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Fall 2012 Calendar -- DAY Fall
2012 Calendar
Friday, 21 February 2025, 18:22 (06:22 PM) GMT, day 052 of 2025
Prehistoric and Contemporary Primates
127-141 |
Suborder | Inraorder | Superfamily | Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Genus | Species | Common Name | |
127-129 198-200 |
Prosimii (Strepsirhini) |
Lemuriformes Lorisiformes Tarsiiformes |
[tree shrew = insectivore] lemur loris and bush baby tarsier |
129-130 198-200 |
Anthropoidea (Haplorhini) |
Platyrrhini 129 |
Ceboidea | Atelidae Cebidae [Callitrichidae] |
*Parapithecus (basal anthropoid) *Apidium (basal anthropoid) |
New World Monkey | |||
Catarrhini 129-134 |
Cercopithecoidea 132-134 |
Cercopithecidae | Macaca Papio *Propliopithecus (basal catarrhine) *Aegyptopithecus (basal catarrhine) |
Old World Monkey macaque baboon guenons . . . |
Colobidae | Colobus Presbytis |
colobus monkey langur |
Hominoidea 134-140 201-204 |
Hylobatidae | Hylobates | gibbon siamangs |
*Proconsulidae | *Proconsul | ||||||||
*Oreopithecidea | *Oreopithecus | ||||||||
*Pliopithecidae | *Pliopithecus | ||||||||
("The Great Apes" = orangutan gorilla chimpanzee) |
Hominidae | Pongines | Pongo *Dryopithecus *Sivapithecus *Gigantopithecus |
*dryopithecus *ramapithecus *kenyapithecus *ouranopithecus pygmaeus abelii |
orangutan | ||||
Gorillines | Gorilla |
gorilla [gorilla] gorilla [diehli] beringei [beringei] beringei [graueri] |
Western Lowland Cross River Mountain Eastern Lowland |
Hominines | Panins | Pan | traglodytes ? paniscus |
chimpanzee chimpanzee bonobo ("pygmy chimpanzee") |
213-245 204-208 213-245 217-245 |
Hominins (modern humans and now-extinct bipedal relatives of humans) 202-204 |
*Ardipithecus *Australopithecus1 *[aka Paranthropus]1 *Kenyanthropus |
*ramidus *anamensis *afarensis *africanus *garhi *aethiopicus *boisei *robustus *platyops |
Ardi Lucy / First Family southern ape Zinj |
222-223 Ch. 10 Chs. 11-12 |
Homo1 | *rudolfensis *habilis *erectus sapiens |
ER-1470 human Java / Peking "Man" Mary / John |
1. | As a group the apes have been the subject of much mythology and many misconceptions. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. | “Dental Apes” appeared first, in the Oligocene, ca. 33 mya1. Dental apes are “apes” with monkey-like bodies who did not hang or swing. These include Apidium and Aegyptopithecus.
1110 204-206 |
3. | True apes probably originated in the early Miocene period, ca. 20 to 17 mya. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
204-206 | Apes flourished in the later part of the Miocene, 15 to 5 mya. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
204-206 | 4. | Well represented in the fossil record by such forms as:
139-143 | 5. | The three "great apes" (chimpanzee, orangutan, and gorilla) probably shared a common ancestor with hominids, although the approximate time of separation and the physical nature of the ancestral lineage are still the subject of much scholarly debate. (The split from the Homo line was probably ca. 13 mya for the orangutans and 5-7 mya for chimps-gorillas.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(Homo sapiens, early Homo, Australopithecus, and Paranthropus) |
6. | As a group, the apes are quite variable, physically and behaviorally. (See A COMPARISON OF APES AND HUMANS.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a. | They vary physically--differing in size, for example, from the relatively small gibbon with little sexual dimorphism to the huge gorilla with considerable sexual dimorphism. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
150-160 | b. | They vary behaviorally--their social structure, for example, includes both the territorial, closed groups of the gibbon and the free-ranging, open groups of the chimpanzee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. | Apes, for the most part, are "vegetarians" (actually frugivors and herbivores, and occasionally insectivores), but the chimpanzee has been observed hunting and consuming meat -- including other chimps' children. (So they’re really omnivores, right?) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
122-130 207-208 425-427 |
8. | Many major evolutionary trends relate to brachiation and upright orientation (the ability to assume a fairly erect posture: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
120 208-216 |
9. | Arm swinging and erect (bipedal) or semi-erect walking resulted in a number of postcranial (below the head in bipeds, behind the head in quadrupeds) changes: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
208 | a. | LEGS AND FEET | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
213, 432 | i. | Feet become more foot-like. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
425-427 | ii. | Leg bones are much stouter and have more pronounced dorsal ridges. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
210 | iii. | Leg muscle structures change. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
210 | iiii. | Humans have developed a "closed-knee stance." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
213 | v. | Loss of some mobility and prehensility in feet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b. | PELVIS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
431 213 |
i. | A number of changes take place in the pelvis. Basically, with bipedalism the pelvis becomes shorter and wider, has a "distinct pelvic bowl," and the ridges where the leg muscles attach become heavier. Humans also have a deep sciatic notch. These changes will be reviewed later with the discussion of Australopithecines ("southern apes"). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
138, 430 | ii. | External tails are lost. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c. | UPPER BODY | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
212, 430 | i. | Spine has become more massive and rigid, with fewer vertebrae. And humans developed an S-curve backbone rather than one with a simple curve. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
425, 427 | ii. | Chest has become wider and more barrel-like. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
425, 427 | iii. | Shoulders have broadened. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
