
- Complaint Against MIT (PDF) - (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- Statement of Interest of the United States of America in MIT Case (PDF) - Department of Justice
- Deaf Advocates Sue Harvard, MIT For Better Webcast Captions - Kurt Orzeck
- Harvard and MIT Face Lawsuit for Lack of Online Captioning - Dian Schaffhauser
- Landmark Agreements Establish New Model For Online Accessibility in Higher Education And Business - National Association of the Deaf
- NAD Sues Harvard and MIT for Discrimination in Public Online Content - National Association of the Deaf
- NAD Lawsuit Against Harvard and MIT Moves Forward, Obligation to Ensure Equal Treatment Applies in Emerging Technologies - Jean Peterson
- Overview of NAD v. Harvard and NAD v. MIT Lawsuits - Jaclyn Leduc
- The National Association of the Deaf et al. v. Harvard, MIT
- United States Reaches Settlement with Provider of Massive Open Online Courses to Make its Content Accessible to the Disabled - Department of Justice
Landmark Agreements Establish New Model For Online Accessibility in Higher Education And Business - National Association of the Deaf
- Lawsuit: McDonald's Website, Mobile App not Accessible to the Blind, Violates ADA - Jonathan Bilyk
- McDonalds, Grubhub Websites Not Accessible to the Blind: Suits - Katie Kim and Lisa Capitanini
- Payton/Dann & Manning Law Firms File Federal Suit Alleging McDonald's Website & App Violate ADA, Unruh Civil Rights Act - Marc Dann
McLennan County
- McLennan County, Texas Agrees to Website Accessibility - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- McLennan County, Texas Settlement Agreement
- McNeese State University
- Mesa Community College and Maricopa
- Merced County, California Settlement Agreement
- Miami, (City of)
- Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Miami Heat
- Website Accessibility Lawsuit Calls Foul on the Miami Heat - Klein Moynihan Turco
Miami University (Ohio)
Miami University Agrees to Overhaul Critical Technologies to Settle Disability Discrimination Lawsuit - Department of Justice
- Miami University Consent Decree - Department of Justice
- Miami University Reaches Justice Department Consent Decree to Improve Technology Access for Students with Disabilities - Karen Farkas
- Blind Student Settles Suit against Miami University - Associated Press
- Complaint Against Miami U (PDF) - Department of Justice
- Motion to Intervene: Miami U (PDF) - Department of Justice
- Blind Student Files Discrimination Suit Against Miami University - National Federation of the Blind
- Complaint: Aleeha Dudley Plaintiff Miami University, And Dr. David C. Hodge, in his official capacity as President of Miami University, Defendant (PDF) - National Federation of the Blind
- Justice Department Moves to Intervene in Disability Discrimination Lawsuit Alleging that Miami University Uses Inaccessible Educational Technologies and Course Materials - Department of Justice
Miami University Agrees to Overhaul Critical Technologies to Settle Disability Discrimination Lawsuit - Department of Justice
Major League Baseball (MLB)
- Major League Baseball: All Star Ballot with Audio CAPTCHA - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- MLB: On-Line Accessibility During the World Series - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Opening Day Accessibility Update - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Class Action Lawsuit Accuses Company Website of Inaccessibility (2024) - Thomas Logan
- Minnesota Court Rules Websites Are Public Accommodations Under ADA (2025) - Andrew E. Tanick
- Update to State of Minnesota Digital Accessibility Standard Launches July 1 (2024) - Minnesota IT Services
- Montana School for the Deaf and Blind
Motley Fool
- The Motley Fool Accessible Information Agreement - Lainey Feingold
Morgan Stanley
- Morgan Stanley Sued for $9 Million by Blind Man Claiming Inaccessible Websites - AdvisorHub Staff
- Morgan Stanley Sued Over Website Access by Blind Woman - Vicky Ge Huang
- Federal District Court in Massachusetts First in Country to Hold that the Americans with Disabilities Act Applies to Website-Only Businesses - National Association of the Deaf
- Federal Judge Rules that ADA Covers Web-Only Businesses - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Netflix and the National Association of the Deaf Reach Historic Agreement to Provide 100% Closed Captions in On-Demand Streaming Content Within Two Years - National Association of the Deaf
- Nevada Department of Education
- New College of Florida Settles Disability Complaint With Education Department (2023) - Laura Spitalniak
New York
- New York State Will Require Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 for State and County Websites (2024) - Thomas Logan <
- United States Reaches Agreements with New York State and Local Government Agencies to Improve Accessibility to Covid-19 Vaccination Websites for People with Vision Impairments - U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of New York
- North Carolina State University
New York University
- Letter of Complaint to New York University (PDF) - National Federation of the Blind (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- Adoption of Google Apps Program Discriminates Against the Blind - National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville
- As Schools Shift to Google Apps, Blind Students Object - Mark Jaycox
- Colleges Discriminate Against the Blind With Google Apps, Advocates Say - Marc Parry
- Northeastern University
Northwestern University
- Letter of Complaint to Northwestern University (PDF) - National Federation of the Blind (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- Adoption of Google Apps Program Discriminates Against the Blind - National Federation of the Blind of Greater Louisville
- As Schools Shift to Google Apps, Blind Students Object - Mark Jaycox
- Colleges Discriminate Against the Blind With Google Apps, Advocates Say - Marc Parry
- Northwestern University Class Action Claims Website Inaccessible to Blind, Visually Impaired Users - Anne Bucher
- Norwood Young America
- Nueces County, Texas
Ohio State
- Deaf Sports Fan Files Complaint against Ohio State University - National Association of the Dea
- Score for Accessibility: OSU to Provide In-Stadium Captions - National Association of the Deaf (NAD)
- Deaf Citizen Sues Oklahoma Legislature - National Association of the Deaf
- Justice Department Secures Agreement with Oklahoma State Agency to Ensure Oklahoma Mobile Apps Are Accessible to People with Disabilities (2024) - U.S. Department of Justice
Online Accessibility Act (H.R. 8478) - U.S. Representatives Ted Budd and Lou Correa
- House Bill Introduced to Require Accessible Consumer Facing Websites and Mobile Apps - Minh Vu and Julia Sarnoff
- New Online Accessibility Act Introduced to Congress Would Require Businesses To Make Their Website and Mobile Apps Accessible - Joanna Fantozzi.
- Online Accessibility Act: Review and Legal Analysis - Ken Nakata
- Proposed Online Accessibility Act in US Congress is Bad for Digital Inclusion - Lainey Feingold
- Proposed 'Online Accessibility Act' Aims to Resolve Uncertainty Surrounding ADA Website Litigation - Ballard Spahr
- Proposed Online Accessibility Act - Three Key Takeaways - Jason Taylor
- This Bill Would Make It Harder for People With Disabilities to Access the Internet - Lydia Smeltz
- Oracle
- Oregon Department of Education
- Orange County
Parkwood Entertainment
- Lawsuit Reminds Us How Shitty the Web Is for Users With Visual Impairment - Melanie Ehrenkranz
- Beyoncé Was Sued Over Her Website Violating the Americans With Disabilities Act. And You Could Be Too - Gwen Moran
- Mina Markham is the Best Person to Implement Accessibility on Beyoncé's Site - Amélie Lamont
- DOJ Forces Online Grocer Peapod to Make Website Accessible for People with Disabilities - Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments (GAATES)
- Justice Department Enters into a Settlement Agreement with Peapod to Ensure that Peapod Grocery Delivery Website is Accessible to Individuals with Disabilities - The Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice Continues Enforcement of Accessibility Requirements for Websites and Mobile Apps - But Its Rulemaking Still Awaits - Kenneth J. Yerkes
Pace University
- Ohio State University Consent Decree (PDF) - United States District Court, Southern District of Ohio
- Deaf Sports Fan Files Complaint against Ohio State University - National Association of the Deaf (via the Internet Archive Wayback Machine)
- Lawsuits Rise: Blind Plaintiffs Sue Additional Retailers for Website Accessibility/ADA Claims - Fredrikson and Byron PA
- Parowan, Utah Settlement Agreement
- Pennington County, South Dakota Settlement Agreement
Penn State University
- National Federation of the Blind Files Complaint Against Penn State - National Federation of the Blind
- Penn State Accused of Discriminating Against Blind Students - Marc Parry
- Settlement Between Penn State University and National Federation of the Blind - Pennsylvania
- Pokémon
Princeton University
- Princeton University Letter of Resolution - U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
- Princeton University Complaint - Reading Rights
- Proctor and Gamble (P&G)
- Public Comment Sought on Proposed New "Access to Video Conferencing" Rule Published by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (2023) - Lainey Feingold
- Lawsuit Says Purple's Website Discriminates to Visually Impaired - Noddy A. Fernandez
- RadioShack Sued for Alleged ADA Website Accessibility Violation - Christina Tabacco
- Reebok Faces ADA Class Action Over Website Accessibility - Christina Davis
Reed College
- Reed College Complaint - Reading Rights
- Reed College Letter of Resolution
- Red Roof Inn
Rite Aid
- Department of Justice to Companies with Inaccessible Websites: We're back! - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- Justice Department Secures Settlement With Rite Aid Corporation To Make Vaccine Portal Accessible - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict)
Rochester Institute of Technology
- RIT, Naz Caught in Explosion of ADA Website Lawsuits - Berkeley Brean
- Robeson County, North Carolina Settlement Agreement
- Ruidoso, New Mexico Settlement Agreement
S.4998 - Senator Tammy Duckworth
- A First Look at the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act Bill - Ben Myers
- Proposed Web and Software Accessibility Legislation Introduced in United States Congress - Lainey Feingold
- Senators Demand Answers On Web Accessibility - Michelle Diament
- The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act - Abby Alepa
- Website and Software Applications Accessibility Act Introduced - Ken Nakata
S.4998 - Senator Tammy Duckworth
- Safeway Announces Website Accessibility Initiative - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Safeway Web Accessibility Settlement Agreement - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Separate is Not Equal - Good News for Grocery Delivery - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Saint Rose
- San Diego County Credit Union
San Francisco Federal Credit Union
- Blanks v. San Francisco Federal Credit Union - Disability Rights Advocates
- San Francisco Federal Credit Union Settlement Agreement (PDF)
- SiriusXM
- Santa Fe Public Schools
- Syracuse University
- Scribd Faces Setback in Lawsuit Over Accessibility - Nate Hoffelder
- Scribd Must Comply With The Americans With Disabilities Act - Eric Goldman
- Scribd Opinion and Order (PDF) - Judge William K. Sessions III
- Scribd Settlement Agreement and Release (PDF)
- Scribd Settlement terms forwarded from Jo Anne Simon and Paul Grossman (docx file)
- National Federation of the Blind and Scribd Agree to Collaborate and Make-Reading Subscription Service Accessible - National Federation of the Blind
Seattle Public Schools
- Ed-Tech Accessibility Lawsuit Settled By Seattle District, Advocates for Blind - Michele Molnar
- National Federation of the Blind Supports Blind Mother's Suit Against Seattle Public Schools - National Federation of the Blind
- Scandinavian Airlines System Consent Order (PDF) - United States Department of Transportation
South Carolina Technical College System
- Civil Rights Agreement Reached with South Carolina Technical College System on Accessibility of Websites to People with Disabilities
- Dear Colleague Letter - Department of Justice, Office of Civil Rights
- Joint "Dear Colleague" Letter: Electronic Book Readers - Department of Justice and U. S. Department of Education
- Compliance Review South Carolina Technical College System - U. S. Department of Education
- Resolution Agreement South Carolina Technical College System OCR Compliance Review No. 11 - 11 - 6002 (PDF) - U. S. Department of Education
- Spate of Web-Accessibility Suits Filed in New York - Lindsay McKenzie
Southwest Airlines (Robert Gumson v. Southwest
Airlines and Access Now v. Southwest Airlines)
- No decision from the Appeals Court - Jim Thatcher
Sydney Olympics (Bruce Maguire v. Sydney
Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games [SOCOG])
- A Cautionary Tale of Inaccessibility: Sydney Olympics Website - Web Accessibility Initiative
- Bruce Lindsay Maguire v Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games
- Olympic Failure: A Case for Making the Web Accessible - Tom Worthington
- Screen-Reader Problems Uncovered In Olympics Ticket Site - Dan Jellinek
- Accessibility Lawsuit Against Sweetgreen (2024) - Thomas Logan
- Blind Customers and the Committee File Nationwide Class Action Lawsuit Challenging Sweetgreen's Failure to Make its Online Ordering Accessible to the Blind - Washington Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs
- Innovative Salad Restaurant Agrees to Make Website and Mobile App Accessible - Kristina M. Launey
- Sweetgreen Settlement Agreement (PDF)
Target (National Federation of the Blind v.
- Accessibility, Law and - Jim Thatcher
- Analysis - Target Web Lawsuit: The Six Million Dollar Question - Majeed Saleh and Dan Jellinek
- Blind Cal Student Sues Target - Henry K. Lee
- Blind Patrons' Lawsuit Against Target Proceeds - Josh Richman
- Blind Patrons Sue Target for Site Inaccessibility - Michelle Meyers
- Expert Declaration of Dr. James W. Thatcher in NFB V. Target - James W. Thatcher
- Missing the Target - Reynolds Holding
National Federation of the Blind v. Target
- Does Target Settlement Really Hit the Target? - Ian Lloyd
- National Federation of the Blind vs. Target - An Important Decision - Jim Thatcher
- National Federation of the Blind v. Target Corp. - Wikipedia
- Staying on Target - Derek Featherstone
- Targeting Accessibility - Glenda Sims
- Target Lawsuit Settled - Jared Smith.
