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Summer Session 2004

  11:00 am - 01:40 MTWThF (07/06/04-07/30/04), Cina 214, 4 cr



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July  2004

Today in History / Today in Headlines / UMD Events Calendars
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
        1 2 3
4 5 6
>> Day 01
>> Day 02
>> Day 03
>> Day 04
Ch. 1 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Companion WebSite
~ study questions
And page through
pp. 387 - 395
Ch. 2 Methods [and Basic Concepts] in Cultural Anthropology
Companion WebSite
Ch. 3 Economies and Their Modes of Production
Companion WebSite
Ch. 4 Consumption and Exchange
Companion WebSite

Slides: 01A -- Intro

Video: "The Nature of Anthropology"
(VC 2466, pt. 1, 30 min.)

Slides: 03B -- Studying . . .

Library Resources, including JSTOR
Extra Credit Option
Slides: 03A -- Major Characteristics of Anthropology
Ch. 2 Introduction

Video: "How Cultures are Studied"
(VC 2466, pt. 3, 30 min.)
Controversy: Darkness in El Dorado
~ Texas A & M

Major Figures in Anthropology (intro.)

Video: Off the Verandah
(from Strangers Abroad)
(VC 1760, 52 min.)

Cf., Trobriand Islands
Cf., Day 17

Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
World Ethnographic Sample (WES)
Video: "The Nature of Culture"
(VC 2466, pt. 2, 30 min.)

Ch. 3 Economic Production
~ foraging
~ horticulture
~ pastoralism
~ agriculture
~ industrial / post-industrial

Case Study, Foraging / Horticulture -- Video: Nomads of the Rain Forest
(VC 2426, 59 min.)

[cf., Trinkets and Beads]

Video: Economic Anthropology
(VC 2466, pt. 9, 30 min.)

Video: Affluenza
(VC 3060, 56 min.)

Preview of Week 2
[read Paul Buffalo paper for next Thursday]
>> Day 05
>> Day 06
>> Day 07
>> Day 08
>> Day 09
  Ch. 5 Birth and Death
Companion WebSite
Ch. 6 Personality and Human Development
Companion WebSite

Ch. 7 Illness and Healing
Companion WebSite

Ch. 8 Kinship Dynamics
Companion WebSite

Love and/or Marriage

Mid-Term Exam
 ~ annual
 ~ domestic
 ~ life
   ~ "Rites of Passage"

Video: Dead Birds
(VC 1248, 83 min.; start at 12:10)
Video: "Alejandro Mamani" (VC 2466, pt. 6, 30 min., 1994)

Kinship and Descent (cont.)
 ~ Descent Terms

 ~ Kinship Systems
  ~ Eskimo
  ~ Iroquois
  ~ Hawaiian
  ~ Sudanese

 ~ Omaha (patrilineal)
 ~ Crow Kinship (matrilineal)

"Postmarital Residence Patterns"
Video: "Psychological Anthropology"
(VC 2466, 1994, pt. 5, 30 min.)

VC 2238 A Gift to One, a Gift to Many / James Jackson, Sr.
Video: An Interview with Paul Buffalo, Leech Lake, Anishinabe
(VC 266
/ VC 266b, 18 min.)
~ excerpts transcript
Buffalo paper

Video clip: "Latah" (8.25 min., 1978)
or Video: Latah (VC 4651, 38 min., 1978)
["culture-bound syndromes"]

Video: "Kinship and Descent, parts I & II"
(VC 2466, pts. 14 & 15, 30 min. each)


Review for mid-term exam 
Video: Strange Relations
(VC 1974, pt. 2, 60 min.)

Mid-Term Exam
(4 of 13 or 18 questions)
18 19
>> Day 10
>> Day 11
>> Day 12
>> Day 13
>> Day 14
  Ch. 9 Domestic Groups
Companion WebSite
Ch. 10 Social Groups and Social Stratification
Companion WebSite

Ch. 11 Politics and Leadership
Companion WebSite
Ch. 12 Social Order and Social Conflict
Companion WebSite
Language and Communication  
functions of the family
Video: "Family and Household"
(VC 2466, pt. 12)

Video: "The Yucatec Maya"
(VC 2466, pt. 13, 30 min.)
Video: Kypseli: Women and Men Apart -- A Divided Reality
(VC 3286, 41 min.)

{arranged marriage}


Video: Arranged Marriages (VC 4684, 50 min.)

Video: N!ai: The Story of a !Kung Woman
(VC 2371, 26 of 59 min.
) or,
N!ai, "Arranged Marriage" (VC 182, 10 min.)
{rites of passage}

Video: Two Girls Go Hunting
(VC 2371, 50 min.)

kinship and marriage review / wrap up

~ {functions of the family}

~ {modes of acquiring a spouse}
  ~ bridewealth
~ {marriage terms}

~ segmentary lineage

Video: The Nuer
(VC 3236, 75 min., pts. 1& 2)
~ divorce
Video: "Political Organization"
(VC 2466, pt. 18, 30 min.)
{political systems}

~ {bands}
slides bands

~ tribes

~ chiefdoms
~ states
~ folk cultures
~ microcultures
(30 min.)

Video: American Tongues
(VC 1013, 56 min.)
25 26
>> Day 15
>> Day 16
>> Day 17
>> Day 18
>> Day 19
  Ch. 13 Communication
Companion WebSite

Ch. 14 Religion
Companion WebSite
Ch. 15 Expressive Culture
Companion WebSite
Ch. 16 Development Anthropology
Companion WebSite
The Future?

Final Exam
  Language and communication (cont.) 

Video: "Religion and Magic"
(VC 2466, pt. 20, 30 min.)

Video: "The Asmat of New Guinea: A Case Study in Religion and Magic"
(VC 2466, pt. 21, 30 min.)

Video: Appeals to Santiago
(VC 3283, 27 min.)

~ cargo system
Disscussion of final exam
Video: The Shakers
(VC 3331, 50 min.)

Video: The Amish: A People of Preservation
(VC 3244, 54 min.)

cultural change
slides (intro.)

Video: "Culture Change"
(VC 2466, pt. 24, 30 min.)
Video: "Cricket the Trobriand Way: A Case Study in Cultural Change"
(VC 2466, pt. 25, 30 min.)
Cf., Day 02

expressive culture: the arts, play. . . .

Video: "The Arts"
(VC 2466, pt. 22, 30 min.)

Course Evaluation
Call #: 87005
Qtr: 2
YR: 04

Video: Ocamo is My Town
(VC 1339, 22 min.)

 Video: Trinkets and Beads
(VC 2840, 53 min.)

[cf., Nomads of the Rain Forest]

Questions about final exam?
changing customs
Video: "The Future of Humanity"
(VC 2466, pt. 26, 30 min.)

Final Exam

~ 4 of 13 or 18 questions

~ focus will be on Chs. 09 - 16, and class materials since the midterm exam


What can I do with a degree in Anthropology?

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