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 Culture and Personality 

(Psychological Anthropology)

  Margaret Mead
 Zhuangzi dreaming of a butterfly
(or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi)


 Fall 2018 Calendar
Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 07:51 (07:51 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025

Mustard seed.
Selected Culture and Personality WebSites

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Texts and Other Class Material

  Online Reserve Materials
Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.
 Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
to see details (below) click on text image(s)

  Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

 Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, Second Edition, by Philip K. Bock.

 Philip K. Bock.

"In this introduction to an important field, Bock provides a critical account of the ways that anthropologists have used and misused psychological concepts in their studies of various societies. He argues that we must be aware of these past efforts and errors if we are to develop culturally sensitive ways of understanding the relationship of individuals to their societies. Starting with nineteenth-century studies of 'primitive mentality,' the book examines the school of culture and personality, including cross-cultural correlational studies, and continuing on to recent work on sociobiology, shamanism, self, and emotion. Relevant psychological concepts are explained as needed, and each approach is presented in its own terms before critical examination. Chapter supplements and a new chapter bring the book completely up to date." -- Waveland Press


Stephen C. Leavitt

Stephen C. Leavitt

More information on the text for Culture and Personality can be found at <>.

Some excellent classic books in many fields are also often available online free. For example, the full text of Sigmund Freud's first major work, The Interpretation of Dreams (3rd Edition, 1911), Trans. by A.A. Brill, is available online at <>.

The course anchor text is

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology: Continuity and Change in the Study of Human Action, Third Edition

is currently available on-line for $39.95 new, $29.95 e-textbook, and $tba used.
(+ p/h, where applicable, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
[buy a used one]
(08 December 2018)

Rethinking Psychological Anthropology: Continuity and Change in the Study of Human Action, Second Edition (1999)

is currently available on-line for $33.56 new, and $5.49 used.
(+ p/h, where applicable, at & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
[buy a used one]
(20 August 2018)

"After over three decades of continual publication in multiple editions, the Third Edition of Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, now with coauthor Stephen Leavitt, describes the latest interests, concepts, and approaches in the field with the inclusion of four new chapters and updates to earlier topics. The premise of the previous editions remains: that all anthropology is psychological and that the interplay between anthropological methods and the psychological theories existing in different times is dialectical."

"Psychological anthropologists have grappled with changing trends in both disciplines, including psychoanalytic, holistic, cognitive, interpretive, and developmental approaches. It is important to appreciate these currents of thought to understand the state of the field today. This text is thus a guide to that history along with a critique that may lead to a new synthesis. It is an ideal choice for courses in psychological anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, and the history of anthropology."

Other on-line and brick and mortar stores should have comparable offers.

NOTE: When you read this text, read it primarily for a sense of the historical development of Psychological Anthropology / Culture and Personality and for a sense of what the basic concepts are all about.

Psychological Anthropology:
Continuity and Change in the Study of Human Action, Third Edition

by Philip K. Bock and Stephen C. Leavitt

(Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, 2019)

ISBN-10: 1478637285
ISBN-13: 978-1478637288

Table of Contents, Third Edition

Prelude: All Anthropology Is Psychological

1. The Psychology of "Primitive" Peoples
Perception, or "Do You See What I See?" / Motivation, or "The Natives Are Restless Tonight" / Cognition, or "Thinking Can Make It So"

2. Psychoanalytic Anthropology
Elements of Psychoanalysis / The Origins of Psychoanalytic Anthropology / Psychoanalysis and Clothing / Summary and Critique

3. Configurations of Culture and Personality
Configurations of Culture / To and from the South Seas / Summary

4. Basic and Modal Personality
Basic Personality Structure (BPS) / The Modal Personality Approach (MP) / Projective Tests: Rorschach and Thematic Apperception / Applications of Projective Tests / Summary

5. National Character Studies
The Yellow Peril / On the Western Front / The Slavic Soul / The Lonely Crowd / And Elsewhere / For Further Consideration

Interlude One: The Crisis in Culture and Personality
The Continuity Assumption / The Uniformity Assumption / The Causal Assumption / The Projective Assumption / The Objectivity Assumption / What's Next?

6. Cross-Cultural Correlations
The Yale Synthesis / Correlations and Customs / Galton's Problem / Male Initiation Rites / Causes of Incest Taboos / Additional Studies

7. The Return of the Repressed
Instinct and Culture / Symbolic Wounds / Insight and Identity / Psychohistory and the Interpretation of Myth / Psychosocial Adaptation / Psychoanalytic Anthropology Redux

8. Social Structure and Personality
Materialist Approaches / Positionalist Approaches / Interactionist Approaches / Studies Relevant to Trauma and Personality

9. Focusing on Behavior
Intensive On-Site Observation / Human Ethology / Attachment, Separation, and Crowding / Feminist Psychological Anthropology / Sociobiology / Concluding Thoughts