- NFB, Target, Amazon - Joe Clark
- Target Accessibility Case Will Go Forward! - Joe Dolson
- Target Hit - But is it a Bullseye? - Ian Lloyd
- Target Lawsuit Settled - Jared Smith
- Target Sued Over Web Accessibility - Out-law News
- Tarzhay - Joe Clark
- Taco Bell
Teachers Test Prep (TTP)
- Settlement Agreement Between The United States of America and Teachers Test Prep Under the Americans With Disabilities Act - U. S. Department of Justice
- Justice Department Reaches Agreement with Teachers Test Prep to Ensure Equal Access for Individuals with Disabilities (Press Release) - U. S. Department of Justice
Technology, Equality, and Accessibility in College and Higher Education Act (TEACH) Act
- A Lesson on the TEACH Act (Video) - National Federation of the Blind
- Accessibility in Higher Education - The TEACH Act - Jenny Davis
- Bill Would Require Instructional Technology to Be Accessible to All - Megan O'Neil
- Fight Over Digital Accessibility - Michael Stratford
- For Bill on Disabled Access to Online Teaching Materials, the Devils in the Details - Rebecca Koenig
- Good Intentions, Bad Legislation - Terry W. Hartle and Jarret S. Cummings
- Law, Policy -- and IT? - Tracy Mitrano
- Organizations Have 'Serious Concerns' About the Teach Act - Terry W. Hartle
- Progress on New Federal Electronic Instructional Materials Accessibility Legislation - Russ Poulin
- Should TEACH Act Language Appear in the Higher Education Act? NCDAE and WebAIM Weigh In - Cyndi Rowland
- The National Federation of The Blind And The Association of American Publishers Applaud Introduction of 'TEACH Act' - National Federation of the Blind
- Teledoc Sued Over Website Allegedly Inaccessible to Blind - Mary Anne Pazanowski
- TD Ameritrade
- The Current State of ADA Digital Enforcement - Timothy Stephen Springer
- The European Accessibility Act and Irish Law (2024) - Thomas Logan and Ken Nakata
- Ticketmaster
- Toys "R" Us
- Trespass
- Two New Artificial Intelligence Laws and Their Effects on Accessibility (2024) - Thomas Logan and Ken Nakata
- Uncle Sam Orders Airlines Make Websites Accessible To Disabled Passengers - Roberto Castiglioni
United Airlines
- United Airline's Accessibility Journey (Video) - Dennis Deacon
University of Califorina
Justice Department Secures Agreement with University of California, Berkeley to Make Online Content Accessible to People with Disabilities - U.S. Department of Justice
- DOJ Agreement with UC Berkeley OverDigital Content Accessibility Could Have Huge Impact on IHEs - Kristal Kuykendall
- Takeaways from UC Berkeley's Consent Decree with the DOJ - Abby Alepa
- UC Berkeley Enters Into Consent Decree with DOJ About Its Websites and Other Online Content - Minh N. Vu, Seyfarth Shaw LLP
- UCB Complaint (PDF)
- UCB Consent Decree (PDF)
- UC Berkeley Agrees to Make Online Content Accessible to Settle Justice Department Lawsuit - Natalie Schwartz
The United States' Findings and Conclusions Based on its Investigation Under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of the University of California at Berkeley (PDF)
- Department of Justice
- A Statement on Online Course Content and Accessibility - Public Affairs, UC Berkeley
- Berkeley Will Delete Online Content - Carl Straumsheim
- Feds Investigate College Twice Since 2017 for Disability Discrimination - Dana Gerber
- University May Remove Online Content to Avoid Disability Law - Scott Jaschik
- Faculty Response to DOJ Online Access Response - The Faculty Coalition for Disability Rights at UC Berkeley
- DOJ vs. UC Berkeley: Forcing Online Content to Be Accessible - Tanya Roscorla
- UC Berkeley Decision Results in Universal Inaccessibility - Cyndi Rowland
- UC Berkley To Remove More Than 20,000 Online Videos From Public Access In Response To DOJ Captioning Demand - Minh Vu
- Why UC-Berkeley is Restricting Access to Thousands of Online Lecture Videos - Sarah Larimer
Justice Department Secures Agreement with University of California, Berkeley to Make Online Content Accessible to People with Disabilities - U.S. Department of Justice
- University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
- Digital accessibility initiative update: Department of Justice inquiry closed - University of Colorado
- CU-Boulder Student Seeks Accessibility Through Federal Complaint - Sarah Kuta
- DOJ letter to CU-Boulder - Matt Sebastian
- Chancellor's Corner: Improving our Digital Technology Accessibility - University of Colorado
- Moving Ahead on ADA Technology Issues - University of Colorado
- Jones appointed Chief Digital Accessibility Officer - University of Colorado
- Timeline - University of Colorado
- University of Illinois Chicago
- University of Kentucky
- University of Louisville
- University of Maryland
University of Montana
- Agreement Requires UM to Improve Accessibility - Montana Kaimin
- Disabled UM Students File Complaint Over Inaccessible Online Courses - Keula Spaller
- University of Montana Reaches Agreement to Develop New Accessible Technology Policies - Global Accessibility News
- UM Reaches Agreement to Develop New Accessibility Policies, Disability Training - The Missoulian
- University of Montana Resolution Agreement (PDF) - U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
University of Oregon
- U.S. Department of Education Investigating UO for Possible Violations of Disability Discrimination Laws - Ryan Nguyen
- University of Oregon Complaint - Office for Civil Rights
- University of Phoenix
- University of Virginia, Darden School of Business
- U.S. Laws for Video Accessibility: ADA, Section 508, CVAA, and FCC Mandates - Rebecca Klein
- Venice Reached Agreement on ADA Suit over Website Access - Earle Kimel
- Vero Beach, Florida Settlement Agreement
- Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
- Washoe County School District
- West Valley College
- Web Accessibility Law in Higher Education - Jonathan Whiting
Weight Watchers
- Weight Watchers Print and Digital Accessibility Settlement Agreement - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- New Accessibility Agreement - WCAG 2.0 AA Standard for Web and Mobile - Law Office of Lainey Feingold
Whisper Lounge
- CA Court Rules Unruh Act Requires Website to Conform to WCAG 2.0 AA, But Denies Damages for Multiple Visits to Website - Kristina M. Launey & Minh N. Vu
Wind Creek Bethlehem Casino
- A Blind Man is Suing Wind Creek Bethlehem over its Website. Here's Why - Sara K. Satullo
- ADA Lawsuit Targets - Kerana Todorov
- Lawsuits Charge 15 New York Wineries with Discrimination Against Visually Impaired - Leslie Gevirtz
- New York Wineries Sued over Website Accessibility for Visually Impaired - Brianne Garrett
- Which U.S. States Have Digital Accessibility Laws? A Comprehensive List (2025) - Lily Clark
- This Week in Accessibility: White v. Square - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- 7 Accessibility FAQ on the Winn-Dixie ADA Appeal Decision (2021) - Glenda Sims
- 11th Circuit Reverses Winn-Dixie- What It Means to You - Ken Nakata
- A Cautionary Tale: DOJ Intervenes in Another Web Accessibility Lawsuit - Kristina M. Launey
- ADA Case Law And Statutory Updates - Cole Schotz
- ADA Website Cases Continue to Befuddle Businesses - Dori K. Stibolt
- Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida
- Are You at Legal Risk... Because of Winn-Dixie? Q&A and Webinar Resources - Kristin Heineman
- As the Winn-Dixie Saga Finally Concludes in Florida, 181 Advocacy Groups Urge DOJ to Issue Website Accessibility Regulations - Kristina M. Launey and Minh Vu
- Big Win for Blind Shopper in First U.S. ADA Web Accessibility Trial - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Blind Plaintiff Prevails in First-of-Its-Kind ADA Website Accessibility Trial against Grocery Store Chain - JD Supra
- Blind Winn-Dixie Customer Further Appeals Website Access Ruling - Julia Steinbert
- Eleventh Circuit Says Winn Dixie's Inaccessible Website Does Not Violate The ADA - Seyfarth Shaw LLP
- Federal Court Holds Full Trial on Issue of Website Accessibility to Visually Impaired Users -
- First Federal Court Rules That Having An Inaccessible Website Violates Title III Of The ADA - Minh Vu
- First-of-its-kind Trial Goes Plaintiff's Way; Winn-Dixie Ordered to Update Website for the Blind - John O'Brien
- Florida Federal Court Rules That Winn-Dixie's Website Violated the ADA - Thomas J. Barton
- Historic Federal Court Ruling: Inaccessible Websites Violate Title III of the ADA - Patrick Loftus
- Landmark Web Accessibility Ruling in U.S. - Dennis Lembree
- Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings - Winn-Dixie Case (PDF)
- Narrow Winn-Dixie Court Opinion Limits Certain Types of Web Accessibility Lawsuits in three U.S. States - Lainey Feingold
- Statement of Interest Filed by the United States Against Winn Dixie Stores (PDF) - ADA
- The Continuing Stream of Website Accessibility Claims: A Trial Victory for a Plaintiff and a Dismissal for a Company - Littler Mendelson
- The Eleventh Circuit Finally Breaks Its Silence on Website Accessibility - but Was Its Decision Worth the Wait? - Joshua A. Stein
- Verdict and Order Following Non-Jury Trial (PDF)
- Watch Our Presentation on Winn-Dixie (Video) - Ken Nakata
- Web Accessibility for Grocers: Winn-Dixie Wasn't Paying Attention - The Law Office of Lainey Feingold
- Websites Not Bound by ADA Accessibility Rules, 11th Circuit Finds - Kayla Goggin
- Winn-Dixie Motion-for-Jugdment (PFD)
- Winn-Dixie Urges Court to Reverse Landmark ADA Website Ruling - Raychel Lean
- Winn-Dixie Verdict and Order Following Non-Jury Trial (PDF)
- Winn-Dixie Wins Legal Suit, Maybe Shoots Self in Foot - Drew Sorrell
- What the Winn-Dixie Case Means for the Future of Web Accessibility - Elisa Edelberg
- Quezada v. U.S. Wings, Inc. - United States District Court, S.D. New York
- World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
- Xerox Corporation. and Contented, Inc.
- Yakima County, Washington Settlement Agreement
Youngstown State University
- Youngstown State University Settles Federal Complaint Over Accessibility of Website for People with Disabilities - U.S. Department of Education
- Youngstown State University Resolution Letter (PDF) - U.S. Department of Education
- Youngstown State University Resolution Agreement (PDF) - U.S. Department of Education
- Accessibility of Emojis for List Bullets - Potential Issues (2025) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Foundations: Lists - Léonie Watson
- ol vs. ul vs. div - Manuel Matuzović
- Results of Labeling Lists - Scott O'Hara
- Unordered Lists: More Than Just Bullets - Brian Huisman
Low Vision
- A Heuristic Method to Evaluate Web Accessibility for Users With Low Vision - Patricia Acosta-Vargas et al.
- Access to Visual Flexibilty Including Word Wrapping - Wayne Dick
- Accessibility Summit 2016: Low Vision & Accessibility Recap - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Augmenting Empathy: Simulating Low-Vision Conditions with CSS, SVG and WebRTC (Video) - Shwetank Dixit
- Can You See that OK? CSS Tips for Low-Vision Accessibility (Video) - Julie Grundy
- Challenges, Opportunities and the Potential for Low-Vision Access - Matthew Atkinson
- Low Vision: Challenging Assumptions and Understanding Differences (Video) - Shawn Lawton Henry
- Low Vision Proposal - Needs - Wayne Dick
- Low Vision Survey Results - Jared Smith
- Reading With and Without Text Wrapping (Video) - Shawn Lawton Henry
- Reference-Based Metrics Are Biased Against Blind and Low-Vision Users' Image Description Preference (PDF) (2024) - Rhea Kapur and Elisa Kreiss
- Survey of Users with Low Vision #2 Results - Jared Smith
- Operational Overhead Caused by Horizontal Scrolling Text - Wayne E. Dick
- WebAIM's Survey of Low Vision Users #2: What Do We Make of It? - Sathish Kumar
- 4 Ways Mobile Apps Could be a Lot More Accessible - Chase DiBenedetto
- 9 Key Accessibility Laws for Mobile Apps: What You Need to Know (2024) - Aleksandra Zadorozna
- Accessible Button Components for Mobile Device Screen (PDF) (2024) - Jaeryeong Choe
- Accessibility Group - Often Overlooked Native Mobile App Pattern (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Advent of iOS Accessibility (2024) - Dani Devesa
- Auditing Accessibility of Mobile Apps - 2024 Update (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Common Accessibility Issues of Norwegian Mobile Banking Applications (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Global Mobile App Accessibility: A Comparative Study of WCAG Compliance Across 12 Countries (PDF) - (2024) Wahid bin Ahsan, Imran Hossain, Habibur Rahman, Nasir Uddin, Kazi Rashid, Sahriar Ratul, Zannatul Ferdous, Fariha Islam, Abu MD Ehsan
- Keyboard Accessibility Testing on Mobile Devices (2024) - Sam Ogami
- Mobile Accessibility Barriers For Assistive Technology Users (2024) - Kate Kalcevich
- Mobile Accessibility Testing Checklist - Bruce Lawson
- Mobile Accessibility Testing (Video) - Rob Whitaker
- Mobile App Accessibility Assessment Framework (RAAM 1): Criteria and Tests (2025) - Luxembourg Government
- Navigating Menus on Mobile: A Blind Diner's Accessibility Insights (2024) - Michael Taylor
- 6-Step Mobile App Accessibility Checklist - Luca Boskin
- A Guide for Making apps Accessible - Appt Foundation
- Accessibility Testing for the Mobile Web - Josh McClure
- Accessimobility - Jeremy Keith
- An Introduction to Native Mobile Accessibility - Featuring Deque University for iOS/Android - Chris McMeeking
- Challenges for Screen-Reader Users on Mobile - Tanner Kohler
- Critical Development Considerations for Mobile Application Accessibility - Sanjay Nasta and Paul J. Adam
- Crossing Over - Bringing Mobile Innovations to Accessibility - Derek Featherstone
- Designing and Coding for Low Vision (Video) - Mallory van Achterberg
- Don't Fake Accessibility When Developing Native Mobile Applications (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- From WCAG 1.0 to MWBP: Making content that meets Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 also meet Mobile Web Best Practices
- Guidelines Apply to Mobile - W3C
- How a Blind Person Uses a Website on Mobile Versus Desktop (Video) - Jason Taylor and Joseph DiNero
- How Mobile Apps Undergo Accessibility Monitoring (2023) - Andrew Hick
- How Accessibility Impacts Responsive Design - Sailesh Panchang
- How Screen-Reader Users Type on and Control Mobile Devices - Tanner Kohler
- How to Fix Common iOS Accessibility Issues - Jennifer Korth
- How to Provide Accessibility in your Android App, Part 4: List, Link Semantics and Testing (2024) - Karol Wrótniak
- Insights: Mobile Accessibility (2023) - Fable
- Lessons Learned from Mobile App Accessibility Testing (Video) (2024) - Rachele DiTullio
- Maintaining Accessibility in a Responsive World - Scott Jehl
- Matt May Talks About How Accessibility Has Influenced Mobile development and Design (Video) - Matt May
- Mobile A11y - Rob Whitaker
- Mobile Accessibility Fails: Do we need a WCAG3? - Gian Wild
- Mobile Accessibility - W3C WAI Education and Outreach Working Group
- Mobile Accessibility Advent Calendar Part 1 (2025) - Mark Steadman
- Mobile Accessibility Advent Calendar Part 2 (2025) - Mark Steadman
- Mobile Accessibility Advent Calendar Part 3 (2025) - Mark Steadman
- Mobile Accessibility at W3C - Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- Mobile Accessibility Examples from Implementing UAAG 2.0 - W3C
- Mobile Accessibility - How WCAG 2.0 and Other W3C-WAI Guidelines Apply to Mobile - Kim Patch, Jeanne Spellman, and Kathy Wahlbin Editors
- Mobile Accessibility - Moving With the Times - Chris Bailey
- Mobile Accessibility Testing Guide for Android and iOS - Henny Swan
- Mobile Accessibility Survey - The Paciello Group
- Mobile Accessibility: Testing Mobile Sites and Native Apps for Accessibility (Video) - Gian Wild
- Mobile Assistive Technology Gesture References - Adrian Roselli
- Mobile Browser Support for ARIA Roles, States, and Properties - Jonathan Avila
- Mobile Screen Reader Testing - Scott Vinkle
- Mobile Site and Native App Accessibility Testing (Series) (2023) - ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium Mobile Sub-Committee
- Mobile Tabs Part 1 - Native APIs (2024) - John Lilly
- Mobile Tabs Part 2 - React Native (2024) - John Lilly
- Mobile Tabs Part 3 - Flutter (2024) - John Lilly
- Mobile Testing - AccessibilityOz
- Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0
- Native Mobile App Accessibility - Choice of Platform Is Essential (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Podcast #97: Responsive Design and Accessibility - Dennis E. Lembree
- Research with Blind Users on Mobile Devices - Ed Horsford
- Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities
- Smartphone Accessibility 201: Colors, Contrast, and Magnification, Oh My! - Kara VanRoekel
- Takeaways From Mobile Accessibility 101 - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Tips for Making Interactive Elements Accessible on Mobile Devices - Ire Aderinokun
- Think Your Mobile App can Avoid the ADA? Well, Think Again... - Kelley Drye, et al.
