Color Mixing

Joy of Visual Perception

Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer Light and Color

Light speed: 186, 000 miles per second


Isaac Newton's Prism Experiment


Electromagnetic Spectrum




How We See Color



Cones in our eyes respond to one of three ranges of wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What do you see in the circle below?

For persons who have cones that perceive a wider bandwidth of the color spectrum in the red and green color ranges, the eye has difficulty distinguishing different colors.

Interactive Color Blindness Test
Color IQ Test

If cones see color, what do rods do?

The rods in our eyes perceive contrast, so highlights and shadows are always relative values.

Here's Proof

More Eye Games

The Magic Disappearing Dots

Highlights and Shadows

Color Temperature

Even though all lighting sources may be considered white light, the temperature of the source can be viewed as different colors.

All white sources of light do not offer all wavelengths of the color spectrum.

Additive color mixing involves multiple sources of light with different colors in each source.

Color Wheel

Primaries of Light

Subtractive color mixing involves a single source of light with different colors absorbing various wavelengths of the color spectrum.

Courtesy of Jan-Eric Nyström, Helsinki, Finland and The American WideScreen Museum, Houston, Texas

Additive and Subtractive Color Mixing Further Explained

Comparison of Additive and Subtractive Primay Colors
Secondary colors of one system serve as the primary colors for the other.

Color Mixing

Primaries and Secondaries of Additive Color Mixing

Rx74 Rx90


Reading the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Curve

Experiment with Color Spectrums

Selective Reflection vs Selective Transmission

Subtractive Color Mixing with Pigment Subtractive Color Mixing with Color Filters

Combining Colored Light with Colored Pigments

Color Mixing Chart

Primaries and Secondaries of Additive Color Mixing

Reading the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) Curve

Experiment with Color Spectrums

Interactive Color Mixing

Complimentary Color Mixing

Mixing two colors to achieve white light involves using one primary color and a secondary color created by the other two primary colors.

Color Mixing for the Stage

Warm Color
Rx 01 - Light Bastard Amber

Cool Color
Rx 63 - Pale Blue

Neutral Color
Rx 51 - Surprise Pink

Color Mixing

From Color in Light
by Larry Wild

Make a Splash with Color

Color Vision & Art

Subtractive Color Mixing

Additive Color Mixing Java Demonstration

Color Science

Swatchbook Ballet


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