10. Cognitive Anthropology
Ethnosemantics / Cognitive Development: Stages, Styles, and Maps / Race, Culture, and Intelligence / Schema Theory and Connectionism / The Question of Motivation / Personal Semantic Networks / Cognitive Analysis of Personal Narrative

11. Shamans, Alternative States, and Schizophrenia
Shamans / Alternative States of Consciousness / Mental Illness and Society / "Schizophrenia" and Mental Illness across Cultures / Difference Approaches to the Treatment of Schizophrenia

12. Emotions and Selfhood
Role, Self, and Identity / Psychology and Cultural Change

Interlude Two: Science versus Interpretation
Ethnopsychology and Ifaluk Emotion / The Defense of Human Nature / The Psychological Power of Emotional Force / Charting New Directions

13. Person-Centered Ethnography
Person-Centered Interviewing / Value of Person-Centered Ethnography / A New Anthropology of Self and Experience / The Anthropology of Narrative / Conclusion

14. About the Body
The Body as a Cultural Construction / Phenomenology and Embodiment / Pain and the Impact of Culture / Narrative and Chronic Illness / Narratives and Social Contexts / Limits of Phenomenology: A Critique

15. The Return of Childhood
Influence of Psychological Theories / Enculturation / Children's Culture
New Research on Attachment / Language in Action / Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Childhood

Postlude: All Psychology Is Cultural


Table of Contents, Second Edition
Prelude. All Anthropology Is Psychological
The Psychology of Primitive Peoples
  • The Psychology of Primitive Peoples
  • Perception, or "Do You See What I See?"
  • Motivation, or "The Natives Are Restless Tonight"
  • Cognition, or "Thinking Can Make It So"
  • Supplement, 1999

Psychoanalytic Anthropology

  • Elements of Psychoanalysis
  • The Origins of Psychoanalytic Anthropology
  • Totemism and Exogamy
  • Psychoanalysis and Clothing
  • Summary and Critique
  • Supplement, 1999
Configurations of Culture and Personality
  • Configrations of Culture
  • To and from the South Seas
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
Basic and Modal Personality
  • Basic Personality Structure
  • The Modal Personality Approach
  • Projective Tests: Rorschach and Thematic Apperception
  • Applications of Projective Tests
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
National Character Studies
  • The Yellow Peril
  • On the Western Front
  • The Slavic Soul
  • The Lonely Crowd
  • And Elsewhere
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop
Interlude. The Crisis in Culture and Personality
  • What Next?
  • Supplement, 1999

Cross-Cultural Correlations

  • The Yale Synthesis
    • Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
  • Correlations and Customs Galton's Problem
  • Male Initiation Rites
  • Causes of Incest Taboos
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
The Return of the Repressed
  • Instinct and Culture
  • Symbolic Wounds
  • Insight and Identity
  • Psychohistory and the Interpretation of Myth
  • Psychosocial Adaptation
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
Social Structure and Personality
  • Materialist Approaches
  • Positionalist Approaches
  • Interactionist Adaptation
  • Summary
  • Supplement, 1999
Focusing on Behavior
  • Six Cultures
  • Human Ethology
  • Attachment, Separation, and Crowding
  • Sociobiology
  • Supplement, 1999

Cognitive Anthropology

  • Ethnosemantics
  • Cognitive Development
    • Stages
    • Styles
    • Maps
  • Race, Culture and Intelligence
  • Supplement, 1999

Shamans, Alternative States, and Schizophrenia

  • Alternative States of Consciousness
  • Mental Illness and Society
  • Supplement, 1999
Emotions and Selfhood
  • Role, Self, and Identity
  • Psychology and Cultural Change
  • Supplement, 1999
Some Newer Approaches
  • Evolutionary Psychological Anthropology
  • Cultural Psychology
  • About The Body
  • Person-Centered Ethnology
  • Into Century Twenty-One
  • Supplement, 1999
Postlude. All Psychology Is Cultural
Personal Epilogue, 1999

The Culture and Personality Final Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 December 2018, 8:00-9:55 in Cina 214

REM: Bring your Laptop

 Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

 John H. Bodley

Daniel Kahneman

"Daniel Kahneman is Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton University and a professor of public affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. He received the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his pioneering work with Amos Tversky on decision-making."

"In the international bestseller, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, the renowned psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical. The impact of overconfidence on corporate strategies, the difficulties of predicting what will make us happy in the future, the profound effect of cognitive biases on everything from playing the stock market to planning our next vacation—each of these can be understood only by knowing how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions.

Engaging the reader in a lively conversation about how we think, Kahneman reveals where we can and cannot trust our intuitions and how we can tap into the benefits of slow thinking. He offers practical and enlightening insights into how choices are made in both our business and our personal lives—and how we can use different techniques to guard against the mental glitches that often get us into trouble. Winner of the National Academy of Sciences Best Book Award and the Los Angeles Times Book Prize and selected by The New York Times Book Review as one of the ten best books of 2011, Thinking, Fast and Slow is destined to be a classic." -- Farrar, Straus and Giroux

The award-winning best selling, and one of the most important books of our times . . .