- Top 5 iOS Mobile App Accessibility Issues Pt 1. (2024) - Mark Steadman
- Blind People Using Touchscreens - The Issues - Incobs
- Question About Touchscreens and Blind Users - Derek Featherstone
- Touch Accessibility for the Blind and Visually Impaired - University of Minnesota Duluth
- Touch, Point, Click: Mouse vs Touch Screen Input - Graeme Fulton
- (Touch) Test Results - Patrick H. Lauke
- Web Content Accessibility and Mobile Web: Making a Web Site Accessible Both for People with Disabilities and for Mobile Devices
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines for Mobile - Rob Whitaker Online Accessibility Act
- What Accessibility Standards Apply to Mobile Applications? - Jonathan Avila
- What Does Responsive Web Design Have to do with Accessibility? - Jonathan Avila
- What WCAG 2.2 Means for Native Mobile Accessibility (Video) (2024) - Rachael Yomtoob and Devanshu Chandra
- Why You, A Mobile Developer, Should Care About Accessibility - Kim Arnett
- 6 Ways To Make A Video Accessible To Everyone - Access Innovation Media
- Making Videos Accessible (Video) - DOIT Center, University of Washington …"
- Media Accessibility User Requirements - W3C
- Nerdery - Video Background with Pause Feature - Accessibility Wins
- Online Video Accessibility - Terrill Thompson
- Video Accessibility (Video) (2024) - Gaby de Jongh and Terrill Thompson.
- Autoplay is Bad for All Users - Emma Sax
Audio Description
- A Guide to Audio Description for Inclusive Presentations and Webinars (2025) - Lolly Lijewski
- Accessible Audio Descriptions for HTML5 Video - James Edwards
- AD Support in HTML Video (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- An Introduction to Audio Description in Higher Education Video Content - Penn State
- Audio Description as a Form of Audiovisual Translation with Dr. Joel Snyder - Rebecca Klein
- Audio Description for Media and Live Performance (Video) - Martin Wilde
- Audio Description in a Couple Minutes (Video) - Rooted in Rights
- Audio Description of Visual Information - Shawn Lawton Henry, Editor
- Audio Description Using the Web Speech API - Terrill Thompson
- Audio Descriptions - At a Glance (Video) - Microsoft
- Audio Description in Advertising (2025) - Equal Entry
- Deep Dive: How Audio Description Benefits Everyone - Elisa Edelberg
- Description Key
- Did You Know? Audio Description is Required by Law - Elisa Edelberg
- Does Your Video Need Standard or Extended Description? - Elisa Edelberg
- FAQ: What You Should Know About Audio Description - Jaclyn Leduc
- How to Add Audio Description (W3C-Approved Techniques) - Jaclyn Ledu
- How to Create Audio Descriptions for Accessible YouTube Videos - Whitney Lewis
- How to Make Videos Accessible to the Blind by Adding Described Audio (Video) - ddblue0
- How to Produce WCAG-Compliant Video Captions and Audio Descriptions - Patrick Loftus
- Human Voice Audio Description - Abby Alepa
- Important Audio Description Tips: Techniques to Make Visuals Heard - Jennie Delisi
- Intro to Audio Description (Webinar Video, Slides Transcripts) - Lily Bond and Josh Miller
- Integrated Audio Description (Video) - Microsoft
- Joel Snyder - Audio Description Associates (Video) - Emily Ha
- LiveDescribe Audio Description Work - Katerina
- Multimedia Accessibility: I Hear What You See - Aparna Pasi
- Multiple Audio Tracks Now Available on Youtube, Including AD for Blind Viewers - Newz Hook
- My Audio Description Talk @ CSUN - Terrill Thompson
- Provide a Second Video Version Complete With Audio Description - Denis Boudreau
- Reacting To The Walt Disney Pictures Logo With Audio Description For Blind People (Video) (2023) - Tommy Edison
- Standards and Requirements for Quality Audio Description (2025) - AJ Beltis New!
- The Ultimate Guide to Audio Description - 3Play Media
- Towards a Dubbing and Audio Description Exchange Format - Nigel Megitt
- Using HTML5 and Javascript to Deliver Text-Based Audio Descriptions - IBM and The National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM)
- WCAG Confusion Around Audio Description - Vision Australia
- What Are Integrated Audio Descriptions and How to Write Them - Fondazione LIA
- What is a TextDS File? - Abby Alepa
- What is Audio Description? - National Center on Accessible Information Technology in Education
- What Is Audio Description? (2025) - Elisa Lewis
- What is "Descriptive Audio"? - UC Berkeley
- When and When Not to Add Audio Description - Elisa Edelberg
- When to Use Audio Description on Your Content (2024) - Kelly Mahoney
- 2024 State of ASR Report (PDF) (2024) - 3Play Media
- 5 Reasons Why Automatic Captions Are a Big Problem - Meryl K. Evans
- 5 Tips for Speeding Up the Captioning Process - Sofia Enamorado
- 7 Best Practices for Live Auto Captioning Quality - Samantha Sauld.
- 7 Reasons Why You Want to Caption Your Videos - Meryl K. Evans
- A11y 101: WCAG 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- Able Player Examples - Terrill Thompson
- Accessibility/Video Accessibility - Mozilla
- Are Automatic Captions WCAG, ADA, or 508 Compliant? - Sofia Enamorado
- Are All Video Captions Equally Accessible? - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Artificial Intelligence Is Good, but Is It Good Enough for Captions? - Elisa Edelberg
- Auto-Captions vs. Editing Auto-Captions vs. Re-Captioning in Post-Production - Patrick Loftus
- Automatic Captions: Are They Helping or Hindering Students? - Jaclyn Leduc
- Automatic Captions: Our Experiments and Best Practices - Meryl K. Evans
- Automatic Transcription Software: Good Enough for Accessibility? A Case Study from Built Environment Education - Tharindu R. Liyanagunawardena
- Captioned Video Accessibility: "Stranger Things" Captions, a Fascinating Case Study - Meryl K. Evans
- Captions (2023 - Ellen Liebert and Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- Captions and transcripts Video - Earth, Wind & Fire Accessibility PSA
- Captions vs. Subtitles: Leave No Viewer Behind (2024) - Meryl K. Evans
- Captions vs. Transcripts - Meryl K. Evans
- Closed Captions And Subtitles UX - Vitaly Friedman
- Comparison Captions - Accuracy and Autocraptions (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Color (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Position (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Readability (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Size / Length (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Sound (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Comparison Captions - Synchronized (Video) - Meryl K. Evans
- Can You Caption 360° Video, Virtual Reality, and 3D Video? - Sofia Enamorado
- Caption Everything - Dave Rupert
- Caption 101: How Do Captions Work on Videos? - Meryl K. Evans
- Captions and Transcripts and Audio Descriptions, Oh My! - Dennis Deacon
- Captioning Lyrics and Copyright Laws (2024) - Thomas Logan and Ken Nakata
- Captioning Key - Described and Captioned Media Program
- Captions (Video) - TetraLogical
- Captioning Video Gets Easier - Paul Crichton
- Captioning Videos FAQ - Meryl Evans
- Captioning Videos in Facebook - Facebook
- Captioning, Transcripts and a Teachable Moment - John Foliot
- Captions - Jared Smith
- Captions: Humans vs Artificial Intelligence: Who Wins? - Meryl K. Evans
- Captions in Everyday Use - Aadrian Roselli
- Conferences, Speakers: Please Caption Your Videos - Adrian Roselli
- Could Your Company's Videos Get You Sued for ADA Noncompliance? - Deque Systems
- Create Live Subtitles/Captions Using PowerPoint - Amy Wolfe
- Creating Offline Captions - The National Deaf Center
- Did You Know? 80 Percent of People Who Use Closed Captions Are Not Hard of Hearing - Lily Bond
- Do It Yourself Transcripts and Captions - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Do You Caption Your Videos? - Meryl K. Evans
- Don't Leave Me Out! (Video) - Collaborative for Communication Access via Captioning
- Does Your Video Make These 6 Common Caption Mistakes? - Meryl K. Evans
- Effective Communication - ADA Requirements, U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
- Google Slides Automatically Captions Your Presentations - Jon Fingas
- Google Slides Offers Real-Time Automated Captions - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- How Captions and Transcripts Help Students with Dyslexia - Elisa Edelberg
- How Captions Increase ROI and Audience for Media Creators (Video) - Svetlana Kouznetsova
- How to Add and Write Captions for YouTube Videos (Video) (2024) - Pope Tech
- How to Add Captions or Subtitles to a Video - Ryan Knott
- How to Create Video Captions - John Espirian
- How to Do Closed Captioning Right (According to the DCMP) - Jaclyn Leduc
- How to Force Closed Captions to Appear on Your YouTube Videos - Samantha Sauld
- How to Handle Live Closed Captioning - and the Challenges - Kelly Mahoney
- How to Make Your Captions and Audio Descriptions WCAG-Compliant (2023) - Jena Wallace
- How To Make Your Live-Stream Content Accessible - Jaclyn Leduc
- How to Tell If You Are Required to Caption Your Videos - Sofia Enamorado
- How to Remove Automatic Captions from Your YouTube Videos - Sofia Enamorado
- How You Can Allow Other People to Add Captions to Your YouTube Videos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Institutional Guidelines on Captioning - Cyndi Rowland
- Legal Requirements for Live Captioning - Rebecca Klein
- Measuring Captioning Accuracy: Why WER and NER Analyses Differ (2024) - Rebecca Klein
- Much Ado About Captioning Videos with Meryl K. Evans, a Digital Pro Who is Deaf (Video) - Mery Evans
- No More Excuses - Subtitle Your YouTube Videos - Christian Heilmann
- New Study: The Impact of Captions and Transcripts on Student Learning - Jaclyn Leduc
- Open Captions vs. Closed Captions: What's the Difference? - Abby Alepa
- On Adding Captions to Videos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Press This Podcast: Creating Captivating Video Captions with Meryl Evans - Emily Schiola
- State of Captioning 2024 (PDF) (2024) - 3Play Media
- Subtitles, Closed Captions, and Open Captions: What's the Difference? (2024) - Ben Myers
- The Complete Guide to Captioned Videos (2024) - Meryl Evans
- The Hottest News In the World of Captioning is That Chrome Now Has an Option to Turn on Live Captions - Meryl K. Evans
- Timing is Everything - Derek Featherstone
- To Auto Caption or Not, That is the Question - Svetlana Kouznetsova
- Video Caption Questions Answered - John Espirian
- Video Captions: Sometimes You Only Need to Ask - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Why Captioning Non-Speech Elements Matters for Accuracy - Rebecca Klein
- Why Do All These 20-Somethings Have Closed Captions Turned On? - Cordilia James
- Why Human Captioning? (Video) - Mirabai Knight
- You Guys Need Captions! - Pharrell "Happy" Parody (Video) - 3Play Media
- What Is 99% Accuracy, Really? - Sofia Enamorado
- What Is Closed Captioning? - Kelly Mahoney
- What You Need to Know About Types of Video Captions - Meryl Evans
- What You Should Know About Automatic Captions on Video Players - Sofia Enamorado
- When Is a Caption Close Enough? - Linda Besner
- Which Is the Best Automatic Captioning Tool for Video Calls? - Meryl K. Evans
- Why Sound Matters in Captioning Videos - Meryl K. Evans
- Why You Have No Excuse to Not Caption Your Videos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
Streaming (live or real-time)
- Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3 - Large-scale Broadcast Event Usability and Accessibility By Kris Schulze
- The Current State of Automatic Speech Recognition - Jaclyn Leduc
- A Transcript Extension for HTML - Chaals McCathie Nevile, editor
- Amp Up Accessibility of Your Videos: Add Transcripts - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Benefits of Transcripts and Captions for Your Videos and Podcasts - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Crowdscribing - Jeremy Keith
- Do It Yourself Transcripts and Captions - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Fienen's Totally Tubular Talk Teaching Techniques to Transcribe (Video) - Michael Fienen
- G158: Providing an alternative for time-based media for audio-only content
- G159: Providing an alternative for time-based media for video-only content
- Online Conferences and Automatic Transcripts - Kim Patch
- Podcasts Need Transcripts: December 2021 Lawsuit Against SiriusXM - Lainey Feingold
- TIO Team Completes Assessment of AI-Driven Transcription - Carlos Solís, Texas State University
- Tools and Tips for Creating Transcripts - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- Transcripts and Captions - Do-It-Yourself or Outsource? - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Transcripts on the Web - Shawn Lawton Henry
- Transcripts: Third Time's a Charm - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Transcribing Podcasts - Jeremy Keith
- What Is a Descriptive Transcript? (2024) - Accessible Community
- A Complete Guide for Adding Captions to YouTube Videos (2024) - Whitney Lewis
- Accessibility and the YouTube Players - Terrill Thompson
- Craptions.To.Captions (Article) - Michael Lockrey a.k.a. @TheDeafGuy
- Don't Rely on YouTube Transcripts - Adrian Roselli
- Embedded YouTube and Google Maps - Are They Accessible? - Matthew Putland
- How to Add Captions to YouTube Videos & Force Captions On - Elisa Lewis
- How to Close Caption a Video by Editing YouTube Auto-Captions (Video) - Helen Mongan-Rallis
- How to Upload Transcripts to YouTube Videos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Inaccessible YouTube Embeds - Adrian Roselli
- Multiple Audio Tracks Now Available on Youtube, Including AD for Blind Viewers - Newz Hook
- Toolkit Tuesday: Using YouTube for Captions and Transcripts - Adam Scott Cord, Jessica "Jay" McKay, and Melissa Green
- YouTube Accessibility - WebAIM Thread
- YouTube Axes Community Captions Feature, Citing Low Usage - Liam O'Dell
- YouTube Live Gains Automatic Captions, Chat Replay and More - Sarah Perez
- Why Videos on GOV.UK use the YouTube Video Player - Anika Henke
Multimedia Related Info
- 1.2: Time-based Media: Provide alternatives for time-based media. - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.
- Accessible Digital Media - Geoff Freed and Madeleine Rothberg
- Accessible HTML5 Media Players and More - Dennis Lembree
- An Inclusive Approach to Video Production - Tetra Logical
- An Introduction to WebVTT and <track> - Ian Devlin
- Audio and Multimedia - Jim Thatcher
- Avoid Background Sounds When Sharing Audio Files - Denis Boudreau
- Browser Video Players Review (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- Comparison of Browsers on HTML5 Video Accessibility - 2015 Update - Terrill Thompson
- Creating Accessible Video - Gian Wild
- Creating Your Own Accessible HTML5 Media Player - Terrill Thompson
HTML5 Video Accessibility: Updates, Features, & Guidelines (Video) - John Foliot
- Key Takeaways from HTML5 Video Accessibility - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- How Do You Make Video Accessible? - Suzanne Scacca
- How to Test Video Players for Accessibility - Patrick Loftus
- Improving Video Accessibility with WebVTT - Khari McMillian
- Introducing an Accessible HTML5 Video Player - Dennis Lembree
- I Will Tell You Later - Svetlana Kouznetsova
- Making Video and Audio Usable For The Deaf - Joseph C. Dolson
- Media Accessibility User Requirements - By Judy Brewer, John Foliot, Geoff Freed, Silvia Pfeiffer, and Janina Sajka
- Making Videos and Audio Accessible - Whitney Lewis
- Making Audio and Video Media Accessible - Shawn Lawton Henry, Editor
- Mix Audio so Foreground Speech is Louder than Background Sounds - Denis Boudreau
- Multimedia Accessibility FAQ - Shawn Lawton Henry, Editor
- Open University Media Player Passes Accessibility Test - Dan Jellinek
- Tips for Making Web Video and Audio Accessible - Emily Griffin
- The Ultimate Guide to Caption and Description Formats for Popular Video Players - Kelly Mahoney
- Two Months Later: Audio Players Still Have No Volume Control - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Using HTML5 and Javascript to Deliver Accessible Supplemental Materials - The National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM)
- Video Accessibility for Compliance - Samantha Sauld
- Web-Based Media Player Accessibility Comparison Table - Committee on Institutional Cooperation Information Technology Accessibility Group (CIC ITAG)
Open Source
- Why Open Source Needs Accessibility Standards - Shaun Gillies
- First Public Working Drafts: Personalization Tools 1.0; Personalization Help and Support 1.0 - W3C
- For Review: Personalization Semantics 1.0 First Public Working Draft - Michael Cooper
- Four Levels of Accessibility Customisation - Alastair Campbell
- The Promise of Personalized Interfaces - Matthew Atkinson
- Personalization and Inclusive Design - Ted Drake
- Personalization Semantics 1.0 - W3C
- Personalization Semantics Content Module First Public Working Draft, and Personalization Semantics Explainer - Michael Cooper
Posters and Infographics
- Accessibility Posters - Department for Work & Pensions, (DWP), UK.Gov
- Designing for Users With Dyscalculia or Low Numeracy - GOV.UK blog (2022)
- Dos and Don'ts on Designing for Accessibility - (2016)
- Posters Repository on Github
- Researching Access Needs Poster
- UK Home Office Posters - Tumblr
- Accessibility Tips for Teams V2 (PDF) - Australian Broadcasting Corporation (2019)
- Barclays – POUR: the Guiding Principles of Accessibility (PDF download available)
- Inclusive Design Principle (PDF) - Adapted by Barcleys from
- Intopia Launches WCAG 2.1 Map – Intopia (2019)
- The Essential Guide to Digital Accessibility (PDF) - Deque
- Web Accessibility for Designers (infographic) - WebAIM (2020)
- Web Accessibility - Responsibilities by Project Role (PDF) - Andrew Normand (2018)
Plugins, PDF, PowerPoint, Documents etc.
