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Charles Darwin


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From The Scout Report
(July 8, 2011 | Volume 17, Number 27)

Biodiversity Heritage Library: Charles Darwin's Library

Charles Darwin was a man of science and letters, and his library was impressive. This digital project created by the Biodiversity Heritage Library offers interested parties a virtual reconstruction of the surviving books owned by Darwin, and it includes over 330 titles. First-time visitors will want to read the introductory essay titled "Darwin's Virtual Library: History & Scope" before jumping into the items here. After this excellent introduction, they should feel welcome to browse through the available titles in the "Current Book List" area. The real treat here is the fact that they have included the books that were most heavily annotated in Darwin's own hand, and visitors can look at all of his notes at their leisure. The site also includes a detailed bibliography and a link to the most recent additions. [KMG]

The Scout Report
Biodiversity Heritage Library: Charles Darwin's Library

Charles Darwin was a man of science and letters, and his library was impressive. This digital project created by the Biodiversity Heritage Library offers interested parties a virtual reconstruction of the surviving books owned by Darwin, and it includes over 330 titles. First-time visitors will want to read the introductory essay titled "Darwin's Virtual Library: History & Scope" before jumping into the items here. After this excellent introduction, they should feel welcome to browse through the available titles in the "Current Book List" area. The real treat here is the fact that they have included the books that were most heavily annotated in Darwin's own hand, and visitors can look at all of his notes at their leisure. The site also includes a detailed bibliography and a link to the most recent additions. [KMG]


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Page Image Source: Darwiniana

Darwin Picture

H.M.S. Beagle in the Strait of Magellan
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This vintage engraving depicts the portrait of famed English naturalist Charles Darwin, whose theories of natural selection contributed to a greater understanding of biological evolution in the 19th century. This engraving was made by an unknown, uncredited artist after an 1869 photograph by J. Cameron. Published in a volume of Darwin's theories in 1874. (Credit: via iStockphoto).

"This vintage engraving depicts the portrait of famed English naturalist Charles Darwin, whose theories of natural selection contributed to a greater understanding of biological evolution in the 19th century. This engraving was made by an unknown, uncredited artist after an 1869 photograph by J. Cameron. Published in a volume of Darwin's theories in 1874."
(Credit: via iStockphoto)

17 May 2010

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