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Prehistoric Cultures

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Sample Essay Questions

sample essay exam questions

sample optional take-home question

For assistance in writing essay exams see Writing Essay Exams -- OWL

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Optional Essay Exams

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Sample Essay Questions

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Essay exams usually provide a better learning experience and, in addition, afford practice in writing. These will be given at the same times as the other exams. If you would prefer an essay exam or exam please let me know one week ahead of the scheduled exam dates.

The length of your essays will vary a little bit according to your style.  Generally speaking your answers should be the equivalent of a page and a half to two pages typed (word processed, with one inch margins and an 11 font).

Tim Roufs

Optional Essay Exam #1

The DAY Midterm Exam Part I is scheduled for Week 06 Day 11, Tuesday, 9 October 2012 (on Chs. 01-07)

The CE Midterm Exam Part I is scheduled for Week 06, Monday, 15 October 2012, on Chs. 1-7

[4 questions, 200 points]

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Tim Roufs

Optional Essay Exam #2

The DAY Midterm Exam Part II Week 10 Day 20, is scheduled for Thursday, 8 November 2012, on Chs. 8-11

The CE Midterm Exam Part II will be Week 11, Monday, 19 November 2012, on Chs. 8-11, 5:00-6:30

[4 questions, 200 points]

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Tim Roufs

Optional Essay Final Exam

The f2012 DAY Final Prehistoric Cultures Exam will be at 2:00-3:55 a.m. on Wednesday, 19 December 2012, in Cina 214

The f2012 CE Prehistoric Cultures Final Exam will be Monday, 17 December 2012, 06:00 - 07:55 p.m. in Cina 214 (n.b. not 5:00)

[6 questions, 300 points]

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Sample Optional Essay Questions

(Tim Roufs' sections)

Prehistoric Cultures

28 March 2025

For suggestions on writing essay exams see Writing Essay Exams -- OWL

Answer FOUR (only 4) [6 on the final] of the following NINE [13 on the final] quiz questions. Keep in mind that there is more than one approach you can take in answering these questions [4 questions, 200 points = 22.8% of the final grade],

The final exam will have you choose 6 questions [6 questions, 300 points = 34.4.% of the final grade].

Follow these guidelines:

  • Organize your answer before you begin.
  • Be sure to state:
    • What something is
    • Why it is important
    • When it occurred
  • State YOUR position or approach clearly.
  • Cite specific examples or references to support your statements.
  • Mention problem areas or other relevant materials which you would like to consider further in a more thorough statement. That is, when you're finished with your answer, what major questions are still left unanswered?
  • Summarize your argument or discussion.
  • Wherever appropriate use materials from more than one region of the world.
  • Remember that each of your responses should have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
  • Do not discuss any topic at length in more than one question.
  1. Since the end of last semester two major discoveries have been made in the area of Prehistoric Cultures. Discuss either one of these.

  2. Identify four (only 4) of the following in three or four sentences (1.0 point each):

    • Venus figurines
    • Shanidar
    • The Iceman
    • KNM 17000
    • home base
    • Less extreme Neanderthal
    • Solutrean
    • Magdalenian
    • ER 1470
    • Australopithecus ramidis

  3. Compare and Contrast any two of the following sites, but do not choose any which you may have discussed in another question:

    • Torralba \ Ambrona
    • Combe Grenal
    • Olduvai
    • Zhoukoudien

  4. Compare and contrast any two of the following:

    • Azilian
    • Richard Leakey
    • Charles Darwin
    • Raymond Dart
    • Don Johanson
    • Rebecca Cann
    • M. H. Wolpoff
  1. Discuss the main aspects of modern theory on ----------. Include in your discussion the ideas, mechanism, results, etc., of ---------- as presently understood.

  2. Compare and contrast the models explaining ----------.

  3. Discuss the Upper Paleolithic as it was manifested in or by ----------.

  4. What would you say if someone told you that 300,000-year-old Neanderthals were found in northern Spain? What would the significance of that be?

  5. What is the significance of the discovery of ----------?

  6. Argue for or against the proposition that ----------. Be sure to include specific examples and/or illustrations in support of your argument.

  7. Describe the type of civilization that you think might exist today if ---------- rather than ---------- would have happened. Give specific reasons for each of the major points you make.

  8. The following discovery was announced last week, and was covered as a feature of the Texas A & M Anthropology in the News WebPage. Assuming everything in the story is true, (A.) how does this discovery relate to the "Early Hunters" discussed in class. (B.) Will this discovery likely change anything in Prehistoric Cultures studies?

    [If a question like this is included, an abstract or short version of the article will be provided.]

optional take-home question

    NOTE: Essentially you may make up ONE question total. You may either do that as a take-home and bring it to class with you, or you may do that in class the day of the exam. If you elect to do the optional take-home exam and bring it with you to class, then you must choose three (3) additional [5 additional on the final] of the remaining questions presented on the actual exam, as they are presented on the exam.

    Your optional take-home question must be related to the materials covered in this exam. For the midterm exam do not write an exam question about a topic scheduled for later in the semester. For the final exam do not write an exam question about a topic covered earlier in the semester unless it is part of a comparative over-all question about the semester.

    If you have submitted an Extra Credit report or paper, your optional question must be on a topic other than that of your Extra Credit project(s).

    The day of the exam you can just bring the question in, already written out, and hand it in with your other essay questions. 

    The length of your essays will vary a little bit according to your style.  Generally speaking your answers should be the equivalent of a page and a half to two pages typed (word processed, with one inch margins and an 11 font).

  1. If you do not like these questions, make up and answer a question of your own choice relating to a topic having to do with Prehistoric Cultures which you have not considered in your other answers. (If you think these questions are fantastic but simply prefer to make up one of your own, go ahead.) Answers should contain specific information supporting your position. Both your question and your answer will be evaluated.

If you elect to make up and answer a question, you may prepare your question and answer in advance and bring them with you to the exam. If you prepare your question and answer in advance you only need to answer three midterm exam questions [five final exam questions] in class.

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