- 093: PDF Accessibility Tips and Traps on the Web with Ricky Onsman (Podcast) - (2024) Equalize Digital
- 5 Questions to Ask Before Publishing PDFs - By Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- 6 Tips for Accessibility in Microsoft Word - Lyssa Prince. Lyssa's slides
A Technical and Cultural Assessment of the Mueller Report PDF - Duff Johnson
- DoJ Reposts the Mueller Report - Duff Johnson
- Accessible PDF Forms Online - There's a Catch (2024) - Ricky Onsman
- Accessible PDF Training - Minnesota IT Services
- Accessible Word Document Training - Minnesota IT Services.
- Accessibility Cheat Sheets - Gaining Online Accessible Learning through Self-study (GOALS)
- Accessibility Survey Reveals PDF Problems, Technology Types and Satisfied Users - Tristan Parker
- Adobe PDF Extract: API Output Demystified - Joel Geraci
- An Accessible Word Document Checklist - Claire Brotherton
- An Evolution in Microsoft Office Accessibility (2023) - George Joeckel
- An Overview of PDF Inaccessibility - Jon Metz
- Announcing No-Cost Access to PDF's Accessibility Standards (2024) - PDF Association
- Common PDF Accessibility Mistakes to Avoid - Leslie Janek
- CommonLook PDF GlobalAccess - Jared Smith
- Converting PowerPoint Speaker Notes to Tagged PDF (PDF) - Karen McCall
- Create Bookmarks from the Content Structure in PDF Documents - Denis Boudreau
- Creating Accessible PDFs from Adobe InDesign (Video) (2024) - Tufts Technology Services
- Creating Accessible Word Documents (Course) - Intopia
- Creating Accessable Documents (Video) - Trent Learning System
- Defining Acrobat PDF Accessibility - WebAIM
- Form Accessibility (2023) - Digital Accessibility Office, University of Colorado Boulder
- Going with the PDF Reflow (2024) - Ricky Onsman
- Hello PDF, Goodbye Accessibility - Ruben Ferreira Duarte
- How to Check and Fix PDF Accessibility Issues (2024) - Whitney Lewis
- Microsoft Excel - WebAIM
- How to Create and Test Accessible PDFs - Nicshan Floyd
- How to Convert Word Documents to HTML - DeborahEdwards-Onoro
- How to Make PDFs Accessible | Episode 10: Clovis Community College (2023) - Shawn Jordison
- How to Make Your PDFs Conform to WCAG 2.1, Easy to Follow Tips for Your PDF Workflow, Part 1 - Tamara Sawyer
- How to Use the Accessibility Checker in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (2024) - Shawn Jordison
- Implementing a PDF Reduction Strategy - Dey Alexander
- Inclusive Design For Accessible Presentations - Allison Ravenhal
- Inaccessible PDFs? How to Know When to Use HTML Webpages Instead of PDFs - Whitney Lewis
- Introduction to Creating Accessible Documents - Session 1 of 3 - Shawn Wright
- Just like we should always ask, 'Could this meeting have been an email? We should always ask…' - Adrian Roselli
- Learning to Love Headings in Microsoft Word - Jonathan Whiting
- Make Your Powerpoint Presentations Accessible to People With Disabilities - Microsoft
- Making an Accessible Excel Workbook (Video) - Aaron Farber
- Making Headings and Lists More Accessible (Video) - Clarissa Peterson
- Making Accessible Tagged PDFs with Prince - Bruce Lawson
- Making Electronic Documents Accessible - Minnesota IT Services (MNIT)
- Making PowerPoint Decks More Accessible - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- Microsoft Word - WebAIM
- New Techniques for Accessible PDF (2025) - PDF Association Staff
- Oh Snap! Startling Discoveries When You Reflow Your PDF (2023) - Jessica Cavazos
- Overview: Three Ways PowerPoint's "Design Ideas" Excludes Your Audience, and How to Fix It - Matthew Deeprose
- Passed Your Accessibility Check? Don't Be So Sure. - Paul Rayius
- PDF/UA Structure Elements and the User Experience (PDF) - Karen McCall
- PDF Accessibility - WebAIM
- PDF Accessibility - Jay Wyant
- PDF Accessibility - Accessible Forms in Acrobat XI - WebAIM
- PDF Accessibility Checker Reference Guide (for working with Adobe's PDF Accessibility Checker) - Minnesota IT Services
- PDF Accessibility Merging Tables (Video) - Dax Castro
- PDF Accessibility on the Web: Tricks and Traps (Video) (2025) - Ricky Onsman
- PDF Accessibility on the Web: Tricks and Traps - Part 1 (2024) - Ricky Onsman
- PDF Accessibility Overview - Adobe
- PDF Accessibility Tools & Resources Roundup - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- PDF Accessibility Training (Videos) - Microsoft
- PDF Accessibility: Testing and Verification - Dave Herr
- PDF Documents and Accessibility Support - Ramon Corominas
- PDF Forms and WCAG 2.0 - Mike Paciello
- PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0 - W3C WAI
- PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later - Jakob Nielsen
- PDF Validator-The Free Tool You Need to Start Using Today - David Herr
- PDF vs HTML: A Fork in the Road - David MacDonald
- PDFs, Non-HTML Documents, and Accessibility - Whitney Lewis
- PowerPoint Accessibility - WebAIM
- PowerPoint Accessibility Checklist - Minnesota IT Services
- PowerPoint Chart Accessibility (Video) - Accessible Design Lab
- PowerPoint Accessibility Checklist (2024) - Dax Castro
- Printable "quick card" of tips for accessible Acrobat PDF documents (PDF) - Minnesota IT Services
- Ten Accessibility Errors Automated Tools Miss on PDF Documents - Leslie Janek
- The Elephant in the New Accessibility Law: PDFs (2024) - Rebecca Woodbury
- The PDF Accessibility Checker: Strengths and Weaknesses (2023) - Alexander Lehner
- The Problem With PDF (2025) - Lucy Greco
- The Problem With PDFs: It's an Accessibility Thing - Jackie Watson
- Understanding the PDF Tags Tree - Dax Castro
- Understanding The PDF Tags Tree (Video) (2024) - Dax Castro
- Using Built-In Software Accessibility Checkers - Part 1: Microsoft Word (2024) - Becky Bernauer, Rebecca Blomquist, and Tamara Sawyer
- Using Built-In Software Accessibility Checkers - Part 2: Adobe Acrobat Pro (2024) - Becky Bernauer, Rebecca Blomquist, Samantha Clayton, and Tamara Sawyer
- Using Chrome to Generate More Accessible PDFs - Dominic Mazzoni
- Unifying WCAG and PDF/UA for PDF Footers - David MacDonald
- WCAG 2.1 and PDF Accessibility - Common Look
- What to Know About Accessible PDFs From Microsoft Word and Google Docs - Deborah Edwards-Oñoro
- Word and PowerPoint Accessibility Evaluation Guide (2023) - WebAIM
- Your Eight-Step PDF Accessibility Checklist (2024) - Kyle Paciello
Relative sizing
- Javascript Accessibility
- Scripts and Applets - Jim Thatcher
Skip Links
Social Media
- 10 Ways to Improve Accessibility on Websites and Social Media - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- A Simple Guide to Providing Useful Alt on Bluesky (2024) - Gregory J. Rosmaita
- Accessible Social - Alexa Heinrich
- Accessibility on Social Media (Video) - Alexa Heinrich
- Alt Text and Social Media - Justin Yarbrough
- Colleges Face Investigations Over Whether Their Use of Social Media Follows Accessibility Regulations - Rebecca Koenig
- Engaging and Accessible Social Media - Jennie Delisi
- Captioning Videos in Facebook - Facebook
- Facebook's Useless #AI Based Photo Descriptions Have Made It to Threads (2024) - Pratik Patel
- How Do I Edit the Alternative Text for a Photo (on Facebook)? - Facebook
- How to Add Alternative Text to Facebook Photos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Making Accessible to as Many People as Possible - Tatiana Iskandar, Dominic Gannaway, Ankit Sardesai, Jonathan Yung
- Hey LinkedIn Team: Can We Opt for Camel Case in Hashtag Suggestions? (2024) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- How to Add Alternative Text to LinkedIn Images - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- How To Caption Your Instagram Stories To Make Them More Accessible - Mika Doyle
- How to Do Alt Text on Social Media for Artists and Photographers (2025) - Nicolas Steenhout
- How I Write Alt Text for Code Snippets on Social Media - Ben Myers
- How to Get 12% More LinkedIn Followers, Impressions, and Clicks! (2023) - Jennie Delisi
- Image Accessibility on Bluesky (2024) - Crystal Preston-Watson
- Implicit Cultural Norms and Accessible Social Media - Eric Bailey
- Improving the Accessibility of Social Media in Government - Digital Gov
- Inclusive Design for Social Media: Tips for Creating Accessible Channels - Katie Sehl
- Planning, Creating and Publishing Accessible Social Media Campaigns - Government Communication Service
- Social Media and Alt Text - Jennie Delisi
- Social Media and Alternative Text Features - AccessibilityOz
- Social Media Platforms Should Make It Easier to Add Alternative Text Using an [Alt: Description] Syntax (2024) - Christian Heilmann
- Why and How to Create Accessible Social Media and Website Content - Meryl K. Evans
Structure & Semantics
- 5 Heading Accessibility Issues and How to Fix Them (2023) - Whitney Lewis
- 8 Common Heading Questions (2023) - Whitney Lewis
- Accessible Heading Structure - Rian Rietveld
- Accessible Heading Structures for Home Pages (2024) - Whitney Lewis
- Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 3 - Information and Relationships - Dey Alexander
- Accessible HTML Heading Markup - Sailesh Panchang
- BingO Bakery: Headings, Landmarks, and Tabs (Video) - Microsoft
- Categories of Semantics - Joe Clark
- Checking Headings - Accessibility (Video) - Makoto Ueki
- Check Heading Accessibility Using the WAVE Tool (Video) - Pope Tech
- Foundations: Headings - Henny Swan
- Heading Levels - Anne Van Kesteren
- Heading Off Confusion: When do Headings Fail WCAG? - David Swallow
- Headings (2024) - WebAIM
- Headings - Screen Reader Compatibility - Mark Rogers
- Headings and Accessibility - Dennis Deacon
- Headings and Labels - Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 10 - Dey Alexander
- How to Use Headings for Website Accessibility - UsableNet
- Headings: Who Needs 'em? - Roger Hudson
- How to Create Better (And More Accessible) Heading Structures (Video) (2023) - Pope Tech
- How to Declare Your Page's Language (2025) - Whitney Lewis
- How to Set Up an Accessible Page Structure and Navigation (2025) - Whitney Lewis
- Learning to Love Headings in Microsoft Word - Jonathan Whiting
- Level-Setting Heading Levels - (2024) Adrian Roselli
- Managing Heading Levels In Design Systems - Heydon Pickering
- Organize Content Using Hierarchically Nested Headings - Denis Boudrea
- Provide Meaningful Section Headings to Every Section of a Document - Denis Boudreau
- Semantic Structure - WebAIM
- Section Headings - Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 11 - Dey Alexander
- The Power of Headings: Why LinkedIn Needs Them (2024) - Monika Prasad
- Understanding Page Structure (2023) - Daniela Marina Geli, Ellen Liebert, Laura Biray, Liz Thomas, Meenakshi Das, and Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- Use Structural Markup - Andrew B. King
- Use <h1> for top-level heading - W3C
- Use Headings to Structure your Document - W3C
- Warning About Multiple H1... - Jukka K. Korpela
- What's Your Heading? - Todd Libby
- When There Is No Content Between Headings - Hidde de Vries
Style Sheets (Accessibility)
- A Simple Custom - Steve Faulkner
- A Solution for the Visual and Source Order Disconnect (Video) (2025) - Rachel Andrew Rachel's Slides (PDF)
- Accessible Footnotes with CSS - Hugo Giraudel
- Accessibility Rendering Tools in Chrome - Dennis Lembree
- Addressing Concerns About CSS Speech - Léonie Watson
- Axe-con 2022: New CSS with Accessibility in Mind - Deborah Edwards-Oñoro
- Better Screenreader Experiences with CSS (Video) - Ben Myers
- Content-visibility and Accessible Semantics - Marcy Sutton
- Control the Visual Presentation of Text Using CSS - Denis Boudreau
- Creating Accessible CSS - WebAIM
- Creating Accessible CSS Art - Alvaro Montoro
- CSS-only Widgets Are Inaccessible - Adrian Roselli
- CSS and Accessibility - Richard Rutter
- CSS and Text Content - Screen Reader Compatibility - Mark Rogers
- CSS Background Images and High Contrast Mode - Adrian Roselli
- CSS Can Influence Screenreaders - Ben Myers
- CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
Display: Contents
- Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset - Adrian Roselli
- More Accessible Markup with Display: Contents - Hidde de Vrie
- Designed for Inclusion: Writing CSS with Accessibility - Manuel Matuzovic
- Don't Use Fixed CSS height or width on Buttons, Links, or Any Other Text Containers (2023) - Ashlee M Boyer
- Enhancing The Clickable Area Size - Ahmad Shadeed
- Ensure High Contrast for Text Over Images - Aurora Bedford
- F87: CSS Generated Content and WCAG Conformance - Adrian Roselli
- Flexbox and the Keyboard Navigation Disconnect - Leonie Watson
- Flexbox and the Screen Reader Experience - John Northup
- Focus States Research & Solutions (Slides) - Julia Feldman, Luis Bueno, & May Chen
- Focus vs A11y Focus - (2024) MobA11y
- Giving Users and Developers More Control Over Focus - Chromium
- High Contrast mode (Video) - TetraLogical
- Hijacking Screenreaders with CSS - Ben Myers
- Inclusively Hidden - Scott O'Hara
- On CSS Accessibility and Drinking Tea (Video) - Léonie Watson
- Prefers-contrast: forced is a Mistake - Kilian Valkhof
- prefers-reduced-motion and Browser Defaults - Bruce Lawson
- Rely on CSS and Not Images of Text to Present Section Headings - Denis Boudreau
- Responsive Accessibility Using Visibility Hidden - Scott O'Hara
- Revisting aria-label Versus a Visually Hidden Class - Chris Ferdinandi
- Screen Readers and CSS: Are We Going Out of Style (and into Content)? - John Northup
- Semantically Identifying a Font Icon with role="img" - W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
- Solving the CSS Layout and Source Order Disconnect - Rachel Andrew
- Source Order Matters - Adrian Roselli
- Styling for Windows High Contrast with New Standards for Forced Colors - Microsoft Edge Team
- Styling Links with Real Underlines - Ollie Williams
- Super Short Note on CSS Text (Again) - Steve Faulkner
- The CSS prefers-color-scheme User Query and Order of Preference - Sara Soueidan
- The Double Faces of CSS (Video) - Aurélien Lev
- The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility - Josh W. Comeau
- Using the Web Speech API to Simulate CSS Speech Support - Leonie Watson
- Use CSS Rather than Table Markup for Page Layout - Denis Boudreau
- user-scalable=no and Suppressing Zoom Suppression - Peter Paul Koch
- Using CSS 3 Overflow Properties To Make Containers Meet WCAG 2.1 - Ken Nakata
- Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility - Adrian Roselli
- User Stylesheets are Assistive Technology - Wayne Dick
- Visually Hidden Content Is a Hack That Needs to Be Resolved, Not Enshrined - Scott O'Hara
- Wanna fix about 35 to 40% of navigation accessibility issues for sighted keyboard users at once? - Denis Boudreau
- Why CSS is Important for Accessibility - Alastair Campbell
- Windows High Contrast Mode and Focus Outlines or: My Focus Indicators Were Inaccessible - Martin Underhill
- Windows High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode And CSS Custom Properties - Eric Bailey
- Writing Even More CSS with Accessibility in Mind (Video) - Manuel Matuzović
- Writing Even More CSS With Accessibility in Mind, Part 2: Respecting User Preferences - Manuel Matuzović
