"Written texts, collaborative or individual, will be graded according
to a set of criteria for successful completion of the task. The criteria
include 1) the content and rhetoric (suitability for audience and purpose)
of the text, and 2) the presentability of the text (mechanics, spelling,
grammar, usage, format). For a text to be passing, both 1 and 2 must
be passing. Included also in both categories is the expectation that
students will practice the techniques of rhetoric and revising taught
in the class. Unsatisfactory texts will be rewritten, usually within
three class periods of being returned to the student" (Write for
the Social Sciences, UMD Composition Department, 1995, p. 1).
For other information see "Standards for Grading in Composition
Under normal conditions, D+ and D will not be given out as final
grades in this section of Comp 3160. In real life situations your writing
often receives either an "A" or an "F" -- and nothing in between.
If you would like your final grade sent directly to you, please
give me a stamped self-addressed envelope. The departmental secretary
may not give out grades, and grades cannot be given out over the telephone.
If you would like your final grade by E-mail send a request to
If, for whatever reason, you would like a third party to independently
read and grade your material, I will arrange for a "blind" review. The
Composition Department Head or Program Director will assign a reviewer
who will know neither your nor my identity. The grade assigned by the
unknown instructor will become your grade -- even if it is lower than
the one I originally gave you.
Paper #2 may be redone (revised and/or edited) one time after you
have handed it in. You must hand in earlier drafts. If your paper is
returned unread, then what you hand in the following time will be considered
your final revision. Note what Write for the Social Sciences
(UMD Composition Department, 1995, p. 33) has to say about revision:
- It is not substituting one word for another
- correcting spelling
- checking punctuation
- paraphrasing your text
- adding a few words or a sentence here and there
- deleting a word or two
No. Revising is reseeing the text and rewriting it so
that it communicates in a clear, unambiguous, and precise manner with
the intended audience.
Revisions are due within two weeks from the day you get your work
back. Exceptions must be approved in advance.
If the same errors appear continually, they will weigh increasingly
in the evaluation of your work.
REPEAT: If the same errors appear continually, they will weigh
increasingly in the evaluation of your work. UMD composition instructors
do not expect to see the same errors in mechanics, spelling, grammar,
and usage continuing paper after paper. As with other instructors, papers
with numerous editing errors after the end of week 5 will be returned
with the grade of F.
If you would like your final grade sent directly to you,
please give me a stamped self-addressed envelope. Use an envelope rather
than a post card so that I can send you a printout of the results of
your final exam, and, if you have some, your extra credit papers. The
departmental secretary may not give out grades, and grades cannot be
given out over the telephone. If you would like your final grade by
e-mail send a request to