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Understanding Global Cultures

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. Sunday, 28 July 2024, 19:27 (07:27 PM) CDT, day 210 of 2024 .

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Global Cultures


In-the-News Reports


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How to Sign Up for Your News Report

The CIA World Factbook

BBC News

Other Countries, Cultures, Regions, Areas, and Territories WebPages Available on this Site




Country / Region
Week 01  
27 August

No Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

Week 02  
14-20 June 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Spain >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Thailand >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Japan >
BBC News > Japan Profile | Japan Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Saudi Arabia >
BBC News > Saudi Arabia Profile | Saudi Arabia Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Vietnam >
News Media | Country Profiles

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

 North Korea >

 South Korea >

Week 03  
21-27 June 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Finland >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Canada >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Australia >
BBC News > Australia Profile | Australia Timeline
Week 04  
14 June - 4 July 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  "America" >
BBC News > U.S.A. Profile | U.S.A. Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  "Nepal" >
News Media  | Country Profiles
The CIA World Factbook > United States of America
BBC News > U.S.A. Profile | U.S.A. Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  "Niger" >
News Media  | Country Profiles
The CIA World Factbook > United States of America
BBC News > U.S.A. Profile | U.S.A. Timeline

Midterm Exam

f2024 The Live Chat for the GC Midterm Exam will be from 07:00-08:00 CST, on Tuesday, 08 October 2024
f2024 Global Cultures Midterm Exam will be available Week 7, 7 - 12 October 2024 (up to 400 points)
NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 1-6, so be sure not to miss watching them.
Video Listings: <>

Complete information on the Midterm exam is available at

Week 05  
4 - 11 July 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Malaysia >
BBC News > Malaysia Profile | Malaysia Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Israel >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Mexico >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Turkey >
Week 06  
12 - 18 July 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  China >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

 Singapore >
Week 07  
19 - 25 July 2020
Week 08  
26 - 31 July 2020

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Nigeria >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Republic of South Africa >
News Media | Country Profiles

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

 Sub-Saharan Africa >
News Media | Country Profiles
BBC News > Sub-Saharan Profile | Sub-Saharan Africa Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Russia >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Brazil >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Argentina >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  The Caribbean >
BBC News > The Caribbean Profile | The Caribbean Timeline


f2024 The Live Chat for the GC Final Exam will be from 07:00-08:00 CST, on Tuesday, 10 December 2024
f2024 The Global Cultures Final Exam is scheduled for Monday - Wednesday, 9 - 13 December 2024 (up to 400 points)
NOTE: There will be at least one question in the pool from each of the assigned videos from Weeks 7-15, so be sure not to miss watching them.

Video Listings: <>

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Belgium >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Denmark >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Estonia >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  France >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Germany >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Italy >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Ireland >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Poland >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Portugal >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Scotland >
BBC News > Scotland Profile | Scotland Timeline

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

  Sweden >

Global Cultures News Feature of the Day

 United Kingdom ("Great Britain") >
GC Index of Major Items
GC 1.0 "Sunday Memos"   GC 2.0 Video Schedule
GC 3.0 Slides Schedule   GC 4.0 Text Assignments Schedule
GC 5.0 Other (check Canvas   GC 6.0 Exams . . . (wk-7) and  (wk-16)
GC 7.0 REM: Work on Project   GC 8.0 Discussion(s)
GC Main Due Dates   GC Fall 2024 Calendar
Checklist for the Semester
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© 1998 - 2025 Timothy G. Roufs    Envelope: E-mail
Page URL: http:// /cla/faculty/troufs/anth1095/gc-in-the-news_schedule.html
Last Modified Saturday, 16 May 2020, 11:42 (11:42 AM) CDT, day 137 of 2020
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