- You're Unselectable - Adrian Roselli
- (the return of) Tables, Tequila and Beer - Steve Faulkner
- 5 Ways to Improve Table Accessibility - Rachele DiTullio
- Accessible Cart Tables? - Adrian Roselli
- Accessible Data Tables with Static Headers - Gez Lemon
- Accessible Data Tables - Bruce Lawson
- Accessible Front-End Patterns For Responsive Tables (Part 1) - Adrian Bece
- Accessible Lists and Tables - Whitney Lewis
- Avoid Purely Visual Display of Tabular Information - Denis Boudreau
- Avoid Spanning Table Headers - Adrian Roselli
- Brief Note on Calendar Tables - Adrian Roselli
- Break Complex Data Tables in Smaller, Simpler Data Tables - Denis Boudreau
- Clearing Up Summary - Dennis Lembree
- Common Accessibility Challenges When Navigating Tables (2025) - Michael Taylor
- Creating Accessible Tables - WebAIM
- Data Tables - Heydon Pickering
- Easy Read that will Demystify Tables, Reflow, and Magnification - Linda Shoemaker and John Watne
- Enabling Tabular Data Exploration for Blind and Low-Vision Users (2024) - Yanan Wang, Arjun Srinivasan, and Yea-Seul Kim
- ExtractTable: Convert Tabular Data From Images - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Find Grids Vs Tables Accessibility Scary? - Kim Wee
- HTML5 Caption Element and Headings - Gez Lemon
- Hey, It's Still OK to Use Tables - Adrian Roselli
- How Screen Readers Navigate Data Tables - Léonie Watson
- Implementing Accessible Workplace Tech Creating Accessible Tables for the Web (Video) - Gian Wild
- JAWS Ate My Tables - Jared Smith
- Layout Tables - Dennis Lembree
- Layout Tables and Repair Techniques - Gez Lemon
- Making Data Tables More Accessible - Benjy Stanton
- Multi-Column Sortable Table Experiment - Adrian Roselli
- Notes on Fixing Incorrect Table Structure Using ARIA - Steve Faulkner
- Source Order Matters - Adrian Roselli
- Purpose of the summary Attribute - Gez Lemon
- Short Note on Scoping Mechanisms - Steve Faulkner
- Short Note on When is a Table a Table? - Steve Faulkner
- Sortable Table Columns - Adrian Roselli
- Structure Tabular Information Using Table Markup - Denis Boudreau
- Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA Adrian Roselli
- Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… - Adrian Roselli
- Tables and Beers - Steve Faulkner
- Tables, Tequila and Beer - Steve Faulkner
- Table with Expando Rows - Adrian Roselli
- Talkin' Tables - WebAIM Conference 2024 (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Talkin' Tables (Video) (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- To Put Some Table Features in Context - Adrian Roselli
- Turning the Tables on Accessibility - Lucy Monie Hall
- Under-Engineered Responsive Tables - Adrian Roselli
- Unintentionally Tabling Table Semantics - Scott O'Hara
- Use Scope Attributes to Associate Cells in Complex Data Tables - Denis Boudreau
- When is :focus-visible Visible? - Ire Aderinokun
- With :focus-visible, You Can Have Focus Styles When It Makes Sense - Hidde de Vries
Testing, Checking, Validating
- 60 Seconds to Learn How to Make Your Website More Accessible? - David Kennedy
- A Beginner's Guide to Manual Accessibility Testing - Whitney Lewis
- A Definitive Guide On How To Perform A Web Accessibility Audit - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- A False Sense of Accessibility: What Automated Testing Tools Are Missing (Video) - (2024) Beau Vass
- A Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Web Accessibility Audit (2024) - Melissa Morse
- A Warning About Automated Accessibility 'Warnings' - Scott O'Hara
- A Workflow for Testing Web Accessibility with Free Tools - David A. Kennedy
- Accessibility Audit Process - Maxability
Accessibility Auditing and Ego - Eric Bailey
- Accessibility Auditing and Pushing for More - Alastair Campbell
- Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology - W3C
- Accessibility Monitoring: How We Test -
- Accessibility Priority Tool - Roger Hudson
- Accessibility Prioritization - Laying the Foundation with a Strategic Plan, Part 1 - Glenda Sims
- Accessibility Testing and Reporting with TAW3 - Patrick H. Lauke
- Accessibility Testing As a Screen Reader User - Isabel Holdsworth
- Accessibility Testing Best Practices in CI/CD - Mark Steadman
- Accessibility Testing by People with Disabilities - Becky Gibson
- Accessibility Testing - Establishing a Screen Reader Test Plan - Henny Swan
- Accessibility Testing In Web Browsers - Brian Kelly
- Accessibility Testing - Pay Attention to the Details! - Jeff Singleton
- Accessibility Testing with the NVDA Screenreader (Video) - Matt Isner
- Accessibility Testing, Research and Development - Suzanne Taylor
- Accessibility Testing Tools for Desktop and Mobile Websites - Paul J Adam
- Accessibility Testing Tools - Updated - Steve Faulkner
- Accessibility Testing, Tools and Workflow (Video) - Rian Rietveld
- Accessibility Testing with People with Disabilities - equalentry
- AI for Accessibility Conformance Testing? Why? (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Alexa 100 Accessibility Errors - Jared Smith
- An Intro To Screen Reader Testing for Sighted Developers - Jessica Jordan
- Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility - Anna E. Cook
- Auditing Web Content with Web Inspector (Video) - Apple
- Automated Accessibility Part 3: Regression Tests - Mark Steadman
- Automated Accessibility Testing, a Few Scenarios - Rian Rietveld
- Automated Accessibility Testing Gets You on the Way, But Doesn't Find All the Problems - Christian Heilmann
- Automated and Manual Accessibility Testing Work Best Together (2025) - Whitney Lewis
- Automated Testing Won't Solve Web Accessibility - Eric Eggert
- Automated Accessibility Testing, a Few Scenarios - Rian Rietveld
- Automated Testing for Web Accessibility - Anders Fredericksen
- Automated Testing with aXe (Video) - Rob Dodson
- Basic Screen Reader Commands for Accessibility Testing - Leonie Watson
- Beware the Automated Accessibility Tool Trap - Trenton Moss
- Beware False Negatives - Adrian Roselli
- Beyond Automatic Accessibility Testing: 6 Things I Check on Every Website I Build - Manuel Matuzovic
- Beware - Automatic Tools Over-Report Accessibility Issues and Steal Your Time (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Building More Accessible Technology - Google
- Building the Most Inaccessible Site Possible with a Perfect Lighthouse Score - Manuel Matuzovic
- Choosing Your Accessibility UI Testing Library - (2024) Mark Steadman
- Creating Effective Automated Accessibility Test Cases - (2024) Mark Steadman
- Column HeadChoosing Your Accessibility UI Testing Library - (2024) Mark Steadman ers and Browser Support - Adrian Roselli
Comparing Manual and Free Automated WCAG Reviews - Adrian Roselli
- Comparing Level Access Automated Tools To Manual Accessibility Testing - Rachele DiTullio
- Conducting Usability Testing with Blind Users- Research Facilitation Tips - Kayla J Heffernan
- Connecting Dots of an Accessibility Audit - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Debugging Broken Accessibility (Video) - Sarah Higley
- Designing for Accessibility - Create Accessible User Experiences with AT User Flow Testing (2024) - David Sloan
- Do Accessibility Checkers have a Place in QA? - Wilco Fiers
- Do We Need Screen Reader for Accessibility Testing - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Don't Test Accessibility With a Screen Reader (2025) - Erik Kroes
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility Updated Draft - W3C
- Evaluating for Accessibility - Shawn Lawton Henry and Mary Grossnickle
- Evaluating Web Accessibility Overview - Web Accessibility Initiative
- Guerilla Accessibility Testing Techniques (Video) - Crystal Preston-Watson
- How Can Screen Readers be Used in Accessibility Testing? - Marissa Sapegad
- How to Build a Cloud-Hosted Accessibility Testing Windows Computer using Amazon WorkSpaces - Eric Bailey
- How I Audit (2024) - Melanie Sumner
- How To Evaluate A Web Site's Accessibility Level - David Sloan
- How to Get Development on Board With Accessibility Testing - Dylan Barrell
- How to Document Accessibility Issues - Part 2 - Jeff Singleton
- How to Recruit People with Disabilities for Accessibility UX Research - Katryna Balboni
- How to Scope Your Accessibility Research Study (2024) - Elana Chapman
- How to Start Testing Screen Reader Support Using VoiceOver - Yakim van Zuijlen
- How to Start Testing Your Website with a Screen Reader - Eric Karkovack
- How Strict Should We Be When Testing for WCAG Conformance? (Video) (2024) - James Edwards.
- How to Structure an Accessibility Review - Joseph Dolson
- How to Use the Accessibility Tree for A11Y Testing - Giovani Camara
- How to Use the WAVE Extension and Start Manual Accessibility Testing (2024) - Whitney Lewis
- Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility - The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- ICT Testing Baseline for Web Accessibility - US Access Board
- Improve Effectiveness and Accuracy of Web Accessibility Testing With Sampling (2024) - Whitney Lewis
- Introduction to A.I. and Accessibility Testing - Ricky Onsman
- Introduction to Manual Website Accessibility Testing (Video) (2024) - Luke Kudryashov and Khaled Musa
- Live Accessibility And Performance Audits At SmashingConf Toronto (Videos) - Markus Seyfferth
- Mac VoiceOver Testing the Simple Way - Scott Vandehey
- Moderating Usability Testing With People With Disabilities - Ela Gorla
- Make Sure You Check All Website Variations When Testing Accessibility (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- My Post-CSUN Comparison of Web Accessibility Checkers - Terrill Thompson
- Nine Things Automated Accessibility Tests Can't Test - Dave Rupert
- Provide Role Based Evaluations - CivicActions Accessibility
- Question About Testing on Screen Readers - Jared Smith
Quick Accessibility Tests
- ions Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Content Resizing Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Content Structure Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- High Contrast Mode Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Keyboard Support Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Link Text Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Page titles Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Skip links (Video) Quick Accessibility Test - TetraLogical
- Typography Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Visual presentation of links Quick Accessibility Test (Video) - TetraLogical
- Quick Start for Evaluating and Testing Web Accessibility (Video) - Jared Smith and Jonathan Whiting
- Remaining Challenges of Measuring the Accessibility of Web Sites According to WCAG 2.0 - egovernments
- Real-Time Remote Usability Testing with Screen Reader Users, Part 1: Practical Overview - Caitlin Geier
- Real-Time Remote Usability Testing with Screen Reader Users, Part 2: Tips and Tricks - Caitlin Geier
- Reminder – Automatic Accessibility Testing Can Detect Inaccessibility but Can't Detect Accessibility (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Representative Samples for Accessibility Assessments - TetraLogical
- Research Note on Web Accessibility Metrics - WAI at W3C. Editors Markel Vigo, Giorgio Brajnik, Joshue O Connor.
- Research Report on Web Accessibility Metrics - W3C
- Rocket Surgery and Accessibility User Testing - Jared Smith
- Testing with Screen Readers (Video) (2024) - Hadi Rangin.
- OATMEAL - Accessibility Testing for the Web - eBay
- One of My Favourite Accessibility Testing Tools: The Tab Key - Manuel Matuzovic
- Overview of Accessibility Testing Using DevTools - Microsoft
- Performing an Accessibility Test - Rachele DiTullio
- Screen Reader Testing is Back in Style - Jon Whiting
- Screen Readers as a Development Tool for Web Developers - WebAIM Thread
- Seven Ways to Test for Accessibility of Your Web Site With Browser - Chris Heilmann
- Scripted User Flow Testing vs. End-To-End Testing for Accessibility - Mark Steadman
- Sounds Like a Good Idea: How to Get Started Testing With a Screen Reader (Video) - Steve Barnett
- SUC-O-Meter: A New Way of Measuring Accessibility With Aashutosh Kulkarni (2025) - A11yTalks
- Testing for Accessibility - GOV.UK
- Testing for Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Testing With a Screen Reader Is an Important Step (2024) - Michael Harshbarger
- The Infuriating Inefficiency of Accessibility Audits (2024) - Eric Eggert
- Testing Invalid Content with Accessibility Validators - Gez Lemon
- Testing with Screen Readers: A Hypothetical Conversation - WebAIM
- Testing Web Content for Accessibility - WebAIM
- The Three Developers and the Insightful User Tester - Scott O'Hara
- The Importance of Accessibility Audits for Digital Assets (Part 2) (2024) - Michael Harshbarger
- The Importance of Communication in Accessibility Testing (2024) - Jeff Singleton
- The Importance of Manual Accessibility Testing - Eric Bailey
- The Most Important Thing to Look at When Choosing an Accessibility Auditor (2024) - Karl Groves
- The Value of Involving People with Disabilities in User Research - Sarah Horton
- The WebAIM Million (2024) - WebAIM
- Latest WebAIM's Million - Some Thoughts (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- The WAVE Accessibility Tool - Laura Carlson
- Testing with Speech Recognition - James Edwards
- Things to Consider When Doing Usability Testing with Disabled People - Peter van Grieken
Training People to do Accessibility Reviews - Beverley Newing
- Record a Goose Sighting - Beverley Newing
- Three Things You Should Know Before Using VoiceOver for Testing - Jon Whiting
- Tips For Conducting Usability Studies With Participants With Disabilities - Peter McNally
- Understanding the Basics of Web Accessibility Testing - Denis Boudreau
- Usability Testing With Disabled Users Is a Good Investment (2025) - Nicolas Steenhout
- Using Narrator Dev Mode - Léonie Watson
- Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Using VoiceOver to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Unit Testing Accessibility - Jakub Jedryszek
- Use of Automated Tools For Testing Web Site Accessibility - Marieke Guy
- Use Firefox for Accessibility Testing - Todd Libby
- User Testing with Intellectually Disabled Users - George Ornbo
- Using Dolphin to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Using JAWS to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Using Narrator to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Using NVDA to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Using VoiceOver to Evaluate Web Accessibility - WebAIM
- Video: Performing an Accessibility Test (2/3) - Rachele DiTullio
- Video: Performing an Accessibility Test (3/3) (Video) - Rachele DiTullio
- WCAG & ADA Compliance: The Importance of Accessibility Audits (2024) - Caitlin de Rooij
- WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) - Shadi Abou-Zahra
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List - W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools Need People - Shawn Lawton Henry
- Web Accessibility Testing - Jim Thatcher et al.
- Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) 1.0 - Eric Velleman and Shadi Abou-Zahra, editors
- Website Accessibility Testing (2024) - Minnesota IT Services
- What Constitutes a Digital Accessibility Audit - Glenda Sims
- What is Usability Testing, and Why is it Important? (2023) - The Paceilleo Group interactive (TPGi)
- Why Accessibility Testing with Real Users is so Important - Helen Wood and Jennifer Kline
- Why You Need to Do User Testing with Deaf and Hard of Hearing People - Meryl K. Evans
Writing Automated Tests for Accessibility - Marcy Sutton
- Writing Automated Tests for Accessibility - Marcy Sutton
Text Alternatives and Text Equivalents
- A False Sense of Accessibility: What Automated Testing Tools Are Missing (Video) - (2024) Beau Vass
- A Plan for Accessible Charts - Benjy Stanton
- A Super Simple Way to Make Images Accessible: Alt Text versus Title Explained - Glenda Watson Hyatt
- A11y 101: WCAG 1.1.1 Non-text Content (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- Accessible Description Exposure - Adrian Roselli
- Accessible Image Sample Book - Diagram Center
- Accessible Naming for Screen Reader Compatibility - Alicia Evans
- Accessibility Lessons: Context-Sensitive Text Alternatives - Equal Entry
- Add Punctuation to Your Alt Text - Eric Bailey
- Adding ALT Text in Blogger - John Eric Brandt
- All About Alt Text - Marie Mosley
- alt and title Content Display in Popular Browsers - Steve Faulkner
- alt Attributes Like Paragraphs - Dave Rupert
- Alt Text Hall of Fame (2023) - Stefan Bohacek
- Alt Text for Avatars or User Photos (2024) - Nicolas Steenhout
- Alternative Content for Graphics - Jim Thatcher
- Alternative Text (alt text) - Whitney Lewis
- Alternative Text and Images - Ire Aderinokun
- Alternate Text for Background Images - David MacDonald
- Alternative Text (Updated) - WebAIM
- Alternative Text in Action (2024) - Katherine Moonan and Samantha Merrett
- Alternative Text in the Wild: 5 Alternative Text Examples - Whitney Lewis
- ALT Attributes for Images - Matt Cutts
- Alt Left (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Alt Tag Emptiness - Steve Faulkner
- Alt Text Accessibility: Balancing AI and Human Oversight (2025) - Thomas Logan and Ken Nakata
- Alt-Text as Poetry - Bojana Coklyat and Shannon Finnegan
- The Alt Text War! SEO VS Accessibility - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Alt Text Selfies (2024) - Edited by Olivia Dreisinger, Bojana Coklyat, and Finnegan Shannon
- Alt Texts - Jukka 'Yucca' Korpela
- Alt-Texts: The Ultimate Guide - Daniel Göransson
- Alt Writing - Jeremy Keith
- Alternative Text (Video) - Jessica McKay
- An Alt Text Primer - Nicolas Steenhout
- Appropriate Use of Alternative Text - Jared Smith
- aria-description: By Public Demand and to Thunderous Applause - Steve Faulkner
- ARIA Labels - Amber Wilson
- aria-label, aria-labelledby, and aria-describedby: What's the Difference? - Ben Myers
- aria-labelledby Usage Notes - Steve Faulkner
- Accessible Images For When They Matter Most - Carie Fisher
- Accessible Names (2024) - New Zealand Government
- aria-description Does Not Translate (2025) - Adrian Roselli
Automated Descriptions
A Picture is Worth a Thousand (Coherent) Words: Building a Natural Description of Images - Oriol Vinyals, Alexander Toshev, Samy Bengio, and Dumitru Erhan
- Google Automatic Alts? - WebAim Thread
- Accessibility Specialists Warn Against Using AI for Alt Text (2024) - Mark Say
- AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Alt Text - Adrian Roselli
- AI-Generated Images from AI-Generated Prompts - Adrian Roselli
- Alt Text Bot Image Descriptions FTW - Adrian Roselli
- Computer Vision API: What Does It See? - Joseph C Dolson
- Generating Image Descriptions and Alt-Text With AI (2025) - Dries Buytaert
- The Impact of AI on Accessibility - Sheila Zinck
- Thoughts on Screen Readers and Image Recognition - Léonie Watson
A Picture is Worth a Thousand (Coherent) Words: Building a Natural Description of Images - Oriol Vinyals, Alexander Toshev, Samy Bengio, and Dumitru Erhan
- Avoid aria-roledescription - Adrian Roselli
- Be Careful with Dynamic Accessible Names - Adrian Roselli
- Best Chart Accessibility Practices - Denis Kryukov
- Best Practices for Accessible Diagram Design (Draft) - Detlev Fischer
- Best Practices for Image Text Alternatives - Emily Lewis
- Better Accessible Names - Hidde de Vries
- Beyond Basic Alt Text - Charts, Maps, and Diagrams (2024) - Tammy Albee
- Beyond ALT Text: Making the Web Easy to Use for Users With Disabilities - Nielsen Norman Group
- Blind People Need to Be Considered More When Making Data Visualizations - Johny Cassidy
- Comica11y - Paul Spencer
- Contextually Marking up Accessible Images and SVGs - Scott O'Hara
- Creating Accessible Images - WebAIM
- Data Visualization Accessibility - Minnesota IT Services
- Data Visualisation E-Learning - Government Analysis Function
Decision Trees for Text Alternatives:
- An alt Decision Tree - W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
- Text Alternatives for Images: A Decision Tree - Dey Alexander
- Data Visualization with WCAG 2.1: Content on Hover or Focus, and Pointer Gestures (2024) - Nancy Rice and Becky Bernauer s
- Decoding Label and Name for Accessibility - WebAIM
- Defining Multiple Captions and alt Text for Responsive Images - Ian Devlin
- Describing aria-describedby - Scott O'Hara
- Describing Images in Publications-Guidance, Best Practices and the Promise of Technology (Video) - Richard Orme, Valerie Morrison, Charles La Pierre, and Gregorio Pellegrino
- Don't Use aria-label on Static Text Elements (2024) - Ben Myers
- Dungeons and Dragons Taught Me How to Write Alt Text (2024) - Eric W. Bailey
- Dynamic Accessible Descriptions Reference (2024) - Darin Senneff
- Endangered Species of the Web - The Image - Christian Heilmann
- Effective Practices for Description of Science Content within Digital Talking Book - NCAM
- Ensure ATs Ignore Images that are Purely Decorative and Repetitive - Deque
- Equal Entry Guidelines for Describing 360-Degree Video - Equal Entry
- Flowcharts & Concept Maps - Penn State Foundations: Accessible Names and Descriptions - Henny Swan
- Foundations: Text Descriptions - Henny Swan
- Getting the Details on aria-details - Scott O'Hara
- Granularity Walkers for Textual Descriptions (2023) - Peter Krautzberger
- How to Write Accessible Descriptions For Interactive Charts (2023) - Huw Alexander
- How to Design Great Alt Text: An Introduction - Caitlin Geier
- How to Write Good Alt Text for Screen Readers (2023) - Craig Abbott
- How to Write Text Descriptions (Alt Text) in BBC News Articles (2024) - British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
- HTML5 Accessibility Chops - SVG Text Alternative Example - Steve Faulkner
- HTML5: Techniques for Providing Useful Text Alternatives - Steve Faulkner, editor
- How (Not) to Make Accessible Data Visualizations, Illustrated by the US Presidential Election - Sarah L. Fossheim
- How To Describe Images - Benetech
- How to Make Interactive Charts Accessible (2024) - Aparna Pasi
- In Defense of Text Labels (2025) - Christopher Butler
- I Turned Off Email Images for a Month...and Here's What I Saw - Kirsti Scott
- I'm Not White. Honest! Blind People and Visual Accessibility (Video) - Haben Girma
- Identity and Inclusion in Alt Text (2024) - University of Colorado Boulder
- Image alt Attributes Not Always Required in HTML5 - Adrian A. Roselli
- Image alt Exception Change Re-Re-Re-Requested - Adrian Roselli
- Interactive Map Accessibility Principles - AccessibilityOz
- Introduction to Alternative Text Tags (Video) (2023) - WeCo
- Invisible Visualization - Doug Schepers
- How Icons are Ruining Interfaces - Hampus Sethfors
- Icon Accessibility and aria label - Chris Ferdinandi
- Just How Long Should Alt Text Be? - Geoff Graham
- Justin Yarbrough Talks About Alt Text - Nic Steenhout
- Long Alt (2024) - Adrian Roselli
Maps and Virtual Tours
- A Plan for Accessible Maps - Benjy Stanton
- Accessible Digital Map Experiences: A Mountain Climb Or A Walk In The Park? - David Sloan
- Accessible Election Results Map (2024) - George Kerscher
- Accessible Maps on the Web - Thomas Logan
- Did Someone Say Map? - Gian Wild
- Embedded YouTube and Google Maps - Are They Accessible? - Matthew Putland
- How to Make Graphs, Charts, and Maps Accessible (Video) - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Interactive Maps Accessibility - Gian Wild
- Interactive Maps: How do You Make Them Accessible? - Gian Wild
- Let's Make Maps Widely Accessible - Thomas Logan (Video)
- Making Maps Accessible to Screen Readers (2024) - Jason Ewert and Minnesota IT Services partnering with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, member of the Accessible Maps Community of Practice
- Map Accessibility - Minnesota IT Services
- Map Design Guide (PDF) - Minnesota IT Services
- Map Design Files - Minnesota IT Services
- Maps for All - Minnesota IT Services
- Map Design Quick Card (PDF) - Minnesota IT Services
- Static Map Accessibility Guide (PDF) - Minnesota IT Services
- Static Map Quick Card (PDF) - Minnesota IT Services
- Virtual Tours & Accessibility - Darrel Austin
- Mini FAQ About The Alternate Text Of Images - Ian Hickson
- Micro-note on aria-roledescription - Steve Faulkner
- More on Image alt Requirement in HTML5 - Adrian Roselli
- My Approach to Alt Text (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- New Image-Description Guidelines Coming from ISO/IEC - Geoff Freed
- Not So Short Note On aria-label Usage - Big Table Edition (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Notes on Guidelines For Speech accessible HTML for Dragon NaturallySpeaking - Steve Faulkner
- Now You See It, Now You Don't - E-Access Bulletin
- Null alt Text - Web Accessibility Initiative Educational Outreach Thread initiated by William Loughborough.
- Old Alt Text Advice (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Patents versus Accessibility - Adrian Roselli
- 'Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?' What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions - Abigale Stangl, Meredith Ringel, and Danna Gurari
- Practice Describing Images - Benetech
- Provide alt Attributes for Active Images - Denis Boudreau
- Quick Tip: How to Convert Image Text to Text - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Representation in alt Text - Aaron Gustafson
- Research Insight: Accessibility of Images - Henny Swan
- NVDA Screen Reader Now Recognises Long Description - Media Access Australia
- 'Person, Shoes, Tree. Is the Person Naked?' What People with Vision Impairments Want in Image Descriptions - Meredith Ringel Morris et al.
- Pro Tip: Making Images Accessible to Screen Readers Doesn't Need to be Hard - Carie Fisher
- Providing long description for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information - W3C
- Providing a long description in another location with a link to it that is immediately adjacent to the non-text content - W3C
- Providing a long description in text near the non-text content, with a reference to the location of the long description in the short description - W3C
- Providing short text alternative for non-text content that serves the same purpose and presents the same information as the non-text content - W3C
- Providing short text alternatives that provide a brief description of the non-text content - W3C
- Providing the accepted name or a descriptive name of the non-text content - W3C
- Re: Is Using Aria-Label to Add Alternative Text - But No Alt Attribute Still a WCAG Fail? (2024) - Sailesh Panchang
- Researchers Plan To Automate Web Image Description - Tristan Parker
- Requiring the alt Attribute in HTML5 - Gez Lemon
- Short Note on alt in HTML - Steve Faulkner
- Short Note on aria-labelledby and aria-describedby - Steve Faulkner
- Short Note on Coding alt Text - Steve Faulkner
- Short Note on Emoji Text Alternative Variations - Steve Faulkner
- Should You Embed Alt Text Inside Image Metadata? - Terence Eden
- Software Developers Shouldn't Overlook Alt Text - Tammy Xu
- Teaching Accessibility Core Rules - Denis Boudreau
- The Difference Between aria-label and aria-labelledby - Léonie Watson
- Text Alternatives Video - Earth, Wind & Fire Accessibility PSA
- Text Alternatives - W3C
- Text Alternatives for Images with Captions - Dey Alexander
- Text and Links - Joe Clark
- The Alt and Accessibility - Mike Cherim
- The Case for Describing Race in Alternative Text Attributes - Tolu Adegbite
- The Difference Between aria-label and aria-labelledby - Léonie Watson
- The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: The Wonderful World of ALT Attributes, - Gian Wild
- The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: When Not to Use ALT Attributes - Gian Wild
- The Image Problem - Joe Clark
- The Unexpected Star of NASA's Webb Images - the Alt Text Descriptions - Theresa Vargas
- The Visual-Only Icon Problem - Joe Dolson
- There is No Character Limit for "alt text" - Eric Eggert
- Test for Text Label Issues using the Firefox Accessibility Inspector (Video) - Youri Wims
- Testing Labeling Icons - Adina Halter
- Text Descriptions for Data Visualisations - GOV.UK.
- This Open Source Software Could Make Museum Websites More Accessible - Claire Voon
- Thoughts on Embedding Alternative Text Metadata Into Images (2024) - Eric Bailey
- Translate aria-label Test Case (2025) - Steve Faulkner
- Understanding SC 1.1.1 Non-text Content - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Use On-Page Image Descriptions - Adrian Roselli
- Using alt Attributes on Images Used as Submit Buttons - W3C
- UX Accessibility with aria-label - Heydon Pickering
- Web Accessibility - Alt Text and Long Descriptions - IncludeTrinity.