Thinking, Fast and Slow

by Daniel Kahneman

(NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013)

ISBN-13: 9780374533557

is currently available on-line new for $9.99 (ppbk), or used from $2.78, or Kindle for $9.99, and audio from $23.52.
(+ p/h, where applicable, at & eligible for Amazon Prime).

 (20 August 2018)

Reading Guide

Table of Contents




  1. The characters of the story

  2. Attention and effort

  3. The lazy controller

  4. The associative machine

  5. Cognitive ease

  6. Norms, surprises, and causes

  7. A machine for jumping to conclusions

  8. How judgments happen

  9. Answering an easier question


  1. The law of small numbers

  2. Anchors

  3. The science of availability

  4. Availability, emotion, and risk

  5. Tom W's specialty

  6. Linda: less is more

  7. Causes trump statistics

  8. Regression to the mean

  9. Taming intuitive predictions


  1. The illusion of understanding

  2. The illusion of validity

  3. Intuitions vs. formulas

  4. Expert intuition: when can we trust it?

  5. The outside view

  6. The engine of capitalism


  1. Bernoulli's errors

  2. Prospect theory

  3. The endowment effect

  4. Bad events

  5. The fourfold pattern

  6. Rare events

  7. Risk policies

  8. Keeping score

  9. Reversals

  10. Frames and reality


  1. Two selves

  2. Life as a story

  3. Experienced well-being

  4. Thinking about life







Read: Ch. 19, "The Sacrifice." From The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman (NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997), pp. 278-288.

 The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, by Anne Fadiman (NY: Farrar, Strauss and Biroux, 1977).
Anne Fadiman
NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 1997.

Lia Lee is a Hmong child diagnosed with severe epilepsy,
whose family believes her seizure was caused by the slamming of a door by an older sister,
which caused Lia's soul to flee her body and the soul became lost to a dab.

dab, a spirit, is pronounced "da"
txiv neeb, a Hmong shaman, is pronounced "tsi neng"
(pp. 291-292)

 Lia LEe

Read: Read Buffalo, "Nature and the Concept of Power Among Mississippi and Lake Superior Ojibwa: Reflections of Paul Buffalo." From When Everybody Called Me Gah-bay-bi-nayss: "Forever-Flying-Bird" An Ethnographic Biography of Paul Peter Buffalo, Timothy G. Roufs.

 Paul Buffalo collecting medicine

The Culture and Personality Midterm Exam will be in class Week 7 Day 13 Tuesday, 9 October 2018

REM: Bring your Laptop

Exams will be open-book essays constructed from a list of study questions that you help create, so it would be a good idea for you to have your own copy of the text, and it is a good idea that you take your reading notes right in your copy of the text itself.

Midterm exam information is at <>, and the final exam information is at <>.

One thing that you should keep in mind when approaching these readings, which I will talk more about as the class progresses, is that, as mentioned above, the exams are open-book. You should read the texts carefully and be able to discuss the materials therein intelligently. That is, you should read the texts as if you had picked them up at an airport or neighborhood bookshop on the way to Austria or the South Seas because you were interested in the subjects and wanted to know more about them, like literally millions of people are doing in everyday life.

PLEASE NOTE: Some students are used to principally memorizing facts in classes. This class is not one where that is the focus.It is about investigating and discussing new topics, reading, listening, synthesizing ideas, thinking, exploring, and becoming familiar enough with the various subjects, peoples and places to carry on an intelligent conversation in modern-day society.

In short, this class aims to give you practice in critical thinking, and even creativity, avoiding rote memorization if possible. Please keep that in mind when thinking about, and getting ready for, the exams.

Critical thinking, involving evaluation and synthesis, has long been regarded as essential for success in the modern-day world. In recent years, actually for two decades, creativity has also become central to success, and "process skills" have become vital to creativity. Process skills involve "strategies to reframe challenges and extrapolate and transform information, and to accept and deal with ambiguity" (Pappano, "Learning to Think Outside the Box," The New York Times EducationLife, 9 February 2014, 8). Laura Pappano, writer in residence at Wellesley Center for Women at Wellesley College, points out that "In 2010 'creativity' was the factor mos crucial for success found in an I.B.M. survey of 1,500 chief executives in 33 industries. These days 'creative' is the most used buzzword in LinkedIn profiles two years running" (2014, 8).

One of the four main characteristics of American Anthropology is fieldwork, "a primary research technique, involving “participant observation," which usually means living among the people one is interested in learning from and about. It would be wonderful if for anthropology classes we could just charter a plane or rent a coach and take off for a year or more to learn first-hand from the people themselves. Money, time, and practicality prohibit that, so the next best things—when it comes to studying anthropology—is going to places and viewing subjects by video. So we’ll do that occasionally. More information on Visual Anthropology is available online at <>.

© 1998 - 2022 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth4616/cptext.html
Last Modified Saturday, 08 December 2018, 11:48 (11:48 AM) CST, day 342 of 2018
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