425 | iiii. | Relatively longer necks developed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d. | ARMS AND HANDS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
118-122 127 425-427 |
i. | The forelimbs of the apes have become elongated and strengthened relative to the length of the body. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
118-120 431 |
ii. | Hands become more hand-like: power grip (prehensility) precision grip (opposability) |
122 | e. | SKULL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
428-429 | Many changes take place in the skull: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
429 | i. | The occipital condyles (the hinges on which the skull articulates with the atlas of the spine) have moved from a position far back on the occipital bone forward to an intermediary position. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
212 210-213 215, 429 |
ii. | The related foramen magnum (the opening through which the spinal cord passes from the cranium) has also moved forward and downward. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
120-122 | iii. | The eyes are placed at the front of the head, resulting in stereoscopic vision and depth perception. (Humans also have color perception.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
220-222 216-217 221 |
iiii. | In some adult male apes the heavy chewing and neck musculature is attached to a bony ridge that forms a sharp crest along the top of the skull (sagittal crest). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
426 | v. | Most apes have a supraorbital ridge (a marked bulge of bone across the region over the eyes). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
428 | vi. | Modern adult humans have a cranial base flexure (bend). [This seems to be related to a low larynx, which is associated with a longer pharynx. See next item.] |
vii. | Humans have a longer pharynx, a feature associated with human speech. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
428 | viii. | Noses are elevated in humans, and are separated by the septum into two chambers. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ix. | In comparison with apes, human upper lips are relatively short; human's lips are never as thin as apes. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
120-121 |
f. | BRAINS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
113, 208 225 113 216 |
Apes and humans have a large head and brain relative to body size. The large brains are also developed more than those of other animals:
428 | i. | Humans have larger brain cases (for their larger brains), with highly developed frontal and occipital regions. Skull is more developed in the frontal and occipital (curved back and base of the skull) regions as the cerebrum (large rounded structure of the brain) becomes increasingly larger. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ii. | Cerebral cortex (thin layer of grey matter covering the cerebrum, also known as the neocortex) increases in area. In humans this lies in folds or convolutions over the entire surface of the cerebral hemisphere. This can often be seen in endocasts (fossilized casts of the interior of a skull). | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
166-172 |
iii. | Humans have developed "association" areas (regions of the cerebrum surrounding the sensory area). --cognition --language |
238-239 | iiii. | The brain weight / body weight ratio increases. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g. | TEETH / JAW AND DIET | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
123-126 | Important changes take place in dentition: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
426-427 | i. | In apes jaws slant outward and downward (prognathism). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
428-290 | ii. | Human's lower jaw is comparatively small, but always has a distinct chin. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
123-126 | iii. | Apes have cusp patterns for the lower molars similar to those of humans. (They have a "Y-5" pattern rather than the "plus-4" bilophondonty characteristic.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
217 | iiii. | Apes still possess conical, daggerish canines projecting well beyond the surface level of the lower teeth and overlapping them, with corresponding diastemata (singular is diastema). [A diastema is a space in the toothrow that accommodates one or more teeth in the opposite jaw when the mouth is closed.] |
123-126 |
v. | Both apes and humans have:
8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars, 12 molars : dental formula =
215 | vi. | In humans the palate is arched and curves outward at back (parabolic arch). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10. | Other Changes: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
161-165 | a. | Trend: multiple ![]() |
120 | b. | Longer periods of pregnancy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
120-122 164-165 |
c. | Longer periods of growth to adult size and status, with corresponding prolonged periods of dependence. And thus a greater dependence on flexible, learned behavior. |
166-168 208 302-304 246-247 250-252 265, 267 274-275 |
d. | Tool making (Note: Tool making and tool using are different features.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
150-160 | e. | The tendency to live in social groups and the permanent association of adult males with the group. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
122 | f. | The tendency to diurnal (daytime) activity pattern. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
300-308 | g. | The beginnings of art and ritual. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11. | Future: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
144-148 | Extinction of native habitats and poaching may mean many apes will survive only in places like zoos and laboratories. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12. | For the remainder of the semester pay special attention to major areas of change related to: |
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- 2024 Timothy G. Roufs — All rights reserved ![]() Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1602/apes.html Site Information / Disclaimers ~ Main A-Z Index |