- WCAG Techniques for Image Text Alternatives - Joshue O Connor
- What Alternative Text Is, When to Use It, and How to Write Great Alt Text - Whitney Lewis
- What Are Best Practices for Creating Alt Text? - Anessa Kemna
- What are Accessible Names and Why Should You Care? (Video) - Russ Weakley
- What Is Alt Text and How to Write It (2023) - The Paciello Group Interactive (TPGi)
- What Is Alternative Text? How Do I Write It for Images, Charts, and Graphs? - Matthew Deeprose
- What Is 'Equivalent' Text Alternatives for Artistic and Cultural Visual Content? (Video) (2024) - Willa Armstrong, Rachael Bradley Montgomery, and Elizabeth (Liz) Bottner
- What is the Difference Between Alternative Text, Long Description, and Caption? - Deborah Edwards-Oñoro
- When Can a Web Author Use Null alt Text alt="" to Make an Image Conform to WCAG? - David MacDonald
- When is an Image 'Purely Decorative'? - Dey Alexander
- When To Describe Images - Benetech
- Which Images Need Descriptive Text? - Martin Underhill
- Why Icon-Only Design Is Failing Users: The Case for Text Labels (2025) - Louise North
- Writing Good Alt Text - HTTP 203 (Video) - Jake Archibald and Das Surma
- Writing Alternative Text for Images (2023) - Ellen Liebert, Eve Adams, Jeanne Spellman
- Write Alt Text Like You're Talking To A Friend (2024) - Scott Vandehey
- Write Good Alt Text to Describe Images - Harvard University
- Writing Great Alt Text: Emotion Matters - Jake Archibald
- Writing Text Descriptions - Léonie Watson
- Writing Useful Alt Text - Michelle Barker
- Your Image Is Probably Not Decorative - Eric Bailey
Text Links: "Click Here" don't use it
Text Only Versions
- Doesn't Work in Lynx - Steve Faulkner
- Myth: Text-Only Versions - Shawn Lawton Henry
Title Attributes
- The Title Attribute HTML 5.1 Nightly Spec
- HTML5 Accessibility Chops - title Attribute Use and Abuse - Steve Faulkner
- Positioning Tooltips - Revisiting Hover SC - Marla Runyan
- Title Attributes - Ian Pouncey
- The title Attribute - What is it Good For? (resurrected) - Steve Faulkner
- Tooltip Accessibility Demo - Sarah Higley
- Tooltips: Investigation into Four Parts (Video)- Sarah Higley
- Tooltips and Toggletips - Heydon Pickering
- Using the HTML title Attribute - Updated - Steve Faulkner
- Using the Title Attribute - Gez Lemon
- Your Tooltips Are Bogus - Heydon Pickering
Title Elements
- Microcontent: How to Write Headlines, Page Titles, and Subject Lines - Jacob Nielsen
- Page Titles -Accessibility for Web Writers, Part 8 - Dey Alexander
Tools: Accessibility
Tutorials and Handbooks
- Accessible U - University of Minnesota
- Assistive Technology Overview - Univeristy of Minnesota Duluth
- Accessibility Guidelines Handbook - Portland Community College
- Electronic Accessibility - University of Montana
- Electronic Accessibility (For Web Developers) - The University of Califorinia
- Inclusive By Design - Philip M Kragnes
- Web Accessibility Tutorials - W3C WAI
Usability and Accessibility
- A Journey Into Web Accessibility - Steven Bradley
- Accessibility in the User-Centered Design Process - Shawn Lawton Henry and Mary Grossnickle Martinson
- Accessibility is Usability in Context of Disability - Jan Eric Hellbusch
- Accessibility Lipstick on a Usability Pig - Jared Smith
- Accessibility Summit 2014: Accessibility for UX - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Levels of Fix - Chris Coyier
- Long Home Pages and Smooth Scroll - David MacDonald
- The 'A' Word: Accessibility as Part of UX - Leonie Watson
- Unlocking Accessibility for UX/UI Designers - Denis Boudreau
- User Experience and Digital Accessibility - David Sloan
- UX Series: Universal Design and Digital Accessibility - Sarah Horton
- The Secret Benefit of Accessibility: Increased Usability - Trenton Moss
- User Experience and Accessibility - Working with Visual Designers - Janet M. Six
- What Does It Mean To Develop Accessible Websites? - Steven Bradley
- Your User-Centered Design Isn't Usable If It Isn't Accessible - Deque Systems
- Weaving Web Accessibility With Usability - Uri Paz
Vestibular Disabilites/Animation
- Accessible Animation (Video) - Una Kravets
- Accessible Web Animation: The WCAG on Animation Explained - Val Head
- Accessibility and Motion - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective - Facundo Corradini
- An Introduction to the Reduced Motion Media Query - Eric Bailey
- Designing for Reduced Motion - Lupe Camacho
- Designing With Reduced Motion For Motion Sensitivities - Val Head
- Designing Safer Web Animation For Motion Sensitivity - Val Head
- Gifs and Reduced Motion - Manuel Matuzović
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.3.3 Animations from Interaction - Becky Gibson
- Exploring prefers-reduced-motion - Stoyan Stefanov
- Flashing Content - Ellen Liebert, Jeanne Spellman, and Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- Foundations: Animations and Flashing Content - Patrick H. Lauke
- Inclusive Design For Accessible Presentations - Allison Ravenhal
- Julieanne King Talks About Moving Content on Pages and ADHD - Nicolas Steenhout
- Meeting '2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide' with prefers-reduced-motion - Hidde de Vries
- Motion, Parallax, and Web Accessibility (2024) - Indiana University
- My War on Animation - S.E. Smith
- prefers-reduced-motion and Browser Defaults - Bruce Lawson
- prefers-reduced-motion: Sometimes Less Movement is More - Thomas Steiner
- prefers-reduced-motion: Taking a No-Motion-First Approach to Animations - Tatiana Mac
- Reducing Motion in Animations - Ryan Finni
- Reduced Motion 'In The Wild' - Val Head
- Reduced Motion Media Query - Apple
- Reduced Motion Picture Technique, Take Two - Chris Coyier
- Reducing Motion to Improve Accessibility - Lindsey Kopacz
- Reducing Motion with the Picture Element - Brad Frost
- Reduced Position Sticky - Scott O'Hara
- Responsive Design for Motion - James Craig
- Responsible Web Animation - Giving Users More Control of Their Experience - Nat Tarnoff
- Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, The Reduced Motion Media Query - Eric Bailey
- Short Note on prefers-reduced-motion and Puzzled (Windows) Users - Patrick H. Lauke
- Smooth Scrolling and Accessibility - Heather Migliorisi
- The Impact of Motion Animation on Cognitive Disability - James Edwards
- Thinking of adding festive cheer to your site? Will everyone appreciate your Christmas plugin? - Graham Armfield
- Toggling Animations On and Off - Kirupa Chinnathambi
- Toggling Animations On and Off, a Variation - Adrian Roselli
- Trying to Explain Reduce Motion to Designers Who Don't Have a Vestibular Disorder - Craig Grannell
- Use the 'prefers-reduced-motion' Media Query to Toggle CSS and JavaScript Animations (Video) - Elijah Manor
- User Queries - Orde Saunders
- Vestibular Disorders and Accessible Animation (Video) - Rachel Nabors
- Web Designers Grapple With Downside to Flashy Animation: Motion Sickness - Dolly Deighton
- Why Motion on Websites and Digital Content Is a Problem - Meryl Evans
- You Make My Head Spin - Reducing Motion on the Web (Video) - Eeva-Jonna Panula
- Øredev 2023: WCAGmire (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- 1.4.10: Adversarial Conformance (2025) - Adrian Roselli
- 2.4.11: Adversarial Conformance (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- 2.4.11 Focus Appearance Adds More Complexity to WCAG Than We Should Want - Hidde de Vries
- 2.5.6: Concurrent Input Mechanisms (2024) - Diana Penamora
- 2.5.8: Adversarial Conformance (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- 7 Facts About Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.2 - Rajesh Bhimani
- 7 Quick Facts About WCAG 2.2 - Level Access
- 13 Days of WCAG 2.1 Web Accessibility Guidelines - Kasey Bonifacio
- A Breath of Fresh Air: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Updated - Bricker and Eckler
- A Deep Dive into WCAG 2.2. And Beyond With Eric Eggert (Podcast) - Shelly Brisbin
- A WCAG Overview - Web Content
- A11y 101: WCAG 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: WCAG 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) - (2024) Nat Tarnoff
- A11Y 101: WCAG 1.2.4 Captions (Live) - (2024) Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: WCAG 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.2.6 Sign Language (Pre-recorded) (2024) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.3.4 Orientation (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.4.1 Use of Color (2025) - Nat Tarnoff
- A11y 101: 1.4.2 Audio Control (2025) - Nat Tarnoff New!
- Accessible Design: WCAG or Trendy? No, WCAG AND Trendy! (Video) (2024) - Zsolt Edelényi
- Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and 2.0 Explained (Video) - Eric Eggert
- Accessibility Testing with WCAG 2.2 (Video) (2023) - James Edwards
- Accessibility Basics Part 2: WCAG - AccessibilityOz
- Assessing Components and Patterns for WCAG 2.2 (2024) - Mike Gower
- Almost Ready! WCAG 2.2 Is One Small Step Away From Being Officially Done! (2023) - Glenda Sims
- Analysis of Compliance with WCAG Guidelines Regarding Contrast Implementation in an E-Learning Quiz (PDF) (2024) - Krzysztof Dziedzic, Marcin Barszcz, and Tomasz Wiśniewski
- Bag Some AAA wins Where You Can - Martin Underhill
Be A Digital Ally: What's New in WCAG 2.2? (Video) - Melissa Green, Julieanne King, Jay McKay et al.
- Be A Digital Ally: Further Exploration of WCAG 2.2 (Video) - Knowbility
- Be A Digital Ally: Continued Exploration of WCAG: Focus Appearance and Focus Not Obscured (Video) - Adam Scott Cord, Jessica "Jay" McKay, and Melissa Green
- Beyond Section 508 Digital Accessibility Requirements: An Overview of Web Accessibility Requirements from WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 (Video) (2024) - Rachael Bradley Montgomery and Bruce Bailey
- Challenges with Accessibility Guidelines Conformance and Testing, and Approaches for Mitigating Them - Janina Sajka and Michael Cooper, editors
- Checklist - The A11Y Project
- Consistent Help Helping Consistently (2023) - Will Ringland
- Content on Hover & Focus - Detlev Fischer
- Decoding WCAG 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast - Part 2 (2024) - Salim Khan
- Decoding WCAG: 'Alternative for Time-based Media' and 'Media Alternative for Text' (2023) - Jon Whiting
- Demystifying Accessible Design - How to Apply WCAG 2.2 (Video) (2023) - Jason Taylor and Luca Boskin
- Deque Systems Welcomes and Announces Support for WCAG 2.2 (2023) - Deque Systems
- Design Patterns and WCAG (2024) - Graeme Coleman
- Disabled and Obscured (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Does WCAG 2.1 Replace 2.0? When Should You Adopt WCAG 2.1? - Jonathan Avila
- Does WCAG 2.2 Apply to Native Apps - Steve Faulkner
- Does WCAG Apply to Kiosks? - Matt Ater
- DIY Accessibility Brunch 'n' Learn: WCAG 2.1 (Video) - Amy Drayer
- Explaining WCAG Principles: Perceivable - Luis Talamantes
- Explaining WCAG Principles: Operable - Luis Talamantes
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.3.4 Orientation - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.4.10 Reflow - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.4.11 Non‑text Contrast - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.4.12 Text Spacing - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.2.6 Timeouts - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.3.3 Animations from Interaction - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.5.3 Label in Name - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.5.4 Motion Actuation - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.5.5 Target Size - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 2.5.6 Concurrent Input Mechanisms - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 - 4.1.3 Status Messages - Becky Gibson
- Exploring WCAG 2.1 for Australian Government Services - The Digital Transformation Agency
- Four Reasons to Give WCAG AAA a Second Look (2023) - John Northup
- Future Accessibility: a First Look at WCAG 2.1 (Video) - Alastair Campbell
- Future of Accessibility Guidelines (Video) (2024) - Wilco Fiers and Glenda Sims
- Get to WCAG 2.2 Faster With the GOV.UK Design System (2024) - David Cox
- Getting To The Bottom Of Minimum WCAG-Conformant Interactive Element Size (2024) - Eric W. Bailey
- How to Test 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) (2024) - James Edwards
- How to Test 3.2.6 Consistent Help (2023) - James Edwards
- How to Test 3.3.7 Redundant Entry (2023) - James Edwards
- How to Test 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) (2024) - James Edwards
- How to Test 2.4.11: Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (2024) - James Edwards
- In Detail: 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast (User Interface Components) (2024) - Eric Eggert
- Inspecting WCAG 2.2: Focus Not Obscured with David Cox, Imran Hussain, and Chris Ballantine-Thomas (Video) (2023) - Government Digital Service (GDS)
- Inspecting WCAG 2.2: Target Size with David Cox and Kelly Lee (Video) (2024) - Government Digital Service
- Inspecting WCAG 2.2: Accessible Authentication with Steve Messer, David Cox, and Kelly Lee (Video) (2024) - Government Digital Service
- Intopia Launches WCAG 2.2 Map (2023) - Chris Pycroft
- iOS Accessibility Properties: How They Relate to WCAG, and How to Correctly Use Them - Jennifer Dailey
- How Do You Test Success Criterion 1.3.5 on Mobile Applications? (Update) - Chrissie Henning
- How To Meet WCAG 2.2 - Some Practical Examples (2023) - Alexander Lehner
- How WCAG 2.1 Relates to Online User Experience with Switch-Based Tools - Sambhavi Chandrashekar and Lindsay McCardl
- I Wish Parts of WCAG AAA Would Become AA (2023) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Icon-only Links Fail WCAG - Martin Underhill
- Intopia's WCAG 2.2 Maps - (2024) Naomi Saines
- Jargon - Michael Cooper
- Looking at WCAG 2.5.5 for Better Target Sizes - Todd Libby
- Making Your Website Accessible Part 4: WCAG 2.1 - Cynthia Ng
- Managing Multiple WCAG Failures (2023) - Ricky Onsman
- Meeting WCAG Level AAA - Patrick H. Lauke
- Minimum Focus Appearance Explained - Martin Underhill
- Multifactor Authentication Update WCAG 2.2 - E.A. Draffan
- My Grief With 'In Brief' (2024) - Eric Eggert
- New Advice on WCAG for Software and Documents: Part 1 (2024) - Mitchell Evan
- New Features in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 and What You Need to Do - Ashley Sheridan
- New Success Criteria in WCAG 2.2 (Update - July 2023) - James Edwards
- New WCAG 2.2 Features Rated - Eric Eggert
- New WCAG 2.2 Release Impacts 2021 Web Accessibility - Essential Accessibility
- Obligatory WCAG 2.2 Launch Post (2023) - Adrian Roselli
- Paris Web 2023: WCAGmire (Video) & Adrian's Slides (2024) - Adrian Roselli
- Preparing for WCAG 2.2 (Video) - Sarah Pulis and Andrew Arch
- Prepare For WCAG 2.2, and Beyond (Video) - Jon Avila
- POUR Explained: A Beginner's Guide to Accessibility - ️Ren Cummings
- POUR the Foundation First - Homer Gaines
- Re: How to Test for WCAG 2.1 SC 1.4.10 Reflow - Level AA? - Alastair Campbell
- Reflow Red Flags (2023) - Doug Abrams
- Reasonable WCAG Additions (2024) - Melanie Sumner
- Responsive Design and Reflow (2024) - WebAIM
- Rethinking Accessibility: Role-Based Analysis of WCAG 2.0 (Video) - Bill Tyler
- Semantically Identifying a Font Icon with role="img" - W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
- Short Note on Getting Spaced Out with SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing - Steve Faulkner
- Simplifying the New WCAG 2.1 Guidelines - Michael Gower
- Subsets and Supersets of WCAG - Hidde de Vries
- The Evolution of WCAG: A Roadmap to Achieving Digital Accessibility - John Foliot
- The Generally Prevailing Website Accessibility Guidelines
- The New Requirements for WCAG 2.2 - Matt Putland
- Have Been Refreshed - Its Time to Officially Welcome WCAG 2.1 - Joshua A. Stein
- Target Size and 2.5.5 - Adrian Roselli
- The Evolution of WCAG: A Postcard from the Front Lines - John Foliot
- The Fate of 'Target Size' - Detlev Fischer
- The New Guidelines in WCAG 2.1 Explained - Alexander Skogberg
- The Troublesome Life and Lamentable Death of Success Criterion 4.1.1 - Christophe Strobbe
- The Road to Accessible Drag and Drop (Part 1) (2023) - James Edwards
- The Road to Accessible Drag and Drop (Part 2) (2023) - James Edwards
- The Road to Accessible Drag and Drop (Part 3) (2023) - James Edwards
- The Whats and Whys of WCAG 2.1 - Nathan Haines
- These (Still) Aren't the SCs You're Looking (Video) (2025) - Patrick H. Lauke
- They Finally Hit Refresh: After More Than a Year of Delays, It Is Time to Officially Welcome WCAG 2.2 (2023) - Epstein Becker & Green
- Testing for WCAG 2.2 (Video) - Sarah Pulis and Julie Grundy (2023)
- Testing WCAG 2.1 Level AAA - Ian Pouncey
- This is WCAG 2.1 - Ross Mullen
- To Whom Does the Burden Fall? - Anne Gibson
- Tooltips in the Time of WCAG 2.1 - Sarah Higley
- Triaging WCAG 2.1 Level AAA - Ian Pouncey
- Understanding SC 1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.3.1 Info and Relationship - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.3.4 Orientation - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 1.4.10 Reflow - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 1.4.13: Content on Hover or Focus - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (2023) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 2.5.3 Label in Name - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 2.5.4 Motion Actuation - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 2.5.7 Dragging Movements (2023) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 2.5.8 - Target Size (Minimum) (2023) - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 3.2.2 on Input - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 3.3.1 Error Identification - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 3.1.2 Language of Parts - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 3.2.4 Consistent Identification - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding WCAG SC 3.2.6 Consistent Help (Level A) (2024) - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 3.3.3 Error Suggestion - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding WCAG SC 3.3.7 Redundant Entry (Level A) (2024) - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 3.3.8 - Accessible Authentication Method (Minimum) (2023) - Sathish Kumar
- Understanding SC 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding SC 4.1.3 Status Messages - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Understanding WCAG: A Comprehensive Guide (2025) - Karl Groves
- Understanding WCAG 2.1: A History of WCAG - Glenda Sims
- Understanding WCAG 2.1 Level AAA - Ian Pouncey
- Understanding WCAG 2.1's Success Criteria 1.4.10 Reflow (2024) - Dai Green, JoAnn Rautio, and Kim Wee
- Understanding WCAG 2.2 (2023) - GOV.UK.
