Sociological Theory
Sociology 4111

Larry Reynolds, American Society.
Basic Assumptions Organic Paradigm Individualistic Paradigm Organizational Paradigm
Responce to Revolutions Conservative Liberal Radical
Image of Humankind Object Subject Subject-Object
Image of Society Greater than the sum of its parts Aggragate or Flux Totality of Interested Relationships
Priority Principle Culture or Collective Conscious Self or Personality Organizational Structure & Consciousness
Key Concepts culture; norms; values; function; consensus; anomie; dysfunction personality; self; actor; interaction; status; authority; deviation; communication; social organization; social structure; power; class consciousness; alienation; conflict; political economy, organic composition
System of Logic Deductive Inductive Dialectical
Problematic aspect of Social Life Social Order Adaptation Social Change
Non-conforming Behavior Social Problems Deviance Social Issues
Key People Durkheim
Parson; Merton; Davis; Coser
Weber; Mead
Blumer; Goffman; Berger; Luckman
Wallerstein; Adorno, Horkheimer; Habermas

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Last Modified: Wednesday, 16-Sep-2015 07:26:17 CDT
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