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Welcome to my web page. My goal is to provide useful information and tools related to classes that I teach at the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD). It is also my goal to provide useful data and tools for transportation researchers and practitioners. For UMD students who are taking my classes, please click on the top left box of the table labeled Current Course ... to find homework assignments, labs, projects, exam info, etc. If you are one of the transportation researchers or engineers who are looking for traffic or Weigh-In-Motion related data and information, below you may find some useful resources. Thank you for visiting my web page. Prof. Taek Kwon TMC Traffic Data-Archive Download Site. The data in this archive are continuously collected by the Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC), a division of MnDOT, at a 30-second interval from over 4,500 loop detectors located around the Twin Cities Metro freeways, seven days a week and all year round. The collected data are then daily packaged into a single zip file and then archived. The file format follows ... more TDA Data Automation Project. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) has been responsible for collecting, analyzing, and publishing traffic count data from the various roadway systems throughout the state. The traffic reporting system mainly developed by the Traffic Forecasting and Analysis Section (TFAS) of Mn/DOT has been used in several federal programs, internal Mn/DOT applications, and many private sectors. The objective of this project is to continue the TFAS?automation efforts by computerized integration of the current manual effort to import, filter, and analyze the TMC portion of traffic data contributed to the Mn/DOT’s Traffic Monitoring System. The resulting system will allow users to specify the conditions for acceptance tests required by TFAS for both continuous and short-duration count volume data. Once the filtering procedures and parameters are set by an operator, the raw data can be automatically processed by the system without human intervention. ... more Mn/DOT Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Data. The data available in this link is a small portion of the MnDOT WIM vehicle records in Bull-CSV format. A more extensive or the complete data set may be directly obtained from the Office of TDA, MnDOT. WIM/Traffic Data Conversion, Archiving and Analysis Software Tools. State Transportation Departments (DOTs) often deploy WIM systems developed by multiple manufacturers and/or different models from a same manufacturer. Seamless integration of this hybrid WIM system environment is a big challenge, since the format of raw WIM data is vendor dependent and the data analysis tool available from one vendor does not work for the WIM data produced by another vendor's machine. MnDOT solved this multi-vendor WIM system problem through a development of BullConverter/BullReporter software stack. This software stack is currently used by MnDOT and available for trial by other states. ... Software tools for traffic volume data such as ATR and Short Duration counts that produce AADT are also available. Please read the manuals on this link for more information Kistler WIM-Datalogger (5204A) Dowloading and Archiving Software Tool (KisDA.exe). Kistler-Datalogger Downloading and Archiver (KisDA) is a utility program that downloads vehicle records from a designated Kistler WIM Data Logger (i.e., 5204A) and archives them into daily archived data files. The files produced by KisDA are translated to Bull-CSV format through BullConverter. BullReporter is then used to process Bull-CSV formatted files, which is capable to produce a wide range of data analyses reports. Solar/Wind Hybrid Renewable Street Light Lack of easily accessible power source and/or the high cost of brining electric utility to remote rural areas made deployment of rural ITS technologies economically not justifiable to many remote rural roads. For example, the cost of bringing a utility power line to a rural intersection is approximately $3 per foot in Minnesota. This would lead to an initial investment of $316,800 to just bring in the electric power for the locations where they are 20 miles away from a power distribution center. Such a high cost is rarely justifiable for most rural ITS applications. To address this problem, Prof. Taek Kwon at UMD recently developed a solar/wind integrarated hybrid renewable light pole technology for rural ITS applications. This light pole could power other ITS applications without the concerns of power line installation or monthly utility bills. ... more Development and Evaluation of an Advanced LED Warning System for Rural Intersections: ALERT-1, ALERT-2 In Minnesota, 70 percent of all intersection-related fatal crashes for the period of 2006 to 2008 occurred at rural, through/stop intersections. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) identified improving the design and operation of intersections as a critical emphasis area in the Minnesota Comprehensive Highway Safety Plan. At these intersections, sight restrictions caused by vertical and horizontal curves negatively affect a driver’s ability to safely accept a gap in the traffic stream. more
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