- VPAT - Information Technology Industry Council "…WCAG 2.1 has now been incorporated into the EU, WCAG, and INT editions of the VPAT…"
- W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Updates (Video) - Rachael Montgomery (Rachael's slides)
- W3C Updates Website Accessibility Standards - Klein Moynihan Turco
- WCAG (Level A) Bang for Your App a11y Buck (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- Peaky WCAG (Level AA) Bang for Your App A11y Buck (2024) - Steve Faulkner
- WCAG - 1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA) - Holistic Accessibility
- WCAG 2.1 - 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation - Becky Gibson and Eric Eggert
- WCAG 2.1 a Welcome Update to Web Accessibility - Joseph C. Dolson
- WCAG 2.1 Accessibility Checklist - Access W3
- WCAG 2.1 Adoption in Europe - Shadi Abou-Zahra
- WCAG 2.1 Addresses Needs for Users with Cognitive and Mobility Disabilities (2024) - Minnesota IT Services
- WCAG 2.1 and PDF Accessibility - Common Look
- WCAG 2.1 and Silver (AG): What is Next for Accessibility Guidelines - Glenda Sims
- WCAG 2.1 and the Current State of Web Accessibility in Libraries - Carli Spina
- WCAG 2.1 and What the New Criteria Really Mean for Your Website - Corbb O'Connor and Erin Jones
- WCAG 2.1 Checklist - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- WCAG 2.1 Checklist with Filter and Links - Web Overhauls
- WCAG 2.1 Developer Tips: Character Key Shortcuts and Label in Name (2024) - Kim Wee
- WCAG 2.1 - Exploring Pointer Gestures - Becky Gibson
- WCAG 2.1: Exploring the New Success Criteria - Jonathan Avila
- WCAG 2.1 Implementation Report - W3C AG Working Group
- WCAG 2.1 - Improving Digital Accessibility of Web Applications: 1.4.13 and 4.1.3 (2023) - Minnesota IT Services
- WCAG 2.1 in 7 Perspectives - Cindy McCourt
- WCAG 2.1 is a Web Standard "W3C Recommendation" - Shawn Henry
- WCAG 2.1 Is Here - What's In It For You
- WCAG 2.1 Makes Maps Easier to Use (2023) - Greta Poser and Jennifer Strahan
- WCAG 2.1 Meets STEM: Application, Interpretation, and Opportunities for FurtherStandard Development - Jason White
- WCAG 2.1 AA Jeopardy Game - Melanie Sumner
- WCAG 2.1 Primer Alpha - GOV.UK
- WCAG 2.1 Principles Explained: Operability - Bureau of Internet Accessibility
- WCAG 2.1 Released; Part of the Process - Lainey Feingold
- WCAG 2.1: Success Criteria for Cognitive Disabilities - Kurt Mattes
- WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria for Motion Actuation: Don't Rely on Sensors (2024) - Minnesota IT Services
- WCAG 2.1 Summary for Web Writers - Dey Alexander
- WCAG 2.1: The Final List of Candidate Success Criteria is Here - David MacDonald
- WCAG 2.1: What is Next for Accessibility Guidelines - Glenda Sims
- WCAG 2.1 What You Need to Know About the Most Recent Accessibility Standards (Video) - Eduardo Meza and Kara Zirkel
- WCAG 2.1 What's New and What to Do With It (Video) - Alastair Campbell
- WCAG 2.1: What's up with Accessibility Guidelines - Sathish Kumar
- WCAG 2.1 - Why It's Time - CommonLook
- WCAG 2.1: Writing a Recommendation - Audrey Maniez
- WCAG 2: Guidelines and Guardrails (2024) - Eric Eggert
- WCAG 2.2 - An Overview of the New Accessibility Guidelines (Video) (2023) - Melanie Philipp and Wilco Fiers
- WCAG 2.2 and What It Means for You (2023) - Craig Abbott
- Understanding SC 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (2023) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- WCAG 2.2: Ask Us Anything (Video) (2023) - Sarah Pulis and Sam Hobson
- WCAG 2.2: What You Need to Know (2023) - AbiltyNet
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum) (Level AA) (Video) (2023) - Intopia
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 2.4.13 Focus Appearance (Level AAA) (Video) (2023) - Intopia
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 2.5.7 Dragging Movements (Level AA) (Video)
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) (Level AA)(Video) (2023) - Intopia.
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 3.3.7 Redundant Entry (Level A) (Video) (2023) - Intopia
- WCAG 2.2 At A Glance - 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication (Minimum) (Level AA) (Video) (2023) - Intopia
- WCAG 2.2 Detective Skills (2024) - David Cox
- WCAG 2.2 Explorer (2024) - Vicky Teinaki
- WCAG 2.2 Map by Theme (2024) - Andrew Hick
- WCAG 2.2 Quick and Simplified - Mike Gower
- WCAG 2.2 Removes 4.1.1 Parsing and How axe-core is Impacted - Wilco Fier
- WCAG 2.2 AA: Summary and Checklist for Website Owners - Level Access
- WCAG 2.2 Update: Is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? - Hiram Kuykendall
- WCAG 2.2 Update: It's Time to Say Goodbye to the Parsing Criterion - Jonathan Avila
- WCAG 2.2 Checklist with Filter and Links (2023) - Dennis E. Lembrée
- WCAG 2.2 Summary and Breakdown (2024) - Marco Salsiccia
- WCAG - 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A) - Holistic Accessibility
- WCAG AAA in Language I Can Understand - Martin Underhill
- WCAG After Quarter of a Century - We Still Need More Awareness (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- WCAG, But in Language I Can Understand - Martin Underhill
- WCAG Guide - Marcelo Sales
- WCAG of the Day - Grunet
- WCAG Primer - Tetralogical
- WCAG Confusion Around Audio Description - Vision Australia
- WCAG-Mappings - Ian Lloyd
- WCAG SC 1.4.4 Resize Text & 1.4.10 Reflow - Eric Eggert
- WCAG's A and AA Distinction Is Mostly Academic (2024) - Eric Eggert
- We Need to Talk About WCAG - Rian Rietveld
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1-for People Who Haven't Read the Update - Alan Dalton
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 - Patrick H. Lauke
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 (Video) - Nicolas Steenhout, Eric Eggert, Tobias Nyholm, Glenda Sims, and Sandra Eriksson
- WebAIM's WCAG 2 Checklist - WebAIM
- Welcome WCAG 2.2 and Goodbye Success Criterion 4.1.1 Parsing (2023) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Welcome, WCAG 2.1! The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines get an update. - Becky Gibson
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 Candidate Recommendation (Video) - Allison Ravenhall
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 (2024) - Nomensa
- What Do I Need to Know About WCAG 2.2? - Geoff Freed
- What is the Difference Between WCAG A and WCAG AA Conformance? - Jonathan Avila
- What is the Difference Between WCAG Compliance Level A, AA, and AAA? - Rajesh Bhimani
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 Working Draft - WAI at W3C. Shawn Lawton Henry, Editor
- What's New in WCAG 2.1 - Adrian Rosell
- What's New in WCAG 2.1? - Ricky Onsman
- What's New in WCAG 2.2? - Melissa Green
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 - Adrian Roselli
- What's New in WCAG 2.2- Shawn Lawton Henry, editor
- What's New in WCAG 2.1: Label in Name - Todd Libby
- What's New with WCAG 2.1 (Video) - Andrew Macpherson
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 - W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
- What's New in WCAG 2.2 - Patrick H. Lauke (2023)
- What's New in WCAG 2.2? (2023) - Hidde de Vries
- What's New in WCAG 2.2? (Updated 18 July 2023) - Hidde de Vries
- What's Normative in WCAG? - Hidde de Vries
- What is the Best Way to Dismiss Content on Hover or Focus? - Detlev Fischer
- What Is Redundant Entry, and How Does It Affect Accessibility? - Bureau of Internet Accessibility
- What WCAG 2.2 Means for Native Mobile Accessibility - Rachael Yomtoob
- Why Is Reaching WCAG Level AAA Not Recommended? (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Whose Nine is it Anyway? (Feedback on the WCAG 2.2 working draft) - Ben Tillyer
- Your Questions on WCAG 2.2 and Accessible Design (2023) - UsableNet
- Do We Need WCAG 3 (Now)? (2023) - Eric Eggert
- New Web Content Accessibility Standard, WCAG 3.0, Promises Far-Reaching Impact - Sara Baxenberg, Megan Brown, Charles Farlow, Tawanna Lee
- Perfect Timing for New WCAG 3 Guideline Considerations (2024) - Bogdan Cerovac
- Silver (WCAG 3.0) First Public Working Draft Released - Sheri Byrne-Haber
- The Future Of Web Accessibility: WCAG 3.0 - Ran Ronen
- The WCAG 3 Working Draft Update Is Ready for Your Review (2024) - Shawn Henry
- May 2024 WCAG 3 Working Draft Update (2024) - Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- W3C Unveils 174 New Outcomes for WCAG 3.0 (2024) - Wilco Fiers
- Updated Drafts for Review: W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 (2024) - Web Accessibility Initiative
- WCAG 3 December 2024 Update and Thoughts From the Co-Chairs (2024) - Rachael Bradley Montgomery, Alastair Campbell, and Chuck Adams
- WCAG 3 a Change of Context (2025) - Steve Faulkner
- WCAG 3.0: Further On Up the Road (2023) - Ricky Onsman
- WCAG 3 Introduction - Shawn Lawton Henry, Editor and Jeanne F. Spellman, Contributor
- WCAG 3.0 Progress (Slides) - Alastair Campbell
- WCAG 3.0: What You Need to Know About the Future of Accessibility Standards - Daniel Berryhill
- WCAG 3 Working Draft Updated (2023) - Shawn Lawton Henry, Rachael Montgomery, Jeanne Spellman, Shawn Lauriat, and Michael Cooper
- WCAG 3 Compliant? Check Again - Rachael Bradley Montgomery
- A Model for WordPress Accessibility - Adrian Rosell
- Accessibility: A Developer's Pledge - Jonathan Desrosiers
- WordPress, Accessibility, and Gutenberg - Joe Dolson
- Accessible Video in WordPress - Joe Dolson
- Alternative Text for Images: Buffer Announces Support for Extension, Part 3 - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Are alt Attributes Required? Always? - Joe Dolson
- Does WordPress Gutenberg Editor Require a Fix for the Call-to-Action Button Block? (2024) - Raghavendra Satish Peri
- Gutenberg Accessibility Costs WordPress the W3C Work - Adrian Roselli
- How to Enable Classic Editor in - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- How to Learn About Accessibility Best Practices in WordPress - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- How to Make Sure Your Accessible PDFs Stay Accessible in WordPress - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Lessons from Gutenberg - Adrian Roselli
- On Not Choosing WordPress for the W3C Redesign Project - Simon R Jones
- Report on the Accessibility Status of Gutenberg - Joe Dolson
- Seven Years of Asking: I'm Still Waiting for to Publish Captioned Videos - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Some Gutenberg Accessibility Clarifications - Joe Dolson
- Takeaways from Essential HTML Tweaks for Accessible Themes - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Takeaways from WordCamp Europe 2021: Enhancing the Accessibility of a Plugin, a Use Case - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Takeaways from Online WordPress Accessibility Workshop - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- Takeaways from So, How Do I Know if my WordPress Website is Accessible? - Deborah Edwards-Onoro
- The Complete Guide to Accessibility for WordPress Websites - Ross Johnson
- The W3C Drops WordPress from Consideration - Joe Dolson
- Themes are Not Web Sites - Joseph Dolson
- Three Easy Tips for Accessible Theming - Joe Dolson
- One Year of Accessibility-Ready - Joe Dolso
- W3C Is Prioritizing Accessibility Over Its Open Source Licensing Preferences - Amanda Rush
- Removes Fake Reviews for AccessiBe Plugin - Sarah Gooding
- Word Press Accessibility - Joe Dolson
- WordPress and Accessibility: Just Where is the Problem? - Joe Dolson
- WordPress Goes WCAG - What Does It Mean? - Joel Dolson
- WordPress Theme Pattern Library for Accessibility - David A. Kennedy
- WP Accessibility - Joe Dolson
- Accessible Writing with Ashley Bischoff (Video) - Jess Rose
- Introduction to Writing for Accessibility (2023) - Ellen Liebert, Laura Biray, Rachael Bradley Montgomery
Articles & Related Links
- A Confession (2025) - Adam Silver New!
- Accessibility Requires Clear Responsibilities or It Will Fail (2025) - Bogdan Cerovac New!
- AXSCHat with Mike Gifford (Video) (2025) - Monika Tomczak New!
- CSUNATC 2025 Recap (2025) - Adrian Roselli New!
- CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Notes for 2025 (2025) - Ted Drake New!
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- Guides (2025) - 18F New!
- Great Big List - CSUN 2025 Presentation Links (Google Sheet) (2025) - Christopher Phillips. New!
- Running Strong Accessibility Programs Without DEI Support (2025) - Sheri Byrne-Haber New!