They sought to rid the Meadian tradition of its "nonempirical" content and to demonstrate that "...the key ideas of symbolic interaction could be operationalized and unitized successfully in empirical research" (Kuhn, 1964:72)As Blumer stressed the methodology needed to find that emphatic understanding, Kuhn's was not convinced, again as Reynolds points out
as quoted in Reynolds
"If one may say, as others have, that Blumer's image of people led him to his particular methodology and that, in his scheme of things, a rather large theoretical dog wags a less than awesome methodological tail, then we may say of Kuhn that his methodological predilections inexorably led to his particular image of people, and that in his scheme of things an awesome methodological tail wags a rather puny theoretical dog."Blumer sides heavily on the subject or actor side of human behavior while Kuhn comes down more heavily on the object or determinacy side
like teacher, student, girl, boy etc. and
mad, sad, happy, warm etc.
Interaction is released not constructed, role playing not role making
Kuhn sees structure (in terms of stable networks of statuses and roles) rather than process
for Blumer it is exploration and inspection whereas Kuhn emphasized one science to study all things
For Blumer concepts can not be precise, we need to build from a set of "sensitizing" concepts that can help us in what to look for and under what types of conditions different types of interaction are likely to occur
Kuhn, of course, goes for deterministic concepts and a notion of deductive theorizing. Build a unified system from which propostions can be derived and tested
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Copyright: © 2001, John Hamlin
Last Modified: Wednesday, 05-Sept.-2001
Page Coordinator: John Hamlin
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
Copyright: © 2001, John Hamlin
Last Modified: Thursday, 28-Aug-2003 07:39:57 CDT
Page URL: Kuhn/MkuhnNotes.html
Page Coordinator:John Hamlin