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Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 08:45 (08:45 AM) CDT, day 084 of 2025

Prehistoric Cultures

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Tuesday, 25 March 2025, 13:45 (01:45 PM) GMT, day 084 of 2025
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Prehistoric Dentistry

and related items

  In the News

see also

prehistoric food, see also individual countries and cultures, and individual foods . . .
Ancient Civilizations
Animal Domestication
Anthropological Ecology
Early Agriculture
Food Archaeology
Plant Domestication
Prehistoric Diets
Prehistoric Food
Sustainable Agriculture

Ancient Middle American

other on-line resources

dentistry history -- Wikipedia

Dental Cosmos
early history of dentistry
1859 - 1936

In the News . . .

Australopithecus robustu
Paranthropus in southern Africa 1 million years ago.

Not Just Nuts and Berries for These Hominids
Science (09 November 2006)

One of the the teeth of four individuals of Paranthropus robustus (also known as Australopithecus robustus) from the Swartkrans Cave in South Africa.
One of the the teeth of four individuals of Paranthropus robustus
(also known as Australopithecus robustus)
from the Swartkrans Cave in South Africa.

Ancient Middle America

other on-line resources

dentistry history -- Wikipedia

"The procedure [in Pakistan] could not have had an aesthetic purpose, since its results were not easily visible, [Roberto Macchiarelli, a paleoanthropologist at the Université de Poitiers and lead author of the study] added." -- National Geographic News

Later on, prehistoric Post Classic Maya people began drilling and filing their teeth for beauty's sake. They carved their teeth and inlaid them with jade.


" This Maya jaw was found on Ambergris Caye [Belize]. Take a close look at the shape to which the teeth were carved. Originally, the upper and lower teeth would have fit together like a zipper."


"Mayan jade inlay in an anterior tooth,
circa A.D. 900." -- ADA


"What do you supposed happened between the Neolithic and the time of the Post Classic prehistoric Maya to have people adapt prehistoric dentistry from fixing problem teeth to fixing up teeth just for looks"?

"Researchers using a bow and flint-tipped drill to bore through a tooth."

Roberto Macchiarelli
University of Poitiers

"Researchers using a bow and flint-tipped drill to bore through a tooth."
"A close-up of the reconstructed drill boring into a tooth."

Roberto Macchiarelli
University of Poitiers

"A close-up of the reconstructed drill boring into a tooth."
"A Neolithic molar that shows signs of having been worked on by a prehistoric dentist."

Roberto Macchiarelli
University of Poitiers

"A Neolithic molar that shows signs of having been worked on by a prehistoric dentist."

"Analysis of the teeth shows prehistoric dentists had a go at curing toothache with drills made from flint heads. . . ."

"A total of eleven drilled crowns were found, with one example showing evidence of a complex procedure involving tooth enamel removal followed by carving of the cavity wall. . . ."

"The form of dental treatment seen at Mehrgarh [Pakistan] continued for about 1,500 years, before the practice was stopped in the area. . . ." -- (04 November 2001) BBCNews

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